I just want to write to you this morning. Nothing fancy, just me and my coffee and you. Like this. It’s 5:45AM. I love mornings so very much. Everything is so simple and peaceful and I always feel like: everything’s fine. What was I so worried about yesterday? Then everybody starts waking up and I start remembering.
I’m good over here, you guys. A little overwhelmed, maybe. I’ve got the book coming out in a few months and I have two fears about that. First, there’s gonna be a lot of hoopla. It’s unavoidable. It makes me feel jittery to think about. My plan is to ignore it all and stay grounded in service with you and honesty to you. As my dad says, When you get to the party: dance with the one that brought you. Service and truth: that’s what brought us. The other reason I’m scared is that the book is so honest. It makes everything else I’ve ever written seem like I was holding back. I mean, I wrote much of this new book thinking no one would ever read it. And it’s about my marriage- not just me- and secrets that no one talks about. And I’ve learned (sort of) how to take public exposure and criticism (cry and eat) but Craig hasn’t. I feel scared for us. So I keep reminding myself that shame is either true or it isn’t. And that truth either sets us free or it doesn’t. I’m banking everything on: Shame isn’t true and the truth sets us free. I just keep whispering to God: I hope you know what you’re doing, Sister.
About our project to Take Back Mother’s Day, here’s what I think about that this morning:
You guys, here’s why I’m most grateful. Because I need something to DO. Ironically—I’m so sick of words. I’m sick of meaningless words coming out of people’s mouths on the television and I’m sick of words words words on the interwebs and I’m sick of arguing arguing arguing—I’m even sick about arguing about important things—like people’s rights. Because it’s all starting to feel like a show to me. Like the arguing is more about the arguers’ egos than the defense of the folks they’re arguing about. It’s like we’re all trying to win instead of serve. Like we’re all trying to be right instead of good. It’s all just KILLING me. How are we going to make it till November?
The other part that kills me is that while everybody keeps talking and arguing on the news there is actually REAL NEWS happening.
We get in real time direct updates every day from Help Refugees, you guys. So while the TV is telling me that that THE BIG NEWS is what Trump just said, I’m looking at a message from Dani telling me that our volunteers have found a little 9-year Syrian boy wandering alone on the streets of Athens, a boy who lost both his parents when they drowned on one of those damn boats trying to get to Lesvos. And so we’ve found him and we’ve taken him to a shelter for unaccompanied children—a shelter that we are funding—so that he’ll have a safe place to sleep tonight. And so I’m thinking about that message while I’m looking at the TV, thinking about the fact that there are tens of thousands of more kids like him in Europe right now, and I feel scared. Because why aren’t we hearing about this? Why is the breaking news another Trump quote?
And then I log onto the internet and see twelve think pieces about bathrooms and Target and where transgender people can and can’t pee—but the thing is that I just got off the phone with a volunteer at a homeless shelter for transgender youth who told me that she’s turning kids away because there are no beds left. So we are yelling at Target boycotters while so many of the kiddos we’re defending are cold and hungry and alone. I know it’s all related: but to me the arguing and bravado feels dangerously distracting. Because we can SAY something and mistake that for DOING something. Isn’t providing one meal for a transgender youth at least as helpful as twelve think pieces? I just wish we could dedicate at least ten percent of our news coverage to our hurting brothers and sisters and at least ten percent of our activism to ACTING. Our addiction to info-tainment is scaring me. It’s tricking us into believing that we are more polarized than we actually are- and that we have time to be offended and to bicker but we actually don’t – because our children are starving and freezing and dying. It has been said that religion is the opiate of the masses but I think it might be the news.
I just want to stop arguing and talking you guys. I was watching some politicians yell at each other last night and I thought: I’m not mad at you. I just don’t have time for this. I need to spend my life in a different realm than this. Maybe the answers and solutions aren’t even in the political realm. Maybe the answers are in everyday people like me and you just quietly choosing love and service.
I don’t want to argue about walls and borders and bathrooms. Today, I just want to feed some hungry children. And it’s not hard. When we put down the need to be right and we just love—the burden is light.
