Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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Dear Jessica, how courageous you are! Ansley is lucky to have you for her mom. Many prayers go out to you, your beautiful Ansley and your family. Out of ignorance and fear of not knowing what to say or do, we choose the easy way out and stop being present for those who need us. Thanks for taking a stance and showing us how to be present for in times of need.
May God bless you and your family. Happy Mother’ Day.
Your Ansley is a part of you and always will be……she is your daughter and I know that Mother’s Day is hard, but this is your and Ansley’s Day……You are Ansley Mother!!!! Send balloons up to her in Heaven….Do special things about Ansley…buy a book or card and read it to Ansley… My daughter lost her baby boy Ty, my grandson. We speak of him often because he is part of our family….We keep photos of Ty around I buy books and special things for the other grandchildren and tell them I am giving it to them in memory of Ty …maybe if you talk about Ansley first, people will know that it is ok to talk about her. You sometimes have to guide other people and let them know that you like to talk about Ansley because Ansley does exist…….she is in Heaven and someday you will be reunited…….We even have birthday cakes on Ty’s birthday and have a party…we try to make it fun to talk about Ty (it really does help, it makes us feel more positive about someday seeing Ty again). It is still heartbreaking, but we are trying to exist until that day when we all get together again…..Love and prayers and hope your friends and family will learn through you that it is OK to include conversations of Ansley in your everyday life….. <3
Jessica, know that no matter the pain, you are not alone. You have this sisterhood and you have God’s presence. I’m so sorry for such a painful, tragic thing to your beautiful Ansley. I cannot wait until you reunite with her in heaven, I’m crying just thinking of it. Loveand prayers from Michigan.
Thinking of you and your precious daughter- from one mama who understands to another…
Jessica – thank you for being courageous in speaking up and letting us know that while we go on with our lives – those who experience the loss of a child do need to know others remember them. Your daughter, Ansley is adorable. Thank you for sharing her pictures. I hope and pray that your heart will be comforted in knowing that she has not be forgotten mainly because of you, her Mother.
Remembering your sweet Ansley as you celebrate Mother’s Day without her. When we lost our 3rd son, we lost touch with a few friends that I would have considered in my closest circle. They didn’t know what to say or how to act, so they just ignored the whole situation. I felt abandoned at the darkest time in my life. I often share this quote by Elizabeth Edwards to help people understand:
If you have a friend who has lost a child and you are afraid to mention their child because you think you may make them sad by reminding them that they died….you’re not reminding them. They didn’t forget that they died. You are reminding them that you remember they lived and that is a beautiful gift.
Peace and love from Florida
Your little girl, Ansley is beautiful. I have not lost a child, but a niece at birth, Mariah. She lived 1 1/2 hours. I did not get to hold her, touch her, or see her while she was alive. I still have a very strong connection with her spirit. May your connection with your Ansley in spirit be strong and peaceful.
Holding space for you and Ainsley today and standing in the gap.
Beautiful Ansley and her brave mum Jessica. I am stopping and thinking of you both. I understand. I lost 2 of my boys. James as a baby 17 years ago and Joe as a 12 year old just 2 years ago. Love and strength to you and all other bereaved parents. Xxxxx (always a family of 5)
From Surrey in the UK xx
What a beautiful little girl Ansley is. We lost my sweet Molly 5 days ago. It feels like someone punched me in the stomach and all the air went out. I appreciate this article for putting words to that feeling.
Thank you for putting into words what my heart screams. I can’t believe it will be four years that my angel passed away. I speak of her every chance I get. I even have a Little Free Library in her memory and all books are stamped with her name. She did exist and made my life richer for it. She left a hole that can never be filled. My prayers will be sent for you and in memory of your angel and all angels that left too soon.
Your sweet princess Ansley is dancing in heaven. God is showing his love and comfort through each and every one of these comments. May you find some peace and solace on this Mother’s Day. From Carrollton, Virginia.
Thinking of you and your beautiful daughter from southern Maine.
Dear Jessica, Remembering Ansley, and you, who will always be her Momma. You are this, and so much more. May Love and Happiness fill you up and overflow Every Day.
Sending you love from New York City.
Thinking of you and Ansley on this upcoming Mother’s Day.
Picturing your Ansley and my Gabrielle at an imaginary playground running around on a warm sunny Mother’s Day picnic.
May we find joy in their existence, no matter how brief it was with us. Namaste.
Nathalie, from Montreal.
