TEAM LOVE WINS! TEAM LOVE WINS!!!!!! YOU GUYS!!!! Let’s talk about what happened during the past 24 hours. SWEET FANCY MOSES. YOU DID IT.
One day, while planning this Love Flash Mob, I found myself on the phone listening to Liz announce the board’s intention to include EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THE 176 SHEROES NOMINATED. As I listened to Liz- I sensed two things. First: panic rising in my chest. Second: this verse rising above the panic: Give to all who ask of you. Give to all who ask of you, Give to all who ask of you. Then my brain kicked in and patted that sweet thought on the head and said to it with a patronizing smile: “Well, aren’t you precious, little verse? That’s impossible. GIVE TO EVERYONE. HA! Sit down, you ridiculous audacious verse.”
And then I heard from God. For me, hearing from God is really just like hearing an internal voice that’s a little calmer, braver, truer, more certain than my typical incessant, maddening Minnie-Mouse-Without-Her-Anxiety-Meds inner chatter. It felt like what this truer voice was trying to say to me was: Sugar, step out of the way, please. You are not the boss of me.
And so I swallowed hard and said: Okay. Okay- Liz. Let’s do it. Let’s choose them all. And we worked and planned and plotted because we believe in both faith AND SWEAT.
And then I woke up yesterday morning and it was LOVE FLASH MOB time. No turning back now. And I said to God what I say to God everyday: “Okay, I showed up. Your turn. Love you. Good luck with all this.” Then my doorbell rang and it was Amy. She came to hold hands and stare at the computer with me all day. When I opened the door Amy was standing there wearing a dress and fancy earrings and holding a bag of Twizzlers. She said: “Since I don’t go to many parties, I decided to get dressed up for this one. Also, this party is a potluck. Unfortunately, I ate most of my offering on the way over here. Sorry about that. ”
And then we settled in together—Amy and I in Florida—Liz, Sister, and Allison in Virginia—and we watched God show up to our party BIG TIME. THROUGH YOU.
We posted yesterday’s essay at 9. By ten we had enough for Jennifer’s family’s van.
By 11 we had enough for Ellie’s legs.
By 12 we had enough for Joline’s car.
And then you kept giving.
The ACTIVISTS are the Sheros who, in many cases, have lived through the fire of hardship and tragedy and channeled their pain into service and outreach for others. Those of you who wrote to us about this group told us, almost without exception, this one thing: I know that my Shero wouldn’t want anything for herself. All she wants is for more people to know about her work so that she can keep caring for others.
And then you kept giving.
Light Givers are the awe-inspiring women you’ve seen carrying on with love in the face of sometimes overwhelming obstacles. Some of you asked for specific things for your Light Givers — strollers or housecleaning or air conditioners or a weekend of respite care–offerings of love to ease the weight of the world that many of these warriors carry. We’re in. We’re on it. We’re gonna help with the lifting.
And you didn’t stop. By the time I went to bed we had enough to shower those sheroes who needed to be Seen, Loved & Appreciated. Some of the most wonderful applications we received were from those of you who just wanted to write in and tell us about your remarkable friends. You wanted us to hear their stories and be witnesses to their courage. For this group, we are going to send YOU a gift card to spend on your Shero. Take her to lunch, get her a massage, buy her groceries or do something that will simply make her smile. We trust you to know how to honor her.
And let’s just say Mrs. B and her kiddos are gonna have themselves a PAR-TAAAAAY.
So I went to bed last night knowing we had enough.
And then I woke up this morning.
And there was more.
My goal—my BIG HUGE DREAM was $230,000. With that amount, we would have enough to give something real and meaningful and HELPFUL to each and every one of the 176 sHEROs.
Within 24 hours we had $259,245. That number went up to $268,248.15 in 26 hours. We raised over a quarter of a million dollars together.
These sheroes are going to be taken care of. Because of YOU. Because you showed up. And because you showed up, we can do more.
AND AND AND….We’ll do MORE for all our 176 Sheroes, and we’ll do MORE for the precious people who continue to write to us for help—people like Lorenzo and Jonathan and Clarissa and Stephanie and Jessica.
We’ll do more together, and we’ll do more for each other, because we believe with our whole hearts that when ONE OF US RISES, WE ALL RISE TOGETHER!!! And now I’m crying again. Again, again, again!!! How is it possible that I have ANY LIQUID left in me after all the tears and sweat??? Ahhh. Yes. The forty gallons of coffee. Right.