So today, I’m going to feed ONE. I’m going to shelter ONE. That’s a good use of a day, of a life. And of course, I’m gonna vote–I’m gonna activate when it’s necessary. But mostly I’m going to serve and give. Fewer words, more action. Love is a not an argument. It’s not necessarily what you say on your Facebook page but what you do with your time, your talent, your money.
And also, this: We’ve raised $380,000 thousand dollars since yesterday. When we get $150,000 more—that will mean that you and The Compassion Collective will have raised a total of 2 million dollars together. You cannot even image how far this will go. I am so excited about the good this will do for our refugee partners—and this time I am also so, so excited to go meet some of these homeless youth here in America. I just feel this POTENTIAL for us there. These kiddos filled with hope and talent and promise- these artists and geniuses and poets and athletes and future activists living on the streets. Nope. We NEED them. So we’ve got to help. I’m excited to get to know them. To make new friends.
But—listen. I’m going to take a different approach as we continue this effort. Last night, before we went to bed, I was fretting. Craig asked me how much we’re raised — and I told him I was stressed. Told him I was worried we were knee deep in refugee fatigue, compassion fatigue. I couldn’t sleep. And he said: just don’t let your ego sneak in.
And I thought. Whoa. Wait. THAT’S RIGHT. It is so weird how even LOVE can be poisoned by ego if we don’t watch carefully. And so today: I will not think about GOALS I will think about GRATITUDE. About how unbelievably lucky I am to have the trust and love of you- of this community, of this movement of doers and lovers and givers and laughers and criers. We are a beautiful, beautiful mess and I love us. I am I in this with you for the long haul. Let’s never leave each other.
“Someday, after mastering the winds, the waves, the tides and gravity, we shall harness the energies of love, and then, for a second time in the history of the world, man will have discovered fire.”
~Pierre Teilhard de Chardin
Let’s always remember that today is someday. Let’s continue to harness the energies of love to ignite a worldwide wildfire that will provide warmth and light for millions.
Nations of people will see our flames rising and they will say: Who lit that fire? Curiosity will draw them closer and they will see us huddled around, faces lit up, shoulders touching shoulders, hands extended to the center– and they will stand and watch and wonder who we are. And eventually they will get brave ask one of us: May I join your circle? And our answer will always be the same: YES, Sister. YES, Brother. Come out of the cold and warm yourself. Everyone, everyone, every last one of God’s children is welcome in our circle. And the circle will grow bigger and wider and the fire will grow with us because each will add her flame. We will grow until we have collected every last one of us. Until there is simply no one left out in the cold. Until we are finally gathered. And we will sing.
Thank you for warming and lighting the word, Love Warriors. We will keep this effort going until Mother’s Day. Then we will rest and love and feel grateful. We will feel hope rising. We will feel the warmth of the fire we built.
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Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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This is a powerful message. I love your call to action to focus on love and service over arguments. Absolutely, helping one person is a start! I especially appreciate the reminder about gratitude – it’s easy to get overwhelmed but so important to focus on the positive impact. Count me in! Also you can enjoy playing pokemon switch games.
Yeah you’re absolutely right about it!
I appreciate you being a real place… I am very grateful and in love for all the brightness you have given me!
I live in Brazil your book will be published here?
Dude you just said everything that is true about the world right now. You are so right, everyone keeps arguing about equality and right vs. wrong, but 90% of it is trying to feed their egos of being right. If we love first, we won’t care about being right. We are already living in the Truth and no argument can waste our time.
Since receiving my own “News” I have gone back to the first post you wrote in 2012 revealing The News to your readers, and I have been reading every entry from that one forward. I am only at the end of 2013, so I still have a ways to go, but it is giving me hope. I hope that the path I am walking with my husband will be worth it in the end, and that all my conflicting emotions and confusion and heartbreak and reading and counseling will lead us to a better place where I will finally have clarity and understanding. I hope that someday I will look back at this awful, cruel, and unfair situation and be grateful for the self-awareness it gave us and the depth it added to our relationship and the wisdom it brought into our lives to share with others.
I know you are nervous, but I am SO grateful to you for being brave and telling your story. And thank you to your family for being brave, too. I can’t wait to see you speak this summer and read Love Warrior – I know it will add tremendously to my healing process and give voice to some of the emotions I have bottled up, unable to access or understand or explain. The number of people you will be helping will far outweigh the critics. Thank you for the strength your words have given me to believe I can do hard things and it is worth it to choose love.
