WARNING: Contains profanity & triggering language.
Got this message on my public Facebook page last night.
I get these kind of messages often. It is not possible to be a woman who speaks up about anything and NOT receive messages like this. Misogynists have threatened to rape me, come to my home and kill my family, and silence me in myriad violent ways — and more often than not, when there is this kind of hateful message the word they call me is: Cunt.
Cunt is a hard word. It makes us cringe right? It feels scary. Words feel scary when they are MEANT to feel scary. Misogynists call women cunts when they are trying to instill fear, trying to put us back in our place, trying to remind us that what our identity boils down to is: our cunt. And our cunt is really all we’re permitted to use, not our brain or heart or voice or passion or anger or even body, really. And so when a man calls me a cunt, I know what he is saying: Know your worth — you are nothing. You are here for no other reason than for me to use. So lie down and shut up. There is violence implied and that’s not an accident. There is a snarled lip and maybe a knife, even.
I went to sleep after reading that message. I woke up to this screenshot from Sister:
Here is the thing that misogynists need to keep relearning:
If you call a woman a cunt, you are calling your sister and your mother and your infant daughter a cunt also. You are actively creating a world in which it is okay to call those women cunts. You are releasing poison into the air that the women in your life WILL BREATHE BACK IN. You are poisoning your own people. You cannot hate a woman for speaking her mind without hating all of us. Women are a package deal.
There are not two of you, sir. There is not you, the father – and you, the internet misogynist. The internet you IS YOU. If you are a misogynist on the internet, you are also a misogynist in your daughter’s nursery. While you are holding her. While you are whispering to her your dreams for her: That she uses her heart and her mind and her passion to live a big life of purpose.
That’s what you want for her right? That’s what all women want. To be able to be fully human without the threat of violence.
Quit hating your daughter, sir. She’s a Warrior.
When we know better, we do better. You know better now. Step up. For her.
All Best,

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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My mother is the Cunt from Hell.
I love to hate her.
I even pray to my God (not yours) that she is burning in Hell right now (she’s dead).
She’s not burning in Hell just yet, Satan and God are still arguing over what to do with her because Satan doesn’t want her.
Most people who suffer from the delusion that they are ” Christians ” have never actually read The Bible.
Even if they did read it, they wouldn’t really understand what God has actually said in it.
Almost all of the people who believe they are ” Christians ” WILL be going to burn in Hell, they are ” false Christians “.
The above statement is right in The Bible.
Your god is some fictitious character that you made up in your imagination.
You have no clue as to who the real God is.
You make up some fictitious set of ideas based on who and what YOU think he should be, then lie to everyone that’s who he is.
If you think; there is no God, don’t fret, one day you WILL meet him face-to-face, and then you can tell to his face that he doesn’t exist.
Parents who treat their children badly ARE GOING TO BURN IN HELL !
I agree with Nancy below. Also, my own mother and sisters were and are CUNTS. Its a shame, but so many women, really are. Most women I work with, are as well. Most women make the rest of us look really bad.
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Nice article. More feminist drivel from a Cunt. As a woman, I am offended by this shit. Do better Lady. Be better, not a Cunt.
This is so funny because women do not like the word but are perfectly fine with portraying themselves as a CUNT after being called a CUNT. They act like they are better than men while calling them dicks and assholes. You are not feminist you are a men hater, no better than the men that hate you. CUNT
The use of such dehumanizing language not only reflects an individual’s attempt to instill fear but also reveals a broader societal issue where women’s worth is diminished to a mere object of violence.
It’s a stark reminder of the ongoing struggle against gender-based violence and the urgent need for societal change.
Shut up you soppy cunt.
so what cunt.
Dr Kola Kolawole, male Psychiatrist from Hamilton Ontario had been convicted of second degree felony, forcible sexual abuse, and third degree felony forcible sodomy… molestation of three juvenile patients at the ontario facility where he worked, and sexual assault of a highschool girl in a park. My daughters been traumatized by him, and now suffers from constant nightmares of him we’re so sick and tired…. Merry Christmas
Humanity is mostly made up of garbage with a few gems, which is why most “people” go straight to the garbage disposal. Oblivion ate it.
