Several years ago, I received an email from a woman who was very afraid. She’d just had her first child- a baby girl – and she’d also just learned that she had breast cancer. She was heading in for her first round of chemo the next day. She asked me to hold space for her.
The next day I asked all of you to do an act of kindness for her. We called it Mindy Monday. Mindy told me that as she received her chemo, she watched our list of acts grow and grow, and that we made her feel loved and brave. After much treatment and warrior-dom, Mindy went into remission. We celebrated.
Mindy and I became friends. Mindy was BRIGHT. Not just smart, bright – LIGHT, BRIGHT. Brilliant, really. She was a pediatrician. She healed children. She was a mama to Lana and a wife to Jordan and a chemosabe to Megan and a best friend to everyone else she met. Mindy and I wrote to each other often. We wrote about illness and healing and pain and parenthood and friendship and marriage and God and how all these things were so completely impossible and miraculous. We talked about how life felt like hell and heaven with not much in between.
When I got very sick with Lyme, Mindy sent me this. Then Mindy got sick again. Really, really sick. They told us it was just a matter of time, now.
Mindy had emergency surgery. During the surgery, they removed part of her brain. After that, our emails to each other were very different. Hers were short. One sentence, maybe. She was worried about her brain. She asked me to write back to her each day so that she could practice thinking and writing.
One day Mindy’s emails stopped coming.
I crawled into bed and stayed there for two days. My body was in deep, heavy pain. I told my family it was my Lyme. I knew it wasn’t my Lyme. For two days I didn’t shower or really eat, I just laid there wondering what on Earth was happening to my body while knowing exactly what was happening to my body. On the third morning I woke up and I didn’t hurt anymore. Everything felt light again. I got out of bed and I opened up my computer and a message told me that Mindy had died. But I already knew that.
Lana’s mama is gone.
When I get to heaven, God and I are both going to have equal amounts of explaining to do.
I still feel Mindy. Today’s Love Flash Mob is for five families, but all of it is in honor of our Mindy.
For Mindy’s Lana.
First, we will raise a small fund for Lana. Lana won’t get to be raised by her mama. Thank God, she is being raised by an incredible father named Jordan and a beautiful village made up of Mindy’s friends and family. Lana will KNOW – through them – how incredible her mama was. But the fact remains that Lana didn’t get to be MOTHERED by Mindy for long enough. Mindy didn’t get to hold Lana’s hand and walk Lana into her LIFE. So we are going to step in and offer our hands.
One day – when Lana is old enough – Jordan will hand Lana a box. Inside that box will be a letter from me. The letter will explain that her mother, Mindy, was such an incredible woman that one day in May, hundreds of thousands of women from all over the world came together and gave of themselves to create a Lana fund. When Lana opens that box, when she reads the letter and holds the check – she will understand both as gifts from her mother. Lana will understand that this box is her mother- walking her from her childhood into her adulthood. Holding her hand. Blessing her. THROUGH US. That is what is going to happen for Lana.
HERE IS WHAT IS GOING TO HAPPEN FOR MINDY: Mindy spent her life healing people. She healed them as a doctor with her big brain and she healed them with the love she so freely offered from her big heart. Even when she got sick – especially after she got sick – she kept on healing others. In Mindy’s honor, we are going to step into the lives of the following four women. Each of the women you are about to meet is an Angel to her family and community. Each is also a Warrior fighting a battle against cancer. And so we are going to step in and show these Angel Warriors that their lives are worth our time and our money and our love. We are going to SHOW UP FOR THEM TODAY because they show up for the world.
You guys, Mindy would like you to meet Tara.
Tara is the 41-year old mother of Liam and Quinn. When Tara was 30 weeks pregnant with Quinn, she was diagnosed with colon cancer. She is fighting. Every single day she is fighting so that she can stay here and keep mothering, keep healing, keep sistering, keeping living.
We are not going to offer Tara “charity” today. No – we are going to INVEST IN HER LIFE. We are going to raise money to pay her mortgage and to send Liam to preschool.
Tara: you are not alone. You are worthy of every ounce of love that comes your way today. Fight On. You have an army of warrior sisters beside you. All the love you offer those boys and the world comes back to you today. Catch it, sister.
Meet Eileen.