I wish we were all in the same place right now to celebrate. I wish we could just all sit together and talk about the miracle of it all. I wish we could snuggle up on the floor in sweatpants with bowls of chips and maybe edamame beans or something for our healthy lovies. But I want to sit closest to the chips. We will also need cupcakes. Lots of icing. Vanilla. Sprinkles. I feel like I’m getting off track here maybe.
Anyway-for now- this will have to do. Please feel my love through this screen. Not even for donating but just for believing with me. You make me less afraid. Life is brutiful, no? No way to thank you for doing life with me, and each other. We are not alone. We Belong To Each Other.
Love Wins. Ba-BAM.
Thank you, God. I promise not to doubt you for at least another thirty seconds.
Love you forever,
G and Amy and Sister and Liz and Allison and Katherine and Erin and Nicol and EVERYONE ELSE IN THE WHOLE WORLD.
PS: These gifts take time to give, and we have a whole lot of people to personalize and send gifts to. If you are a nominator and you don’t receive a personalized email from Together Rising by June 30, please email us at [email protected]. We are a 5-person all-volunteer Board, so please do give us until June 30th to work on these gifts before reaching out. Even though we LOVE to hear from you, we’d rather be fulfilling needs and gifts than emailing you back – that’s how much we REALLY LOVE giving gifts.
PPS: You are NOT too late. Love is never too late. We have needs we meet all year long everyday. Click below to donate.

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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This is the MOST AMAZING thing I’ve seen and have been honored to be able to help contribute!
In Schoolboy Runaway, timing is crucial to avoid traps and enemies.
Dear troop,
This is AMAZE BOMB! I recruited a few more ladies to join and we’re growing :).
These are mothers that I’ve connected with because our kids are on the spectrum.
Talk about warriors and villages. We do belong to each other!
What would this world do without you, Glennon? You’re a force of nature. Thank you for everything.
It’s completely awesome being able to live in the same time in history as the Love Wins brigade. I have nothing more to say, just a big smile of pride for the women who make up this community and are fierce about loving on any one they can (or can’t) get their hands on. What a lovely world we live in… full of lovers.
Love always wins, and you sure do exemplify the meaning of this in all that you do. This is truly inspirational. Keep breathing hope into all of us by your words and actions. XOX.
I’m just so in love with ALL of this (especially fancy Amy and her half-eaten Twizzlers). Well done, sisters. XOXO
Speechless….YOU GUYS ARE AWESOME! I wish I could say something cooler or snazzier but really–I just have no words right now. I am proud and honored and humbled to be sharing the planet with you. Love, love, love….Susan
Wow, that is just A-maz-ing, how much???? WO!! Mind blowing stuff, straight from God! x
If you need more volunteers just let me know! I would love to help.
me too!
I don’t know if I’m permitted to post anything but I just can’t help it. I had not heard about this community until I was nominated. I am just blown away by the connection, the support, the love, the beautiful words and overall the family that Glennon has inspired and thus created. My family did not feel like we deserved anything. This is life and it can ALWAYS be worse! We feel blessed even through our struggles.
There are so many out there that need help and I am so happy that you were able to help out all 176!! My mind is blown at how everyone came together! I’m so happy that Ellie got her legs and especially that she’ll be having a blast with them at summer camp! All these stories are so inspirational and beautiful. ALL OF YOU in this community are beautiful!! This is how lives change, this is how the world changes. One step at a time. <3
I can’t say thank you enough. My heart is so touched and the floodgates have been going for nearly 24 hours now. Much love to you all!!
Of COURSE you can post here! 🙂 In this place that Glennon has made for us, everyone is welcome. I am so happy for you and your family. Blessings, friend. and (((HUGS)))!!! 🙂
Thank you! I **really** appreciate it!! I’m still trying to absorb it all haha :} I wish you the best in everything :}
Oh my goodness, there you are! I think it’s super fantastic you are getting a new car, but I was a little worried about that washing machine. I thought, no WAY are they letting her drag two little girls and a bunch of stuff to the laundromat! But they didn’t. Huge relief. SO pleased for you and your little family. Thank you for your service.
Lol I would have done it, that’s for sure! I always have my girls in tow anyway. <3 I think it's just mindblowing about the car. I never in a million years would have thought something like this could happen. It really is amazing and beautiful. Thank you <3
Ditto what Jenny said. So happy for you and your family. Sending a Big Hug!
You belong here because like Glennon says we belong to each other!! My family is so happy for your family and we are grateful for your husband’s service. Big hugs mama, you are a real life SHERO!!! Xoxox
Someone said to me that our purpose for living is to love God with all your heart and all your mind , and what you do be a reflection of that love.
You will be known by the way you honor that love, The way you pass it on and what you leave in your wake in the form of joy .