Please.tell me this is real.call me.please.I need this from you.I try to push forward and now I can’t stop worrying about you.
Dear Glennon,
I’m so excited that someone is going to tell my truth. In a book. About what’s been going on at my house too.
I’ll be in the crowd this summer crying, cheering and hanging on to your every word. Because I don’t want to live in shame of what what husband became. How it hurt us and then has healed is in ways I can not ever explain. Sometimes we have to be brought to our knees to feel the full glory of gods love and love for ourselves and each other.
Oh Glonnon, I know that fear you feel for Craig. How you want to protect him and not wound him, but how the truth is so very important to you and healing…
Thank you for being so brave.
Again, I’ll be there this summer. And be so very proud of you and Craig for speaking out and living in truth.
Bless you both.
Craig would never ever hurt anyone.I know.he does realize what is there for him .he does not use his hands and is really working on inside voice.the kids alone have made it easy almost
I’ve already donated, but I’m going back today to donate in the names of my mother, my husband’s mother, and my grandmothers. That equals more than $25, but the Monkees and the Compassion Collective set my heart on fire.
🙂 mom worries too much for us.she is sick .hurt.very worn down.its hard to see and she refuses to stop helping
YES, Glennon. YES. Thank you for giving us a way to DO. Less words, more action. Less info-tainment, more….love-tainment? JK that’s not a word, but you know what I mean.
Thank you! Have a great day!
Happy Mother’s Day and Thank You for your great courage, leadership, and communications!
As Gandhi said, “Poverty is the worst form of violence.” I believe this applies to love and compassion poverty as well as financial…You are helping many and righting a great wrong…
I need to say happy mothers day still.I can’t believe I couldn’t
Thank you thank you thank you for putting into words what I have been feeling for months. I am so tired of talk. I went into the job I have now thinking I would have an impact on people and lately it has been nothing but talk. I feel such a call to action… I am trying to quietly accept guidance on what that action should be and keep fears and such out of it. Participating in the compassion collective helps.
Shame is a very heavy burden that I have carried for forty nine years. I spoke the truth of my shame five days ago. Speaking the truth removed the burden. All that goes along with it I will leave to God. Transparency is what God wants for us to that others and yourself are set free because we hear and see that others are just like us and we have compassion, forgiveness and love for them and not condemnation. Your book will set you and your husband free and so many others!
You are pretty much the most amazing person on the planet.
The internet is a teenager. I wish I could tell my teenage self, “Shhhh, calm down. Years from now, those strident opinions will be nothing more than mild embarrassments.” Unfortunately the internet may never grow up. It will only if critical masses of grownups show up, and inhibit their impulses to shout back at the shouters.
Got my fingers crossed! Meanwhile, YOU are the doer and the inspirer of doers. YOU are what we need. You remind me of my best self, and I’m really really trying to let her lead me.
Thank you Glennon for being a beacon of light to my heart. It’s like God knows what I need to see to keep me afloat and sometimes he uses you to deliver His love to me.
I’m so weary of the talking and no action. I’ve had a relapse of one or more of my illnesses so I’m exhausted as all heck. But!!! I’m working to start a fundraiser for a cause that is dear to me. You inspire me, my blessed sister. Love to all my family here!!!
I used to volunteer with stand up for kids, a homeless youth outreach program. I haven’t lived in a city until now that had the program. Your post just inspired me to reach out to them and see if I can vunteer with them again. Thank you! So much wisdom and truth and common sense in this post.
Oh how I wish I could have you all over to my house for coffee, or wine… The energy of all of you along with Momma/Sister/Friend Glennon makes me happy and I Long for your company! Thank you ALL for being incredible Women, sharing love with Glennon… God bless you all!!
Thank you Glennon for being the center of the great Momastery Universe… And I love your hubby’s reminder about your Ego!! I truly believe we should check our Ego like we should wipe our feet when we come in from outdoors… Check It at the door to our soul!