Eileen does not raise children in her home- she raises them in her classroom. A woman named Tricia wrote to us about Eileen. Tricia’s son has Asperger syndrome and struggled in school. That’s until the year he walked into Eileen’s classroom. Eileen’s love and skill and determination invited Tricia’s son forward for the first time. Because of Eileen, Tricia’s son became who Tricia’s son was meant to be: bright, happy, confident, full of LIFE. Eileen is an Angel.
Eileen is also a Warrior. She was diagnosed with colon cancer recently. She is 32-years old. Her oncologist gave her two years to live. She said no, thank you to that offer. Eileen found another doctor who believes she can beat the stupid odds. She will need our help to pursue this treatment. We will help her. Eileen helped Tricia’s son and we will help Eileen.
Eileen: at Momastery, we believe that LOVE WINS. You are love, Eileen – so YOU HAVE ALREADY WON.
Meet Amanda.
This is Amanda. These are her three boys and her husband.
Amanda was diagnosed with cervical cancer and after treatment she learned that she fell into the 5% of women who are not expected to recover. Amanda immediately began dedicating her life to raising money for women who cannot afford cancer treatment. Since receiving her diagnosis, Amanda has raised over 40 thousand dollars for other cancer warriors. Yes, you read those sentences right.
Amanda might not have much time left. As her friend reported to us: “she plans to spend the rest of her days showing up for her boys sports and church and lunch dates, enjoying every family moment that God allows her — partly because she recognizes the gifts she has been given in this life and partly because she simply does not want to be forgotten. She has decided to keep showing up for as long as her body will warrior on.”
Amanda’s friend told us that the beach is Amanda’s “happy place.” We are going to send Amanda and her precious boys and her warrior husband to the beach with whatever accommodations Amanda needs. We will make sure that very soon, very, very soon, Amanda is sitting with her toes in the sand – watching her boys splash in the ocean while holding her husband’s hand. That’s what needs to happen.
And our Last Warrior.
I cannot tell you the names or offer you any pictures of our last family. Mama is very sick. She is fighting for custody of her baby boy, whose father is calling her cancer reason enough to remove her son from her home. For legal and privacy reasons, that is all we can tell you. But we know every detail. And we know this Angel Warrior is worthy of your love. Come alongside her. She will feel it. She needs to feel that the world has not abandoned her and instead is sending mighty forces to her aid. Those forces are YOU. You are being Sent.
I’ll leave you with a few words from Jordan, Mindy’s husband. Lana’s father:
“The story of my wife — how bright she shined and how fiercely she loved — is too detailed and spectacular to post here fully. So what I will say is Mindy loved Momastery. She loved this place because she loved people, and she recognized in Glennon someone who loved as fiercely as she. I know she would be proud to be memorialized here, and I know this community offered her hope and courage and love during hard times. Thank you for that.”- Jordan
1. DONATE. You can make your tax-deductible donation by clicking on the “Angels & Warriors GIVE” button below.
2. SHARE. PLEASE SHARE THIS POST. We have danced NO FLASH MOB BEFORE with a HIGHER GOAL and FEWER PEOPLE DANCING. Because of some changes to Facebook, fewer and fewer people are seeing Momastery posts which didn’t seem too horrible till Love Flash Mob time. THIS IS WHY I AM FREAKING OUT ABOUT THIS ONE. WE NEED YOUR HELP. Usually we ask you to DONATE. This time we ask you to DONATE AND SHARE. Please, please share today’s post with your people. Share on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the other ones I don’t know about. Mass e-mail your friends, call your parents, stand in your yard and read the essays loudly- whatever it takes. We need all the whos in whoville – the tall and the small.
3. DEDICATE. Every single one of us knows an Angel Warrior who was healed here or in the next world. If you’d like to donate in honor of someone you love, please leave his or her name in the comments here or on Facebook. Thousands will be reading and praying.
Okay. Let’s Do This. Go. Take YOUR COMPASSION AND LET IT GUIDE YOU. GO. Donate. Do not read this and FEEL but not act. Pity is feeling without acting. COMPASSION IS FEELING AND ACTING. ACT. Small acts with Great Love. That’s how this gets done. That is how Love Wins. We each have to MAKE LOVE WIN. On Earth as it is in Heaven.