Indeed love has no limits and knows no enemies or obstacles . It just is, it just does. Go team!
😀 Amazing. All of this. Amazing, amazing, amazing.
You (we) make me doubt less and hope more. xox
LOL sorry but as soon as I read that we had raised so much money (or rather, that God had raised it) I thought about the “jesse” post and “UNO, bitches!” Just seemed like an appropriate victory response!
Haha! Loved that post. And yours is funny, too. Yay us!!
Where can we get those cool “we can do hard things” tshirts I see people wearing in the comments?? My daughter and I want some….
and never mind… just found the link! off to buy……
Thank you, G, for all that you do. You inspire us all. I am so very proud to follow you and support all of your efforts. I want to scream from the rooftop “LOVE WINS!!!”
Thank you, Board, for your donation of time. Sending you all an extra-heaping dose of love today. Glennon, YOU are my SHERO.
Go world! Love wins!
yes, gotta second that one ~ thank you to all the board, for your time, dedication, energy and enthusiasm
and a big BIG love-filled thank you to G for making it all happen and being such an inspiration xx
This is the most amazing, wonderful, breath-taking, exciting, unbelievable thing I’ve EVER seen…and I’ve seen some amazing things!!!! I’m humbled to be a part of this “Community of Love”…it’s life changing!!! I donated in honor of my 7 sisters who are the most incredible Warriors!!!! Love you sisters…Mary, Sarah, Kathy, Jeannie, Maureen, Mollie & Peggy <3
What a testimony to people showing up and loving one another as Christ first loved us — with complete abandon. Outstanding!
THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! I will be waiting patiently for my phone to ding with an email letting me know how you are going to help honor Kristin! This makes me so so proud! Congrats to all!
Thank you specifically for my new favorite thing to say to God. “Okay, I showed up. Your turn. Love you. Good luck with all this.” My son had a bone marrow transplant a few weeks ago and while the transplant itself looks fairly promising, he’s had some life threatening complications and terrifying days and nights. We watched a miracle unfold and he’s still with us. He’s more stable now, but still very sick. I’m out of words to pray besides “heal my baby”. These should add a little variety. 🙂
Truly truly, when it’s all said and done, love is all that matters. And love really does win.
I’m adding ‘heal Lisa’s baby’ to my list. they’re pretty amazing words.
Me too! I’m adding “heal Lisa’s baby” to my list too.
Prayers from me too ‘Heal Lisa’s baby’!
Me to!!
Anne Lamott (sp?): “help”. That is an acceptable prayer/thought. God gets it. We get it…prayers for YOU as well as your son.
Praying hard for you and yours! I love how Glennon talks to God, too.
Prayers for your sweet son, Lisa.
Right, Lisa? I use that, “Okay. I showed up. Your turn. Love you. Good luck with all of this.” prayer just about every stinkin day. It’s my foster mamma mantra. And can I tell ya? He does it. He shows up. He makes it work. He helped both kids fall asleep before 9:30 last night and nobody hit me or bit me or called me a bitch. Now, that’s not every night. But on the other nights, God’s working on teaching me to be full of grace. I’m telling you, God’s amazing.
And if God’s got my babies and he’s working on healing their hearts, he can heal your son’s insides too. I’ll keep asking right along with you.
Good on you for keeping showing up. You are a shero!
This is one of the most amazing things I’ve ever been part of! So many happy tears!
I’ll bring cupcakes with chocolate frosting, because it’s my great-grandmother’s recipe and is the bestest frosting ever. Because women this amazing deserve the bestest frosting ever, along with hugs and prayers and tears. THANK YOU for bringing us together!
LOVE WINS again and again and again. I’m humbled to be part of such an amazing community.
I missed this Flash Mob (for the first time in the 3 years I’ve followed you) yesterday. I am so glad I got on today and read this!! Of course I just gave my donation – because HOW IN THE WORLD COULD ANYONE NOT WANT TO BE A PART OF THIS?!? Love Wins!
ALL THE FEELS, GUYS! I’m currently in labor and delivery with my baby sister, reading this aloud and feeling all the feels of love and sisterhood and it’s a mix of this and baby on the way AND THIS IS THE BEST DAY. BESTEST DAY. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
Tears….joy….LOVE WINS! Every. Time. I CANNOT WAIT to meet you and squeeze you in Wisconsin on June 6! We can celebrate then — I’ll bring chips! 🙂 HOORAY!!!
Me too! I’ll be in Wawautosa too! I can’t wait either 🙂
I’m so happy right now. You are amazing, G! Gonna float on this “Love Wins” cloud of happiness for the rest of the day.