You’re still a cunt.
I was thinking bitchy behavior can be sporadic, happen naturally as a result of normal life circumstances / events, can often be balanced with nice behavior at other times, etc. Cunt on the other hand, in English anyway, implies bitchy-like behavior that is preplanned, systematic, directed towards another like a campaign with objectives and goals. i.e. digging deep to be manipulative and destructive.
Your powerful message against misogyny and hate is both courageous and necessary. It’s disheartening to see such toxic language directed at anyone, especially women who dare to speak their minds. Your words remind us that misogyny affects us all, and it’s crucial for everyone to stand against it. Let’s create a world where women can express themselves without fear of violence or hatred. Thank you for shedding light on this important issue.
Kind regards,
Whatever happened to the very real good old fashioned women that we once had?
Stop acting like this is the 1900 bro. No woman’s just gonna take abuse from people like you anymore and you have to come to terms with that or else ya gonna end up in the offenders list
Aww even your father can’t answer that question
Filthy cunts are a dime a dozen these days.
Reading many of these comments about women is so very true, especially the ones that have no manners and personality at all when it comes to most of us single guys today.
Are you just mad because no woman likes you? Because it 100 percent sounds like that. Maybe it’s not us woman who have no personally but you? Have you ever thought of that? Or trying to keep a relationship? Or maybe I don’t know not be a misogynistic piece of soggy cardboard? It’s really easy actually! Just don’t blame woman for not liking you! Do we have to love you? No! Do we have to marry you? Nope! Do we have to have your baby’s? DEFINITELY NOT! So stop being in your own emo world and wake up to reality. Because we all don’t have to fit your wants and needs, we are our own individuals
So your comment reads that the reason you’re single is because most single women are basically less than most single guys.
But I don’t have the time or the crayons to explain it to you.
But thanks for the laugh
Nice. I got to learn something new here.
WOW these comments are appalling and exactly why we need the work you’re doing, Glennon. Thank you for being strong enough to stand up to patriarchal bullshit especially when it is as harsh and intense as the people in this comment section. Warrior on. Strong women change the world.
Honestly thank you so much for your page. I’ve perused all kinds of topics on your channel, and I always thoroughly enjoy all of your content.
It’s one thing to refer to a woman you disagree with as a cunt. That’s an unacceptable coward’s way out.
But to refer to a woman’s genitalia as cunt is fine: oh, baby, your cunt is so tight; oh, baby I love eating your cunt; please bring your cunt to my mouth…
Most women nowadays have brain damage as it is which is why MGTOW is a real lifesaver.
That may be because it’s scientifically proven that verbal abuse affects the brain in a life threatening way!!
I don’t know how to thank you enough for this! ❤️ I came across this by accident after Googling verbal abuse and the “c” word. The first time I heard this word was on my wedding day, after marrying my husband! It used to be that calling a woman a bitch was bad enough, and it’s sad that society has accepted these words as everyday terms when they are abusive and devalue women. I wish every man could read your article and reconsider how they treat women. Women, it starts with you! Teach your sons to respect and protect the women in their lives. One of my proudest moments was when my son stood up to his abusive dad and said to “have respect for my mother”.
Oink Oink
ok pay pig. keep buying her books LMAO
The average woman nowadays just sleep around with different men all the time which makes them real pigs to begin with, since they will never ever be able to settle down with only one guy unfortunately. Been there.
Yaaaaaa broken hear always leads to misogynist. For nerly all men—– so they just bundle all woman up as the same girl who broke there heart! Get help and grow from your break up before you become deranged and think all woman will just hand over there virginity to the nearest man
Most liberals and conservatives are all under mkultra. So anything you say or believe is completely suspect. Most of you watch that stupid idiot box too much. But, what can you expect from people who can make it on their own? Most of you if society collapsed, you would die because you depend on the government. Criminals run our government. And they are in both main stream parties, but most of you are just too damn stupid to realize you’ve been played. Most of us with street smarts know the game. But I’ve notice most Democrats and Republicans are so damn stupid it’s no longer funny. How about you all grow up and lose the me me me? Because it’s not all about you! And if you feel it is all about you, then you are just a selfish prick.