- We can’t do great things. We can only do small things with great love. And so NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO DONATE MORE THAN $25. EVERY DONATION MATTERS. Click here to see the miracles you have made through prior Love Flash Mobs.
- Because Monkee See- Monkee Do is an official 501(c)3, every penny of your donation is tax deductible.
- Any money we collect beyond what we need for these families will go to Monkee See – Monkee Do as we continue to meet the needs of families throughout the year. Every recipient of your generosity is vetted by our Board.
- Because the members of your Monkee See- Monkee Do Board work for free, WE HAVE NO OVERHEAD. EVERY PENNY YOU DONATE GOES DIRECTLY TO FAMILIES IN NEED.
I love you.
You guys. $118,473.50 in 8.5 hours. More than 5,500 donations. Average donation: $20. All five families will get what they needed from us.
So here’s the truth: We live in a world where people believe that We Belong To Each Other. We live in a world where people give away hard earned money to strangers. We live in a world where Love Wins. And we have PROOF. Right here.
I cannot stop crying and I will never, ever forget this day for as long as I live and I love you. I LOVE YOU. Tonight Liz gets to call the five families from today’s essay and tell them that YOU CAME THROUGH for them. She gets to call them and tell them that Help is Coming. Then I will call them tomorrow and eventually they will be like, “really- you guys can stop calling anytime now.”
I just emailed about the Love Flash Mob results to Amy and she wrote back this: “G, I have no words. Actually, I have one word: Mindy.”
Yes. That’s the word: Mindy. Thanks for your help today, Min.
Yours Forever and Ever and Ever and Ever-
G and Sister and Allison and Amy and Liz
The love that you pour out in these Love Flash Mobs continues year-round through the life-giving work of Monkee See – Monkee Do. Because MSMD is run by an all-volunteer Board, we have no overhead so all of your donations go directly to families. If you would like to to the MSMD general fund that supports families throughout the year, you may do so by clicking the button below. Your gifts help us sprinkle more of your radical, wild love all over other warrior families. As always, we will tell you ALL ABOUT IT. Because, of course, you ARE it. We can do hard things, Monkees. Together, We Can Do Hard Things. We DID hard things.
** Due to IRS Rules, because MSMD is an official 501(c)3 (tax-exempt non-profit), the MSMD Board is obligated to retain discretion over which beneficiaries will receive the funds raised today. For example, if something happened to one of these families that meant the family was no longer an appropriate beneficiary, the Board would use those funds for beneficiaries that meet the charitable purposes of the organization. Since MSMD’s inception, we have never used funds for a purpose other than the purpose identified when the funds were raised. **

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
Join Glennon on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
Our donation is in honor of our precious warrior baby who fought with us for a chance at life!
Donated for Monkees committed to belonging to each other. Thanks for giving us the space to prove it, Glennon.
my donation as well, for that reason
I also believe that there can’t be one person on this planet who has not been touched by tragedy one way or another, we do belong to eachother
I am so moved by these incredible, brave women and their families. Glennon – what you are doing is absolutely amazing. I have donated in memory of my grandfather, Dale, who died of lung cancer far too soon. I miss him every day, and wish he could have met my husband and beautiful son.
Shared everywhere I could….praying for the Warriors. When I had people who couldn’t contribute to my pediatric cancer fundraiser, I told them sharing was just as important. I hope my shares help–until I can financially help. I am humbled and in awe to read your acts of love and compassion. Love is winning today.
I give in honor of my dad, who died two weeks ago from cancer at the young age of 65.
Thank you, Glennon. Warrior On…
I am grateful.
For Jessi, whose recent passing has left a huge hole in our hearts. And for her parents, Ruthie and Jeff, who “warrior on” in her absence.
Thank you Becky. What a beautiful thing to do in remembrance of Jessi.
I donated to celebrate my most wonderful mother, Susan, who 25 years ago came very close to not being able to mother my sister and me. My mother now works as a reiki practitioner for the VNA and spends her days ushering people, like these monkees, out of this world and into the next with love and peace and light, which is what I wish for these monkees and their precious babies.
For Jennifer. Battling now. Warrior on, sister.
In loving memory of my mother Pauline.
Celebrating for a dear friend who found a lump in her breast and has received results that it’s not cancer. woohoo! sending this same positive energy and healing to these brave warriors.