Glennon, when your heart aches the most, know you are not alone. The love and light you bring to the world is clearing the way for your love mob to follow right beside you dear one. This week has been a difficult one. You’ve worn your heart on your sleeve and in an effort to give back to those who need it most, it takes something from you. Rest well Sister Glennon, we can lift you up tonight and fill your heart and soul with the love you share with us everyday. Rest well and know today was a good day. You are saying what you’ll do and doing what you say. That’s serving others honorably and selflessly. From my heart to yours, peace and comfort while you rest to fight again tomorrow. Heneine, Glennon. -H-
I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you for your openness, kindness, and compassion. Referring to the first part of your post, I can only imagine how scary it must be to be so incredibly honest in your new book. I want to tell you, I am truly looking forward to reading it and learning from your words, wisdom and experiences. I am sorry that you have to experience the pain of criticism and fear of rejection…I can’t say it is worth it because I am not the one who has to experience that, but I am truly grateful for what you have been selfless enough to share so far. Your thoughts and words have inspired me to keep going through hard and seemingly hopeless places. And i gave 6 copies of your book to my friends who have also benefited from your honesty and wisdom and hilarity!!! So, ten thousand thank yous for being vulnerable and willing to share!!!!
Shane’s always true or it wouldn’t be shame. What you’ve got to do with that, though, is look it in the eye, wrastle it to the ground, and deal with it. You’ve got to say, “Yeah, that’s me, I did that, I own it. But I see it for what it is now. I’m fixing that.” That’s how you kill shame. Honesty. It’s the cure for so many ills.
Glennon…I have been trying to donate since 10:00 yesterday morning. After completing the form to donate $25, it states on the bottom that I’m donating $0.97. Has anyone else had this problem?
Jane: I had tgat issue at first. Here’s how I fixed it: If you have any characters ($, or a period after your $25), take them all out. Just type in 25. It should update to the correct donation amount. I think the girl only accepts numbers.
Glennon, the answer never is in the political realm; look at history! The answer always is in the common everyday person making a right choice of love and service more than self. Being faithful in the mundane. Thank you for leading as you do and challenging us to do just that. You are so appreciated!
Thank You Glennon- Thank you for being a place of real… Much love and gratitude for all the light you have brought to me!
Sweet Glennon, please don’t fret about what people will say to/about Craig when your book comes out. I know, that’s like saying, “don’t worry about your kids.” WHATEVER. But know this: THE TWO OF YOU are doing a great service to the world for speaking your truth. Because it happens, and it’s sad, and there are feelings, and they are real. But they’re always secrets and the only way you find out that others share your pain is by paying a therapist who shares stories of other people the therapist knows (are they made up to make us feel better?) I’d kind of rather read your book because at least I know IS the truth and you’re funny. I’ve never met a funny therapist. So thank you AGAIN for your truth. I admire you both for Warrioring on and staying the course. You’re very special people. Peace and joy to you and Craig!
Thank you so much for doing what you do. What a gift you are to this world!
love all of this!! thank you again….
Telling the Truth is a powerful thing. A lot of people don’t like it. Keep telling it anyway. So glad to be in on the love revolution with you!
In the face of acrimony and all that anger and yelling and posturing, my Dad used to tell folks, “I don’t live in that neighborhood anymore.”
So, let’s not live in their neighborhood and continue to build our own, as you are doing, Glennon.
Thanks for everything.
Thank you for writing words that speak to my Soul Self, encouraging her and reminding her what this is all about when ego self is getting the story all wrong! I have been blessed to connect with a group of women, calling ourselves Spirit Gypsies on a mission to Spread The Love. Your description of our circle, growing and expanding, connecting us ALL at the heart level is so beautiful! Come One, Come All 🙂 we CAN do hard things and together we WILL change the world!