Jessica, Thank you for your powerful words and for letting others know what bereaved moms need. I too am a bereaved mom. My only child Ethan died in October 2013. For me Mother’s Day is one of the several very difficult days. I’ll be thinking of you and Ansley as Mother’s Day approaches. I am from Massachusetts. Much love, Susan
thinking of you Jessica and your sweet girl Ansley from Rhode Island. My heart is with you.
Ansley is not forgotten and neither are you! Sending love, prayers and sweet strawberry kisses to you on Mother’s Day and every other day!
And I’m from Emmaus, PA
Praying for you this Mother’s Day Jessica your precious Ansley will always be with you and I can say my comfort comes from knowing I will see my son Gregory again! I keep my relationship so close through knowing Gods promises I keep this poem on my bedroom wall
Fly fly little wing far beyond imagining the softest cloud the whitest dove upon the wind of heavens love past the planents and the stars leave this lonely world of ours escape the sorrow and the pain and fly again fly precious one your endless journey has begun take your gentle happiness it’s far to beautiful for this cross over to the other shore there is peace forevermore but hold this memory bitter sweet until we fly do not fear don’t waste a breath don’t shead a tear your heart is pure your soul is free be on your way don’t wait for me above the universe you”ll climb on beyond the hands of time the moon will rise the sun will set but I won’t forget fly fly little wing fly where only angels sing !
Right there with you Jessica, I lost my 19 year old son Matthew to cancer July 2013. Walking alongside you on this journey. Ansley is a beautiful child. ANSLEY and MATTHEW, we will forever speak of our children. Much love to you. xxxxxxxxx
Jessica, my heart is with you and your Ansley. There is some pain that never goes away, but comes to co-exist with joy in our hearts. The two side by side. Sending light and love from Jakarta, Indonesia. Deb
Jessica, my heart goes out for your loss. Know that your sweet daughter and you were prayed for tonight in Texas.
I know your pain first hand, I did have my daughter longer 36 years but the pain, and lose is still hard II now raise her 15 year old daughter. You are right people do stop congrats and calling which seems to make it worse. Her Angle Day was and is July 11, 2013. I am truely sorry Ansley cannot be here for you and with you. God bless you.
Praying for you sweet mama. Your Ansley meant something. The loss of a child is like none other.
I too lost a child her name is Vincenza Marie Porretta she is a twin and her sister is still with us. I totally understand what you have gone through. We too have lost many friends and even family members over our daughters death. For some reason people don’t know what to say so they choose to not say anything at all. Your words were beautiful and thank you for letting people know what they should do. I forever will remember your daughters angel day. Stay strong and have peace in knowing that you will be together again someday.
Jessica, i am with you in prayer today.. Thinking of your sweet girl Ansley and praying for Jesus’s palpable peace to surround you and your family always. From Kolkata India.
My heart goes out to you.loving your little Ansley so much was a gift you gave her every day. I am so very sorry for your hole in your heart. My arms send a giant hug from North Carolina. Jane
Dear Jessica,
My heart is broken for your loss of your precious little Ansley. She was so beautiful!
I know what it means to lose a child. My baby is in heaven, I lost him during pregnancy, but I know that child like the back of my hand. I miss him more than I can say.
You are not alone. And even tho I live in South Aftica, my heart travels the miles to give you a hug and remind you that you are not alone.
Big love!
Happy mothers day! I am thinking About you and Ansley and prayer she is playing with my Analise and Adelin in Heaven!
So sorry for the loss of your beautiful girl. Sending you strength to get you through this day and all the days to come from Brisbane, Australia.
I see Her, and I say her name,Ansley, the beautiful named you took such time and consideration to pick, I’m sorry, I have a friend who lost a child suddenly, I and speak his name , for his Mother, blessed are these angels,
Thinking of you and your precious Ansley today and on Mother’s Day. I understand and I am so sorry.
“And to you, to you who’ve lost mothers, and to you, whose mothers were never able to mother you at all. And to you, dying to be a mama but not one yet. And to you, whose baby made someone else a mama, too. I’m remembering you today.”
Oh oh oh… my heart – so beautiful, so complete, so encompassing of all of us – much MUCH love xxx and thank you!