I should know by now not to read Love Flashmob Day posts while at work. (Tears streaming) So honored to donate in memory of my friend’s mother, Laurie, who passed away after fighting a hard battle with Pancreatic Cancer. She was amazing, definitely a warrior– as are these women mentioned above. Much love and many thanks & blessings to you, Glennon! ~K
Donated in honor of my sweet mama.
I’m so grateful that she got her colonoscopy last month and that the doctors found and removed the cancerous polyp. I’m praying for a complete recovery for my mom.
I’m praying for all of the families who will benefit from today’s flash mob. May you feel loved and comforted by all of the support that you receive today.
Donation made!!! I’m a cancer survivor and a loved one’s father, Manny T., just found out he also has cancer….donated in honor of all who fight these battles!! xoxo
In memory of my Daddy, who died far too early from non-hodgkins lymphoma at the age of 40. It’s been 17 years and I still think of him everyday.
My own miracle baby’s name is Lana. She is two. I get to mother her! I can only hope if ever she finds herself without me, she will have her own love mob. I’m donating in honor of all these brave warriors, but truthfully, mostly because this little girl’s name is LANA, and that name is so holy to me. This is for my Lana, too.
P.S. I’m going to “holler” at everyone I know to do the same. For Lana.
In memory of my mom, Dawn. She was a warrior mama to the very end . Cancer sucks!!!
I gave today – in honor of my friend Barb – who battled hard and is in heaven waiting on us. I watched her little people as she fought (before I had my little people) and there aren’t many days that go by where I don’t draw on something I learned from her.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to rally together for others — together we can do so much. xoxo
Donated in memory of my beloved father-in-law. I think of you and miss you every single day.
In memory of my dear, amazing friend Nancy whose brain tumor took her away from her baby girl and incredible husband…her love lives in all of us. And in honor of my courageous, strong and wise husband who is fighting the odds of his colon cancer diagnosis every day…teaching his three kids that love wins…no matter what.
COW…these four amazing women and Mindy Angels are every where.
These always seem to happen on the days when I need it most.
Honoring you with my donation, dear G. You provide the compass for so many of us.
In memory of Sofie’s mother.
In honor my 5 week old baby Fritz, who died too soon, and his courageous and inspiring parents, Liz and Jesse. Their light shines so bright and I am so honored to be witness to their journey through this hard time.
Donating in honor of dear friends who have lost the battle, friends who have won it and my brother and sister who are fighting. Everybody needs a village. You are amazing, Glennon, for creating this community. Love wins, every day!
Is there somewhere we can see the growing total for the love flash mob? Want to celebrate the success!
Just donated, and will be sharing like crazy. There are too many people for me to list whom I’d like to dedicate my donation in honor of, so I’ll list the most important two: Mama and Daddy. They both fought the demon that is cancer, unfortunately succumbing to it 18 months apart, after being married 45 years and raising seven children together. I am the youngest of the brood by 12 years, and they passed when I was 24 years old, single and still in college. They were compassionate, generous, loving, salt-of-the-Earth folks who believed it’s always best to give…especially when you don’t have enough for yourself. I carry that sentiment deep in my heart. You and MSMD are doing great work here, Glennon, and I feel blessed beyond measure to help.
In honor of Maiya and Vaudene who were gone too soon from this evil disease. For Terrah, a Warrior and Inspiration. And in loving memory of my son, Luke David, who was taken from us too soon by SIDS.
I am holding space for these warrior families today. Sending them light and love.
In honor of Norine, and the four beautiful warrior daughters who carry on without her.
Donated in the name of women! We carry the world together.
Holding space for and sending light and love to all these families. And, donated in honor of my bestie, Angela – who always helps me warrior on.
In honor of the most amazing little girl, Holly, who shared profound space and love with us here for a few short years.
I gave in honor of my dear friend, Kim. She is a warrior and also my inspiration!
My heart breaks for all of these families. Donated and shared in honor of my mom who has beaten breast cancer 2x – we are so very lucky and so very thankful that she is still here mothering and walking us through life.
I gave in honor of my dear friend, Kim. She is a warrior and my inspiration! XO
My donation is made in thanks of my three very healthy, loud, hilarious children.
🙂 Beautiful.