Dear Glennon-
I am sorry to hear about your pain and anxiety today. I can feel them in your words. It is so scary to throw a party and then have people not show up, or not show up on time and you might think, “Wait! The last party was so great. Why aren’t they showing up this time and bringing as much goodies to share?” I wish I had an easy answer. It feels so good to see the numbers going through the roof right away! The slow burn is so much less satisfying for our egos… But, I am holding you in lovingkindness right now. I hold your partners too, but they seems so much more invulnerable in some ways. They seem tough and cool and you are the little sister who started the whole thing, but hides in the back. You – you are the one holding this all in your broken-open heart. So, know that your community is holding you in Love, the big Love, the Love without end, the Love that you are pouring out into the world with your visions and actions and words and your very self. With you, I look on it and know it is all good, but that the response could be better, and wonder how we could make it so. It isn’t ours to decide. It’s ours to Love and then let go of. Mil abrazos y besos.
Sending you love
Dear Glennon — Just a quick note about your book. I wanted to share with you that I spent the weekend watching Beyonce’s new art, the poetry-video-music album: Lemonade, about her marriage, her life and the lives of African American women. Her courage made me think of you. One of the contributions of her art — “If Beyonce can feel invisible, anyone can” — has so much in common with one of the contributions of your art. If you haven’t taken time to watch it, I highly recommend it. And, please know that we are all here to support your making beautiful art out of our collective experience of being women an being human. Bless you and bless Craig.
Glennon, whenever you are angry or scared because of the television – turn it off. And focus on what you want to believe, what you want to do, what you are here for. Focus on love, on God, on good, on your friends and family, on what you know to be true. Turn off the bickering, the arguing, the noise, the distraction, don’t listen to them. They are eating away the energy you need, the energy you can use a better way. They are trying to tell you that you can’t do it, but we know better, don’t we ? Look at what you have already done, it’s stunning !! You don’t have to listen to them, take back the attention they want from you, because your attention is better used on things you can ACTUALLY change ! You brought us together so we can change things, all of us. This you can do. This you are good at, this is your reality. Not the arguing politicians. Besides voting, there is nothing else you can do about them, so once your choice is made, why would you give them more of your energy ? Use it for your own reality 🙂 Choose where your energy is going to, because it’s YOURS.
Love you.
Dear Glennon,
Thank you for helping put so many of my thoughts into words. The truth is my soul hurts and rebels because the world and my soul are so not on the same plane. This triggers my ego so much. Your writing always can bring me back to love. I always start my day with gratitude. By noon I always have to be reminded again. Anyway. I love you and your truth!
Your fellow truth and service warrior,
There are many of us, Glennon. And, we are strong together. When things get tough for you; come to us. Just as you seem to always be there for so many by saying just what we need to hear and what reflects our exact thoughts. Thank you for being such a catalyst for so many!
This resonates so deeply and gives words to my anger and what I see but also what I DON’T SEE. My sisters and I are in! ReLOVEution!
This speaks so clearly to how I feel in today’s political climate — helpless, angry, exhausted. But words like yours add fuel to the fire of my hope, and I think, “Together, we can make a difference.”
Thank you for sharing your heart with the world!
Thank you for being you!
All my life I’ve said that I wish there was a “happy news” station. How great would that be? Just stories that would give you hope and lift your spirit and see all the good in the world. Rather than the news we are fed now. That would be sure to inspire and change our focus, don’t you think?
I love what you’re doing and am grateful.
That’s why I need to read pamgrout.com whenever I can. It’s really inspiring and full of miracle stories. Check it out ! 🙂
I will print this out and reread and reread and meditate with it because it speaks to me as a reminder and as truth. Service and truth. Feed and shelter ONE. When I am freaking out about my PURPOSE well this is a gentle reminder that my purpose above all is love. Thank you thank you thank you.
There is a Brian Andreas story that makes me think of you and your tribe: “Once, there was a girl who wanted to change the world & at first, she thought it’d be easy, because if everyone could see how beautiful it’d be, it’d take about a minute. But all the people she talked to were too busy busy busy busy to stop and listen. So, she went off & did beautiful things all on her own & pretty soon people were stopping & asking if they could come along & do that, too & that’s how she figured out how worlds change.”
Thank you – to you and the entire warrior team – for working so hard to give everyone an opportunity to change the world.
YES ! And also : “It was impossible. There were a few persons in a corner who didn’t know. They did it.”
Thank you, Glennon for all you and the other warriors do. Happy Mother’s Day to all.
Service and truth. I can live for that.
Holding you close, always and forever, dear Glennon.
Also, I love Craig. So wise.