Amazing. Thank you for letting me be a part of this. I start crying when I think of all of the suffering in the world that our tribe is eliminating.
LOVE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tears in my eyes at work… Love love love the work you do– cannot wait to meet you in June! OMG Glennon & team– you rock. We rock. Let’s all rock toget(HER)!
Thank you for making my day….there is so much bad and sad in the world and THIS is a bright shining beacon through all that noise. I’m so glad I could help, even in a small way (though i posted tons of stuff on my social media!!)
I really need a tattoo of #LoveWins
Blessings to all. I want to hug everyone right now!!!!
So many tears, so very happy for these sHEROs! Get ready for me to hug you when I see you at MHA’s conference, this is amazing!!!
Just donated to your wonderful goal – I am having a horrible morning and if I can do one good thing for someone else, it will uplift my own heart and turn the day around. Love you G and all your fierceness!
I want to sit closest to the chips too! 🙂
I was crying all over again and then I read that line and so appreciated the comic relief.
I wish more people could see what we all have seen.
It was one amazing ride! It still is.
THANK YOU G and Amy and Sister and Liz and Allison and volunteers and all were a part of this in some way!
FAN-EFFING-TASTIC!! Way to go! This is such amazing news! (I’d sit closer to the chips too….I can tear through a bag of chips like there’s diamonds at the bottom…)
Note to future self, day after Love Flash Mob 2016: No mascara at work!!!
Good tip.
I have been stalking this page and the FB page for updates. I am so happy – great, wonderful news. Thank God!
I’m at the gym on the treadmill trying not to ugly cry. I needed the reminder that people are intrinsically good and that people want to help others.
Yay! Yay yay yay, I never doubted. Well, until 5 minutes ago when I saw the final Facebook status saying we were close. CLOSE? I thought. No no no, we don’t do close. We do blowing past expectations. We do IMPOSSIBLE.
Glad to see it happened again. Because of course it did.
I like the idea of all being together too… like at a campaign party when they can watch the results roll in together. One time we should organize meet-ups on Love Flash Mob Results Morning so we CAN see the big number together, at least on a city-by-city basis!
Oh my word! Wouldn’t that be fabulous?! 😀
LOVE this idea!
My heart is full this morning….thank you, fellow MONKEES, for making this possible.
What awesome, wonderful news! Thank you everyone!
No words, just (lots of) happy tears. I love each and every one of you. Y’all make me proud to be a Monkee. <3
Better late than never… just donated through tears. Love wins. Thanks for all you are doing.
G – I SQUEALED at the thought of sending Ellie to summer camp! I never got to go to camp as a child and have always made it a priority for my kids… they go every year and it’s one of the very best things I’ve ever done for them! So summer camp holds a special place in my heart! I just clicked on your link for Camp No Limits and saw that they’re in Maine! That’s where I live… very cool! And then I looked closer and see that they’re in the tiny small town that my mom lives in! What a small world! I’m not sure which camp Ellie will be going to as it looks like they hold some all over the country but what a small world!
Ellie is pretty stoked about camp! Maine is not our home state, but it is where the camp started and it is one of the bigger ones, so we hope to make it to that one some day!
hope she has a fab time xx
YAY!!!!!! LOVE WINS!!!! I’m so thankful for the opportunity to have been a part of this along with so many of you WONDERFUL PEOPLE! I wish we could all be together to celebrate, but we’ll just have to feel the love from our computer screens. Love to you G, the Together Rising board, and everyone that participated!
I’m not a cryer. Its a joke that my emotional rainbow is the crayola pack of 8 instead of the 164 Deluxe pack with sharpener built in. This made me cry. Love Wins!
🙂 me too!
This is the MOST AMAZING thing I’ve seen and have been honored to be able to help contribute! G, your work is God’s work and you are making him PROUD!!! Love continues to WIN, over and over and over.
I once heard someone say, “Don’t ask God to feed the poor if YOU have plenty to eat.”
*Make disciples of all nations (or monkees!).*
May God bless you! Well done, good and faithful servant.
Happy, happy, happy dance!! THANK YOU for letting us do this together. I love this community! It’s just the BEST 🙂
I bake — at home, part-time — and I wanna make the cupcakes!!! Thousands and thousands of cupcakes!
Happy tears
Fear Loses
Love Wins
G is my sHERO forever
Thank you
YES!!!!!!!! God is so good, and she works in wonderfully mysterious and incredible ways! Thank you to all of you for your sweat and hard work that made it possible for us to give small amounts with great love. My children gave some of their Christmas money. They will be so happy!