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your sweet Ansley. My heart goes out to you. From Turlock, Ca
oh my. Jessica, this one resonated deeply with me. I never lost a child but I did lose my dear mother to mental illness and drug abuse two years ago. I had just turned 30 years old. Your comments to Glennon were my exact words to everyone in my family when my mother died. It felt like everyone just dropped off the face of the earth and forgot she even existed- a pain that not only hurt me but insulted me to the core. I walked around wounded and aching for over an entire year. I stopped talking to members of my family for their inexcusable silence and not even making an effort to reach out. Glennon recently posted about her mother teaching her about “showing up when people are in pain.” My mother exemplified that practise so purely and effortlessly to everyone around her, it tore me up inside that no one was extending that courtesy to her in death. My pain was ugly and deep rooted and the anger of it all consumed me. I would say that in the last few months though, with the help of some positive therapy and life experiences, I am learning to let it go and just accept it as what it is and what it was and focus my energy and emotions on loving the people who DO Show up to remember her and DO make an effort to honour her. It’s not easy. It’s not perfect. It’s not ideal. But it is what it is. I hope these messages comfort you today. And kudos to Glennon for showing up for you in such a big way.
You are so brave & vulnerable to share your needs. Thank you for teaching us through your vulnerability. Ansley is a beautiful little girl. I hope that you are surrounded by God reflecting his love through His people today and on Mother’s day.
May God bless you and hold you!
Denise – in Texas
Thank you for letting me know it is okay to speak of loss and grief and the loved one’s name. Please know your love for Ansley and your courage to ask for what you needed in Glennon’s group is helping a lot of us learn to live
in truth. My heart feels sadly grateful. Take care Jessica.
from Candy, Portland, Oregon
Happy Mother’s Day! I’m sure Ansley made you a card from heaven she would love to show you!
Love from Niagara Falls Canada
Praying for you Jessica. This post taught be how to be a better friend. Ansley is a beautiful name.
Janine from Pretoria, South Africa
Happy Mothers Day. What a beautiful little girl Ansley is. (Charlotte UK)
Ansley needed to be your little girl. She came to this earth to bless her family and the world. Have a most happy Mother’s Day.
Happy Mother’s Day, Jessica. Your love for Ansley is so beautiful and I am sorry for your loss. I am thinking of you and wishing you a day full of sweet memories of your time with your sweet girl. Love, Katherine in Virginia.
P.S. I love her name. Ansley. Precious.
Ansley is beautiful. Praying for you and thinking about you in your grief.
I hope today was a day of both happiness and of course sadness. She is watching down on you and all of us. She wants you to know she loves and misses you, but where she is it is like no where else. She is eternally happy. She is not sick. She is being well taken care of and she is waiting for you to join her one day. She also wants you to remember her happily and loves you forever. xox
Praying for you and Ansley.
East Lansing, MI
Hugs to you for Mother’s Day, Jessica- Your Ansley is a precious spirit whose love for you is as immortal as yours for her. i celebrate her life and your strength, and pray your needs are met as they arise. God bless your family –
Thinking of you and your precious baby Ainsley. Praying for you today. Thank you for sharing your story. Lisa in Fort mcmurray.
Peace and love tou you and beautiful ansley.
gladwin, michigan
Jessica I am thinking of precious Ansley today. I will keep your words in mind when I am struggling with what to say to a bereaved parent. I will try!!
Praying for you as you remember your beautiful little Ansley! What courage you had to share so transparently.
Ansley is a beautiful name. I know you prayed, and thought and picked her name out to be special, just for her. The comfort I find through Jesus, you will be with Ansley more in your future than you were here on earth. You have much to look forward to. When you were pregnant with her once, you couldn’t wait to see her, and now, you can look forward to seeing her all over again. Very exciting!
Dear Friend, we are companions on this difficult journey. I pray for your peace and strength today and every day. What a beautiful little girl. Hold your memories close. ❤️
Thinking of you today, while we only know each other in spirit please know that our daughters, Ansley and Meagan while gone from their earthly homes are making their marks on this world. Through the lives we touch by sharing our stories of them, by sharing our tragedies, by teaching others about bereaved parents.
Christy Waterloo, Iowa
To Ansley’s Mom- thank you – for reminding us to try – that it’s not about us, to get over our fears. When I was little I lost my friend and I think of her and her mom so often. I always worried if it was hard for her to hear from me, to see me grow and have a family when her daughter didn’t get to. I’m a mom now and I can not imagine the loss. It’s not up to me to decide if she wants to hear from me or maintain the connection but I suspect she will. I need to give her the choice. Thank you Ansley’s Mom -as you will forever be. I will pray for you as well to find some peace and feel the love and support coming your way. Ansley is beautiful. I bet she had a great laugh. All my love –
Ansley was a beauty! I’m sure you can remember those sticky kisses and sugary smells. Heaven must smell like that. I never had any kids but was blessed that my friends all shared theirs with me. My best friends daughter Katy has been gone 9 years this year. Robyn changes up pictures around the house which bring fresh memories.. and there’s been a home building project through The Fuller Center for Housing that has built two homes so far for homeless vets through the Katy Build project. Just like I’m sure your Ansley keeps being a blessing, I’m so happy Katy continues to share her love with the world. Hope everyone will do something kind in your honor and in Ansley’s honor this Mothers Day weekend! You are a blessed mama!!