In honor of Sydney, a bright light of joy, selflessness and FUN who watches over her 3 little ones from heaven.
In honor of my mother in law and Gods love for us.
I am donating in honor of my sister-in-law, Tara, one of the recipients above…and the other 3 warriors.Tara is a fighter…and a wonderful mother to 3 yr old Liam and 4 1/2 month old Quinn. Tara was told she will have chemo for the rest of her life…please give to help ease the burden of some of the overwhelming medical bills they face, let alone the strain of daily expenses. Even if you don’t know Tara and her family, we all know someone who has been touched by cancer. Take your compassion and let it guide you….
I remember reading about Tara and Quinn on the Momastery FB page. I am *so* glad that they will be recipients of today’s gifts!
Giving in honor of my brother Jeff, who passed away from sepsis in December. Thank you, Jeff, for showing me that we only see life clearly when we allow ourselves to be pulled into the bright, bright lights of tragedy and grief.
I also want to honor momastery, for giving us a place to put our love into action.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead
Thank you, Glennon & the MSMD-Team, for changing our world.
I am donating today in honour of my beautiful warrior mother who lost her battle with colon cancer when I was 8. She was a single mama of just me. She passed into heaven’s gates alone and I passed into the arms of a new family. For the children who will become motherless – it is possible to live a beautiful, love-filled life – I can promise you that. May you find the strength to remember HER, even when it hurts like hell to do so.
Sending healing wishes to young warrior mama’s battling cancer today – Connie & Jennifer – this is for you.
thank you G for the honor of the company of these women, and for helping us to look into and not away from the pain and struggles of this world. For Mindy and her Lana. Love and grace
In loving memory of the Dancing Queen, Mrs. Amy Standifer, and in honor of her beautiful family, Chris, Nicholas & Kyla.
Cried, donated, and shared.
In memory of my friend, Stephanie, who left her little boy far too soon. Older than Lana, but far too young.
In memory also of a parishioner at my church, who died on her 111th birthday this weekend. Two very different stories, two wonderful women.
In honor of our sweet cousin born sleeping, John Paul Miki Jiron
Donating in honor of my sister, Marji. Love and blessings to these warriors and their families.
In Memory of my sweet friend Mileen, who entered heaven less than two weeks ago after a 4 year battle with brain cancer… and in honor of her Littles and husband who warrior on!
For Sara who sat with me in a hospital while I was pregnant with a sick child and when she started chemo sent me numerous cards and prayers as we watched our son struggle and pass away. She supported me in my struggle as she fought a huge battle of her own. She never forgot me or avoided my pain. She’s been healed in heaven for a year now and her daughter and husband have been robbed of her but her warrior spirit is alive in both of them an I’m giving for her today.
I give in honor of Colleen who stood by me during my breast cancer treatments. I give in honor of all the givers and supporters who cooked me meals, and watched my precious baby Amma, and who drove me and kept me company, and prayed and listened.
I give today because even as I pick up the pieces of my life with cancer – – I have a life!
I give today and in so doing I feel stronger, braver and not alone!
Gave for everyone posting here.
I have donated in memory of my Aunt Nancy–who lived 30+ years with cancer, fighting the fight with love and laughter.
My sister, Tara, is the Angel & Warrior listed above. So, from the bottom of my sobbing-and-overflowing-heart….THANK YOU.
For my sweet friend Emily who just got her cancer-free call yesterday!
Thank you for making this possible. Thank you for loving these ladies so wonderfully. I have a whole team of people who loved me so well 7 years ago when I had a brain tumor removed and found out about life with brain cancer. They mothered my 2 kids when I couldn’t and they have walked every step of the way. They rejoiced with me when baby #3 joined in on the journey 4 years ago. And they pray and rejoice every 6 months when my doctor has a good news about my latest scans.
The journey of life really can’t be done without love. I pray FLASH MOB love to pour onto these ladies in a way that blesses them more than we can even imagine.
I donated in memory of my grandmother who, on a beautiful May day 19 years ago, lost a blindingly quick and vicious battle with cancer. I donated, too, in anticipation of the baby girl who will enter our lives on a beautiful May day very soon and, fittingly, share her great-grandmother’s name.
Just donated. This is my first post, and my first Dustin to a Love Flash Mob….I disagree on honour of my mother who beat breast cancer 3 years ago, and for all the courageous moms out there living, loving, and just being there for their families and the world. This is so inspiring….thank you Glennon for allowing me to participate in such a good thing!!
Ugh, autocorrect is horrible….serves me right for doing on my phone! “Dustin” should be “donation”…..”disagree” should also be “donate”. 🙂
In memory of Alana Beuthin.
In memory of my son-in-law, Aaron.
in honor of 2 wonderful women i love who are survivors of cancer.
and too many men and women i know or whose loved ones i know who have lost their battles
Donated in honor of my bestie, Tayah, who passed away from breast cancer at age 25 and her children were not able to be mothered.
Today I donated in honor of my sister, Corinne, who has kicked cervical cancer and in honor of Mama Deb, her mother in law, who had breast cancer and died. And I donate and share because I am proud to be a Monkee and I truly believe Love Wins.
I donate in memory of my warrior mom, who lived with Multiple Sclerosis for 18 years. She died 17 years ago now, and I fiercely miss her
I also donate in memory of a dear warrior friend, Natasha, who died last year of stage IV breast cancer, and in support of her warrior husband and warrior daughter, who live courageously every day without the love of their lives.
Thanks for giving us the chance to show these precious people that LOVE WINS. ALL THE TIME.
So honored to do my part in helping these AMAZING WARRIORS! God Bless you, little Lana, and help you grow up knowing what a brave and strong woman your Mommy was.
Glennon – THANK YOU for who you are and all you share, and for providing us the platform to share our Love with these wonderful people that need it most.
In memory of Ruth.
Donated in honor of a sweet friend fighting ovarian cancer.
Donated in honor of my generous, amazing “Aunt” Grayce who never got the chance to meet my daughter – who would have LOVED her. My daughter carries her name and is just beginning (at 3) to be introduced to her in small ways. I’ve been thinking of her a lot and am proud to give to these warriors in remembrance of her.
I give to honor my good friends mama who was just diagnosed but is a warrior – just like her daughter. We will fight hard for these warriors listed above and I will hold them in my heart and in prayer.
I give in memory of my friend, Beth, one of the best people I have ever had a chance to know, who lost her fight with cancer and did not get to see her little grow up. Thank you for, Glennon, for sharing these stories and for allowing us to give in support of others who are courageously battling every day.
Donated and shared, in honor of two amazing warrior mamas–my own mama, Helen, and my dear friend Kate, both breast cancer survivors.
For Jill who didn’t get to see her boy grow up into a young man. Thanks Glennon for your honesty and care
This is beyond beautiful. I need to share my Mindy story. I “met” Mindy through Momastery when I posted that I wanted to share a new Monkee-See-Monkee-Do shirt that I ordered in a wrong size for a grandchild. MINDY responded that she would love to have it for Lana. That was the beginning of a very precious friendship. Over time, I shared with her my struggles and heartbreak and we began “talking”. I was heartbroken to learn that her cancer returned but she still made an effort to respond to my posts and messages even after her surgery. Her love of life and God was so infectious, and I miss her dearly. I am now friends through Facebook with her mother and it is very easy to see where Mindy got her loving personality. Mindy, you will be with me forever.
Thank you for letting me be a part of this brutiful community of mamas.
Today I donated in honor of my friend Karen. In the midst of watching her mom battle breast cancer, she is in the operating room. Right now. Having a double mastectomy to ensure she lives a long, healthy, life cancer free. For her three beautiful children. Love wins!
I donate in memory of my friend Jessica’s mother who recently lost her battle with cancer. May God bless everyone involved in this Love Flash Mob!
For Siobhan, who never had a chance to mother children of her own, but who loved others and life and God fiercely. And for Siobhan’s mother, whose strength shines through her grief.
For my warrior mom, Mary Beth!
For my beautiful baby grandson, Lachlan xx
In memory of my mother-in-law, Sylvia Fron.
I donate for my mom and for my dad, who both lost their battle with cancer. I donate for these precious children who need their mamas, and for their mamas who deserve to see their children grow up.
Donating in honor of two single warrior mommas who are fighting hard battles with cancer:
Brienne, a single warrior momma of two young kids. Just a few months ago, at the age of 33, Bri was diagnosed with Leukemia.