You have truth in your words for the most part , but wow dude there’s resentment and hate in your message !! Temper the message because you sound anti-governnent which fine , but where do you go from there ?? Anarchy ??
You just 1000 percent proved her point! Nin-ka-POOP!!
C Women are everywhere these days, and complete Psycho’s altogether.
Amen, Glennon. This applies strongly with sexual pornography and media desensitization. Our bodies are not a commodity… men or women. Warrior on… J~
Yeah, women like you are losers.
Says ya dude, can’t even get one girl for a week at max
Someone, you most likely were dropped on you head when you were born.
The fiercest Warrior I knew ended her life last week. She was exhausted. She had been raped repeatedly as a child after being abandoned (via suicide) by her mother as a toddler.She was the fiercest warrior I knew because she practiced courage daily. She used her courage to help others. She always reminded me of my wholeness when I couldn’t see it. My wholeness became fragmented when I was raped by a friend in college. I’ve just finished Untamed and Love Warrior in quick succession. They opened a portal to me that can not be closed. I left myself a long time ago, and I’ve returned. I’ll never betray or leave myself again, and it’s uncomfortable, but theres no going back.
If you have to warn people about profanity and being triggered….
You’re a twat.
‘If you call a woman a cunt, you are calling your sister and your mother and your infant daughter a cunt also. You are actively creating a world in which it is okay to call those women cunts.’
False equivalence. The woman (usually with blue hair) may have demonstrated behaviour to lead to the nasty word being used. Female relatives usually haven’t.
That is all.
if anyone has an issue with this, just admit you hate women and go! men don’t even try to hide their misogyny and sheer hatred for us anymore, just look at elliot rodger.
Nope. They’re calling YOU a cunt, ya dumb bitch.
Awwww another broken heart! Or you just can’t get a girl and are so mad you just hate us all? It’s amusing honestly
You are an idiot who no woman wants, go screw an ape and stop contaminating the gene pool with your inferior genetics
Most women back in the old days were the best. Today they really suck.
Ok Grandpa you keep crazy
Excellent blog right here! I really enjoyed your article! thank you very much!
Really? I thought it was rather cunty.
Most women these days unfortunately are parasites.
And the men act like man children so what’s your misogynistic point?
And if most women did have a brain today, they would be very dangerous.
Very true.
Actually, most women are intelligent, vivacious goddesses.
It’s most men these days that are misogynistic, lying pieces of shit. I won’t even bother cautioning you to think before you type shit like this, because you don’t have a heart any more than you have a brain.
Complain all you want, but the past is done. Women have the power now, and we’ll never let you take it away from us.
Said the low life loser herself.
This dumb bitch is delusional. This is what happens when you close down psych hospitals, twats like this on the streets.
Say hello to each of the cats from me.
go jerk your tiny dick to anime girls more
misandrist, Burn in hell you low life loser.
Some women like dogs actually, any animal is better than keeping one of you around tbh
I’m pretty sure that you are a gross fat disgusting whore, Athena. By the way, how fucking dare you use the name of a Goddess when you are a gross pig. Fuck you fatty. lol
Is the small peen little boy mad? Just admit you’re obsessed with her and go! I pity the women in your family knowing a scumbag like you exists. Really worked up over a USERNAME, men really are pathetic
Anybody else smell bad fish and armpits wafting in the air around this discussion board?
Are you trying to be an edgy edge Lord? Coz ya really sound like it little boy
Lmao you men have nothing to offer and most of you don’t have money, how the hell are women parasites? There is nothing to leech off of lmao
PleaseGoAway Get a life already you filthy pig.