Ansley. Such a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. Your girl is changing the world! I have had two mothers in our small town lose their children in the last few months. Thank you for opening my eyes on how to interact with them. I always fear upsetting them but now I realize of course they want to speak about their child. Hugs to you as you continue to love and miss your daughter.
Dear Jessica,
You said it very well. We long to hear their name, know others remember, all you said. Ansley is beautiful, her headstone is too. I am taken back, it looks like you chose the same stone we did for our Jennifer. It was from South America I think. Sending love and hugs and comfort from New Mexico.
Hugs to you Jessica and much love to you for this day and every day without Ansley.
Jessica, Ansley is a beautiful girl! You are a strong mother! I will be praying for comfort for you and celebrate Ansley’s life and the impact her life on earth had on so many people.-Kris from Iowa
Thinking of you and your beautiful baby girl, Ansley. We lost our newborn baby, Charlotte, 6 weeks ago and the pain is like nothing I have ever felt before. My heart goes out to you. Sending you a virtual hug. <3
Dear Jessica, thank you of reminding us how vital it is support our friends who have lost a child even as the years pass. Prayers for you and Ansley
Sending you love from Point Pleasant, NJ. Comfort to you and peace to your precious Ansley. <3
Not sure how a little girl can look so absolutely silly and childlike while having wisdom in her eyes, but your Ansley did. I cannot imagine your loss. To be honest, it terrifies me to imagine it. But I want to thank you for sharing. I have a friend who lost her son and who posted this on FB today. By sharing your suffering, you are showing others how to better love those they care for so deeply. I firmly believe that your daughter would be proud of your courage. I know you already know this, but you are the Mother of an absolutely adorable girl. Prayers to you.
I know. I care. Keep the memories in your heart. Hugs for you and Ansley.
Richmond, Virginia
thinking of you and your sweet ansley right now from oregon. i don’t know you or glennon or any of these other women, but i know what it is to be a mother, and so, i want you to know that you are not alone. my heart knows you.
Love from Atlanta to you, Jessica. And I don’t know if it’s the absolute wrong thing to say, but Ansley’s headstone is so beautiful. What a lovely tribute. Thinking of you this weekend.
When you feel your world a pinning out if control, look for the brightest star & that will be your baby girl sending you her love. Find comfort & serenity in that love. ‘We part only to meet again…’
You are not alone. We lost our precious Sara Kathryne to SIDS at 3 months and our beautiful Heather to melanoma at 41. It doesn’t matter how long you hold your child…it is never long enough. God bless you and know that your precious Ansley is always with you.
Toni from Alabama
Thinking of you and your sweet Ansley. Sending love and prayers for peace within. Sherry Barker Winchester, kentucky
It sounds like you and Ansley are two incredible people. She will not be forgotten, and I pray that today you are able to find comfort in so many people praying and reaching out to you. You are an amazing mom! You are Ansley’s beautiful mama.
May God bless you and your family
Thankful for friends who can speak the names of our babies who left this world too soon. I am thinking of your sweet Ansley today and weep with you, friend. my daughter, Eden is in her heavenly home with your girl.
May the sun shine warm on your face and may God hold you in the palm of Hos hand. ❤️
Elise from Franklin, Tn
I’m thinking of you and Ansley today, and all the other mommas and daddy’s and sisters and brothers who are missing loved ones today. She is adorable and I love that you shared her pictures. I’m so glad you are her mom. Life goes so fast and love is such a risk but it is worth taking. I wish I could give you a real hug and hear all about Ansley but this internet thing will have to do for now.
} Jenifer
Dear Jessica,
Thank you so much for your courage, for standing up for everyone who lost a loved one. For encouraging me and everyone else to not stay away out of fear to hurt that person. Trying to say the right thing not finding the right words. Rather not say anything, trying to avoid pain. For making us realize and understand that staying away inflicts so much more pain.
I just read Ansley’s and your story, trying to understand the pain you are feeling. You are such a strong woman, and you have such a beautiful daughter!!! She lives in you, in your heart.