Julie, another single warrior momma, whose 7 year-old son Aiden who is fighting stage 4 cancer.
I donated on behalf of Rich Lafond, a warrior–now angel–who lost his battle with cancer this past Saturday. He was just 45 years old. Today my husband and I will be attending Rich’s funeral and know that he is watching over us all, helping us show these four women, and the world, that love wins. Always.
In honor of my amazing stepmother Nancy Catherine Fix, who lost her battle to Ovarian cancer on May 4th, 2006, I will donate. Nancy was the fiercest fighter and had the most positive spirit and outlook. She lost her battle but her spirit is always with me.
For my son who is battling leukemia and all the other kids battling this hellacious disease…stay strong little warriors!
Done and shared.
I got taught by Jesuits. One of my favorite quotes by their founder, which they have drilled into my head and heart, is “Love is better expressed in actions than in words.”
Thanks for giving us the opportunity to love all these Women Warriors.
Thank you for doing this! I donated AND shared! Momastery is a blessing. “Compassion is feeling AND acting.” Love this so much.
I give in honor of my son, Ben, who is fighting cancer. And in honor of all of those who have helped us on our journey.
Donated and shared. Thank you Glennon!
The donate link doesn’t come up as “secure” when I click on it. I get a yellow caution triangle instead. Can you fix it or is there another way to link to the donation page?
I think this might be a connection issue, Ginger- it didn’t happen with my donation. Can you check your connection?
It was fine on internet explorer but still happens with google chrome. The mysteries of the internet…
also didn’t happen for me
I went to high school with Amanda and have become reconnected with her through Facebook. She is facing this with FAITH…….GRACE…….STRENGTH!!! I took my breath away to see her on here.
Love wins.
In dedication to Mary Holm and Michael Hyde. Two warriors who lost the battle but never their fight.
Done. I was very, very lucky to have a biopsy come back negative earlier this year. I donate in gratitude for my good health and in hope for all of the warriors and partners and kiddos who aren’t so fortunate.
I will donate in memory of my son, Chris. He is my Angel Warrior. His unwavering courage still gives me the strength to get through the roughest of days and I know he’s up there smiling at my family with that perfect, infectious smile of his.
I gave in memory of my brave and fierce college roommate and dear friend, Jenn. She lost her battle with cancer, and did not get to see her beautiful daughter grow up beyond the age of 4. She fought the battle hard. Her baby girl by the way? Is growing up and thriving, thanks to her village and the strength and determination that her mama gave her. For you, Jenn.
Thank you for telling us about Jenn’s baby girl “growing up and thriving.” It’s important to be reminded that life and love continue after such heartbreak.
No better way to start my day. Donated and shared. LOVE WINS!
Done and shared. In memory of my dad, Bernie!
Love you Glennon. Hang on honey, we’ve got this!
To say you make this world a better place, doesn’t even begin to describe it.
Thank you so much for reminding us what we should all be doing, every day – taking care of each other.
What you’re doing is Extraordinary. Thank you so much for allowing us to help these beautiful, courageous Warriors.
I give in recognition of my sister, Theresa (who just donated 70% of her liver to save our dad’s life as he battles liver cancer) and our father, Al, who’s in the fight of his life right now.
These stories are brutiful… all of them… I’m giving today in honor of my sister-friend Kristin who is dying of brain cancer. She and her young family have already battled and beat breast cancer, only to have it return more fiercely and angrily than ever. Kristin, her husband Kenny, and their 6-year old son, Nate, are fighting hard. Planning, praying, living, and loving while they can. My heart breaks for her every day, as my heart breaks for these women fighting similar battles.
G, Kristin and I are coming to see you Sunday in Cincinnati as long as she feels up to the 4-hour drive from Cleveland. I know a hug from you will put the biggest smile on her beautiful face.
Thank you for all you do, G, and for the MSMD family for living the words “WE BELONG TO EACH OTHER.”
Rachael in Cleveland
Just donated…through my tears. It is an honor to help these strong women and their families. I will hug my sons and husband extra tight tonight.
You all are amazing. Thank you for doing this, for loving and giving and introducing us to these amazing warriors. I cannot wait to see how much is given to and for these strong, brave people.
I give in honor of Julie Smith, a warrior!