Sending hugs and much love from Berlin, Germany
Jessica, I love when mothers are open and vulnerable. There is nothing more real than a “real” person with real hurts and willing to share them and ask for healing. To ask for more. For remembrance of Ansley. Of course you want to talk about her and remember her. Thank you for opening my eyes to this-to talk of loved ones, to…remember them. xoxo from Kristin in Chattanooga, Tennessee
Dear Jessica,
I am SO sorry for your loss, and the following loss of people around you, that you could have leaned on for support. I agree that sometimes it’s nice to just hear someone say Ainsley’s name, and remember something about her.
I DO understand the loneliness of losing a child, which also takes a part of us. We are no longer their earthly mother, because the world can’t ‘see’ our child. We are STILL their mother.
My Dina has been gone for 21 years, and sometimes I wish someone would remember, and tell me a story from when they knew her, or took care of her. She was severely brain-damaged from birth, and slowly people slipped away…not knowing what to say.
God bless you and YOUR angel, Ainsley!
thinking of you and Ansley tonight and will again on Sunday. Mother’s Day must be very hard for you. I am praying for you both.. Love you.
Sending your mommy heart a hug, Jessica. ❤️ Thank you for being brave and sharing your heart.
happy birthday to anslee and a happy mothers day to you
Thinking of your family today Jessica and of sweet Ansley. Thank you for the reminder to show up for my friends.
You are truly an inspiration to stand up and share your story. Thinking of you today and honoring your precious daughter Ansley. Prayers for your peace & comfort all the days ahead❤️
Lexington, KY
your daughter is watching over you every day.
Hugs to you sister, fellow Momma. Ainsley is not forgotten. She is a beautiful girl with such a sweet sparkle in her eyes! Hugs to you on this tough day. Love from Charleston, SC
Jessica and all of you moms out there- you are loved and your babies are ALL REMEMBERED. We promise to keep their memories alive by reaching out and loving each other every day. In word, in deed, in thought, and most especially in prayer. I may not know you but I will honor your love through another. We will keep spreading and sharing our love and showing up. Everyday….showing up.
My heart hurts for you and all mother’s who grieve for their babies of any age. Prayers for your comfort and peace.
Thinking of you & Ansley today. Having had the loss of a grandchild & gone through it with my daughter I do understand what you are feeling. Your daughter will be forever with you & never forgotten & always loved. From South Elgin, IL
Oh Sweet Mama, may The Lord some how comfort you today and everyday because there is no time limit on grief. I am so sorry for the loss of you angel.
And thank you for reminding me that it is okay that I still grieve for my 3 unborn babies. Your story reminds me that it isn’t morbid or inappropriate to acknowledge the birthday of my twin’s still born babe! You are a brave mama!
Hugs, blessings, and thanks!
Hurting with you tonight Jessica. Ansley has one strong Mama.
His love and mine,
Kelley-Salem IN
Jessica, I’m thinking of you and your family as you remember and celebrate your precious daughter Ansley. I’m sure she is deeply missed and much treasured. from Queensland, Australia.
Jessica, I pray for God’s healing comfort for you and your family. Ansley is precious. Sweet Ansley has a mommy who is courageous and full of love. Thank you, Jessica for the powerful message and reminder that we are all interconnected. I will make a place in my heart to carry some of your burden. Sending love from Jacksonville, FL.
Ansley is smiling down on you from heaven. She’s waiting to see you again and is proud of how strong you are! I’m do sorry you don’t get to see her grow up. But she sees you and loves you. Kepping you all in our prayers.
I admire your courage to speak up and eloquence in doing so. My thoughts, prayers, and hugs are with you and your family.
Des Moines, IA
Thinking of your Sweet Ansley today, Jessica. Sending love & hugs from Alabama!
God bless you. I will add you and your family to my prayer list.
Right now I’m thinking of Ansley. And of her mama. And if her other loved ones.
Thinking of you and your sweet girl today in Denver, Colorado.
Thinking of you Jessica and your baby Ansley today.
Jessica, this story made me cry. Ansley is beautiful and looks very much like my daughter in those pictures. You will always be her mama. Happy Mothers Day to you this weekend. Sending you lots of love. Hugs from Ann Arbor, MI
Your darling girl became an angel on Flag Day. She’s the one who makes the flags wave to you. When you see a flag wave, it’s your darling girl who is waving to you, her darling mother. Love is forever, and she loves you forever.
Thinking of you, Jessica, and your sweet girl Ansley. Praying God’s peace for you and your family. Much love from Kelli in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia