Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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Thank you Glennon for starting this for Ansley’s mother Jessica. What a lovely thing to do and now her story is being shared all over the world to “enlighten” those who do not know how important it is to say our children’s names. They lived and will always be part of our lives even if we started all over again like I did. To Jessica may the wonderful memories you have of your beautiful Ansley sustain you for years to come. I feel blessed to have been Brendan’s mother for almost 17 years and that is what kept me going. A BIG hug from me to you. Jacqueline, a South African living close to Newcastle, Australia
Thank you for opening up this conversation with us. We are humanitarians but we don’t always know how to ease someone’s suffering. I will open this conversation with people I know who have experienced a loss.
Jessica — my heart goes out to you in the loss you experienced with losing Ansley & then the loss you experience when others forget her & don’t speak of her. I pray that you will find in your life others who will walk with you in open & authentic ways & that you will have comfort from God & his word. I am remembering Ansley today. She is a beautiful child.
I’m so sorry Jessica. Ansley is beautiful.
Jami from Illinois
Jessica, my daughter died 14 years ago. Her birthday is July 25 and her Angel Day is January 26. She died at the age of 6 months in a car accident we were in. I applaud you for your honesty and I send hugs for you hurt as we fell much the same I couldn’t have said it better. Where has everyone gone? To just be there for each other is sooo much more than the smiles in passing or “thoughts”. Thank you for this – my prayers are with you and your family and I will add this to my calendar – another Angel Day. Hopefully my Danielle and your beautiful Ansley are playing together as they wait for us.
Yes. Having lost both my mom and dad, fairly young, I SO get this. When others ask me what to say to someone that has experienced such a GREAT loss, I tell them that the worst thing they can say is nothing. It’s uncomfortable? get over it. Even, “I’m so sorry and this sucks. I’m here if you need me.” is enough.
I’m sorry, Jessica. It sucks that you lost Ansley. Blessings and Love.
Your sweet baby Ansley is being remember by me and you are in my thoughts. As a parent you are forever change by loss. I pray when you see your baby girl that it was like you never left each others side! Amen
Ansley is being thought of right now at 1 in the morning. She is so beautiful and I know you hold her preciousness in your heart each and every day. May her memory always be a blessing.
Hi Jessica, thank you for sharing Ansley with that group of women, and now more of us on the web. I lost my baby, Annie, on December 31 this year. I look for times like these to think of her, and my heart opens to others, like you. I loved seeing Ansley’s picture, she is an angel.
Jessica, your Ansley is right there with you thanking you for being so brave and for asking for help, and she knows the bravest thing you’ll do is to let this love and support in and allow it to heal you a little bit more. I think you’re brave, too. Love, Jennie from San Rafael, CA
Jessica- just read this story. I have four children and can’t imagine your pain. I say her name today- Ansley! She is just as blessed to have you as you are to have her. What a proud girl she must be to have a Mom like you. May your heart know peace. Thoughts and prayers from West Barnstable, MA
Jessica, I missed seeing this by a few days but I thought of Ansley today. I’ve never gone through the soul crushing lost that you have been forced to endure but I have friends who have. Thank you for reminding us what those friends need. Your Ansley and family are in my prayers.
I am thinking about you and Ansley right now …. and sending hugs and love… I too am a loss mom …. and understand we still caring them in our heart everyday….
peace to you
Sending love and peace from San Francisco. Blessings to Ansley and I’m so sorry for your loss, mama.
Ainsley is such a beautiful name. My daughter, Hannah, would have been 16 this December. Thank you for sharing this and for letting us remember your sweet girl on her day. Happy Birthday in Heaven sweet Ainsley. (hugs Mama)
Dearest Jessica,
Unfortunately, you are so right in this aspect. There is no right thing to say, but saying something is better than saying nothing. I too have lost a child and am so sorry for your loss. It is an unimaginable pain that I would never wish anyone else to have to experience. People say time heals all wounds, but this is a wound that never heals. You just learn how to live with it being an open wound. Ansley was a beautiful little girl. I wish you and your family peace.
Dear Jessica, my heart is with you right now and I am very very sorry. I pray that God comforts you in these days. (Rebeca, Romania)
Dearest Ansley’s beautiful mom, Ansley is & will always be your very loved precious daughter who came through you into this life. I’m sure even Home in Heaven with our Lord she watches over you & loves YOU every moment, and THANKS YOU for you being her mom. Ansley, along with all the precious dear angels who have been called Home (way too early in our hearts) is not ‘gone or forgotten’, she’s just on an awesome journey HOME and will be there to greet you, hug you & LOVE YOU UP when our Lord deems it’s time for your journey to bring you Home. I’ve never had children, and can’t even imagine the devastation of the absence in your life of such a beautiful precious angel as Ansley. Another beautiful mom, Tiffany, that I personally know lost her beautiful little Angel Jacob, a 2 year old, one of twin boys, & she ‘saves’ babies as her career as a doctor in neo-natal…(I’m not sure the exact terminology). I know she is & has been devastated for over a year now, added that she feels like she couldn’t save her own son. I’ve unexpectedly lost my soul mate husband of 25 years two years ago and know that awful emptiness, feeling lost and the unbearable heartache it’s left me with daily – and I know it doesn’t even come close to comparing with your separation from Ansley. I also know that this probably doesn’t help, but this is only ‘temporary’, as we WILL all be reunited again. Like others have said, we can’t fix it, we don’t have the right words as there are none, there are too many times that it is totally unbearable, unreal. But what is real is the LOVE that is eternally constant. Maybe not tangible now, but it will be again. Life really is a just a blink compared to eternity. It feels like forever to us here, but it’s not. Anyway, I’m truly not trying to preach at all because I only know my ‘different’ pain & losses and know that even the Truth doesn’t take away the pain. The Truth just keeps me hanging in there moment by moment knowing I still have God’s plan for me to finish before I get to go Home & be with my loves again – and I’m still trying to figure out how to try to go on again – but I know with the Lord holding me up – I will. I pray the same for you. There’s so many hurt souls in this world, maybe you can find one and help each other get through. As for beautiful Ansley, happy Heaven sweatheart, your mom & many many others are sending you love, hugs & kisses, and can’t wait to see you again. My love to you, Jessica – Ansley’s beautiful mom! Love Chris (from SC).
Thank you Ansley for blessing the world with your presence, even for a short time.
Belated happy birthday to Ansley. She is not forgotten.
Our daughter Katie died suddenly when she was 9 months old. We have experienced the same thing as you – no one mentioning her. It has been 31 years and she is still in my thoughts. I often wonder – what it…
Continue to celebrate her life! Always!
Jessica and Family,
Thank you for sharing Ansley with us! My love to you!
Jessica, my heart is aching for the loss of your beautiful Ansley. I’m sending love to you and your family and keeping you all in my heart xo
Marina (Rome, Italy)
Much love Jessica. I have an Ainsley and will be think of your Ansley today. From Austin,Tx
Thinking of you Jessica and our precious Angels in heaven “Heavenly Princess Ainsley” & “Heavenly Prince Alex” much love to you and your family today and everyday. xox
From Melbourne Australia
Prayers from Southeast Missouri. Remembering your angel, Ansley today.
As your sister you know that i love you and Shane and Ansley and Cam very much. I also have not once forgotten about Ansley or the many days we spent with you after her Angel Date. Many people over here speak of Ansley when we get together. She is most definately not forgotten and will never be forgotten. Sometimes we do tend maybe to not call on Ansleys Angel Date but she is much spoken of throughout the year. I love you and Shane and Cam and Ansley.
Prayers to you and your family. Ansley will always be with you, look for the signs. Hugs to you.
I’m sorry I missed Ansley’s “Angel Day” but know, Jessica, that she is being thought of and had tears shed for her a few days late….love from MN.
Sorry I’m a few days late… wanted to honor little Ansley with you. She is so sweet! You’re in my thoughts and prayers. Florida
Darling Jessica, I hope you celebrated your sweet Ansley on her Angel Day in a way you both deserved – with love.
Sending love and light from one angel mom to ALL the angel moms here
Jessica, you’re in my thoughts and prayers. Ansley’s beautiful brown eyes and smile touched my heart, as did your bravery in talking about this. Her life and your life are meaningful and are making a difference. I hope the people in your life say her name more often now, and that someday the pain will be less.
Sending you love from Harrisburg, PA
My heart and prayers go out to you and your beautiful angel, Ansley. Thank you for putting into words how I feel everyday. I fel so alone when my 2 son’s birthdays come around and when 1 of their angel days comes. Christian was born early at 21 weeks, stillborn, and John was born at 24 weeks and lived 4 days. I remember each day alone. I will share your story. Thank you!
Heidi-Mio, MI
Your sweet and precious daughter, Ansley, will be remembered by me. I lost my sweet son, Wyatt, five years ago. The sweetest sound to me is the name of my son being spoken. As I remember my Wyatt, I will remember your precious Ansley.
Renee, from Franklin, GA
Sending so much love on Ansley’s Angel Day. What a beautiful little girl!
Thinking of you Jessica,
Best wishes,
Lisa from Sydney, Australia
Thinking of you and your beautiful girl, Ansley. She is so beautiful and precious. Thank you for standing up the way you did. My daughter went to Heaven 6 months ago, and I need to have her remembered also.
Sending you Hugs from Toronto, ON.
What a gorgeous girl! Ansley was blessed to have a mama who is strong enough to take her brokenness as a chance to make other people better understand how to deal with it. You’re a warrior, and I’m sure Ansley is proud of you!
Jessica, when I heard you in Atlanta, my heart went out to you. I am so sorry for the loss of sweet Ansley (also my daughter’s name) and can’t imagine all that you have been through. Although we don’t know each other, please know that you are in my thoughts and prayers. Ansley is so beautiful and I pray that you are surrounded by family and friends who can support you each and every day. God Bless, Carolyn (from Atlanta)
I was off-the-grid and am now reading about you & Ansley. Thank you for giving me guidance; I lost two cousins at young ages. For one family, I tiptoe around it. For the other, I speak of Chris often. I will start showing up for Char-Lee’s family. Thank you!
<3 Christine
Happy belated Angel Day sweet Ansley!!:). I will be praying for you, your mama and whole family tonite here in Palm Harbor Florida.
Ansley will be remembered in our home today and every day, as will you, Jessica. We can attest to the pain of grieving parents and the sheer joy of having our children for as long as they are lent to us. Keep that chin up, even if it trembles.
I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby girl, Ansley.
Ansley has beautiful eyes. She is beautiful and looks like you. Iam so sorry for the loss of your baby girl and I will think of her often and every time I do, I will say her name. Love Nicole in MN
Jessica I’m so very sorry for your loss. It is unimaginable to lose your child. I lost my 39 yr old best friend 2 weeks ago. Im so sad for your pain that is still very real today
Your little angel is beautiful and she is truly blessed to have a mamma like you I know people come and go but you are the one that keeps Ansley a live in your heart that’s where she will always be God bless you for sharing your little angel Ansley with us. She is looking down on you from heaven and telling everyone that’s my mamma and she loves me and always will
Sister Jessica,
You stopped our world, and rightly so, and the World Wide Web, so we could know what we needed to know. Now we know and we send love and tears and delicate, whispery prayers. We are bleeding, emotionally, with you. I have never seen the brutal and the beautiful mingled together quite like this.
Thank you for sharing precious baby Ansley with me. With us. Always in my heart. We will all see her in Heaven. No introductions will be necessary. Amen.
Tender love, from Fresno, California.
Jessica, You opened your heart to 400 people that day and in doing so you have touched hundreds of other people as well. You opened your heart. Ansley is in your heart. Now she is in all of ours as well. What a beautiful gift you have given Ansley and us. Jessica, you have also made hundreds of people aware of the on-going struggles of a parent who has lost a child, and the importance of being there for them. Thank you and God Bless.
Kitty – New Fairfield, Connecticut
Hi Jessica, thinking and praying for you today. Ansley is safe in the arms of Papa God and a whole lot of women and mothers are thinking of her and blessing you today! We love and honor you for your bravery. Releasing peace and the comforter’s presence over you!
Hugs and blessings from Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.
Oh, Jessica, I’m so sorry you lost Ansley. I wish I had more words, but words aren’t enough – so please know that you’re being thought of with love today (4 days after the fact, but I’m a little behind with the world these days….).
With so much love and many hugs for you and your beautiful daughter, from Springfield, NJ.
Happy birthday precious Ansley. You are being prayed for, thought about, and loved across the globe. Cyndi and Noe from Hoboken, NJ
Love and blessings to you and your family Jessica. Ansley will never be forgotten, her memory and life will always continue on. xx.
Happy Belated Angel Day Ansley! Your Momma’s love for you is so big it reached around the world! Thinking of you both in Virginia
Seems Ansley is having a birthday week 🙂 happy birthday baby girl! You are well loved and well thought of !
Without a doubt this is the most important thing I’ve ever read. My dear friend
Lost her beloved little girl this year and not only did their life freeze but ours also. Thank you for sharing. It’s almost like you gave me a small glimpse and something grasp hold of… into what’s appropriate. I know everyone is differentl, but when you don’t know what I do, this really helps!
Thank you brave mummy!!
Thinking of you! Thinking of your family and especially remembering Ansley all the way from Sydney Australia.
I see you, Ansley and Mama. I see you both.
My heart swells & breaks for such a thing to experience as a mother! Ansley is so pretty & perfect…certainty she made this world a more beautiful place with her on it! I pray for comfort to encircle you and those who witnessed her sunshine while here breifely. I promise you that you will hold your little girl in your arms again someday and see her heavenly smile too! What a sweet reunion that will be!
Ami (in Utah)
My heart aches for your loss. Keep your memories alive! Love to you and your family.
I wish I didn’t know others in the same boat as you, but I do. It doesn’t make it any easier, but it does let me understand (just a tiny bit) what you’re going through. It’s a mothers worse nightmare.
Thank you for courageously choosing to face another day. Thank you for sharing a piece of your story. And thank you for voicing what others are afraid to say.
Bless your heart.
Hi Jessica,
Your little girl was beautiful and looks like she was a big fan of strawberries, as I am too.
I know all too well how the hole in your heart never gets filled up. I lost my first granddaughter to SIDS at 9 weeks after being the one to catch her as she slipped into this world, 11 weeks early and weighing 2lbs and 13 oz, but she was beautiful and such a fighter. She came to my house from the hospital and I helped take care of her for the first 2 weeks. She had her check up and we thought all was well, so they took her monitor off and sent her home. Two weeks later, she was gone, just gone…. I still cant believe some days that I will never hold her again. She would have been 7 the 14th of July.
Time has passed and I also like you would just like to sit down and talk about the happy memories we have of her, but it always turns to tears. My daughter cries when her name is mentioned, so I guess with a little more time we can make some progress. I prayed for you today as I read your story. I will now for all the Angle days to come, remember you and your little girl. God bless you and your family.
My 19 year old daughter died suddenly in February. The pain is unbearable most days. You are not alone. I sent a prayer for you Ansley, not just for her angel day but for every second of every day that i know you miss her and yearn to hold her, hear her, laugh with her, be with her.
A hug sent to you from Colorado. Thinking of you and Ansley. Both of you are beautiful souls. You are not alone. We are all here. We hear you. We looked at the precious pictures posted of Ansley. We will remember.
Much love,
Jessica, your baby Ansley is not forgotten! Thank you for sharing your heart and helping the rest of us learn how to help YOU as you keep carrying on and living with your daughter’s memory.
One of my dear friends has lost two daughters. Two–his oldest and his youngest. Now I’m not going to just pray for him on their birthdays and angel days, as I have in years past–I’ll pray and let him know that his precious girls are still remembered. It’s a scary field for a friend to venture in–I’ve seen his face crumple in pain when talking about his baby, who was six when she died, and I didn’t know what to do. What can you do when their world has fallen apart? What on earth can you say or do that could even begin to help them through the pain? But now…I didn’t know it was so important to be there and speak up. And sometimes that is all I can do–be there, and let them know their children are loved and remembered. Thank you for telling us all how much this matters. Your story is bringing hope and love to other parents who have experienced this heartbreak. Blessings from Atlanta, GA.
My heart goes out to you, Jessica. I’m so sorry your beautiful girl Ansley is not in your arms, today and every day. Ansley is blessed you are her mother. Sending you warm love from Florida.
Belated thoughts of love to you, your family and your angel Ansley., from Ashland Oregon.
Hi Jessica,
I am so sorry your beautiful Ansley was taken far too soon (by about 80 years give or take) thank you though for your courage. You gave a voice to MANY grieving parents and those that love them. I hope that your day was filled with many wonderful memories of your daughter. I have a few emails to send now.
Thinking of you in Edmonton, Alberta
Many belated thoughts and prayers to you, Jessica, and your beautiful daughter, Ansley. May everyone always remember. May the rest of us be not afraid to help others. God Bless YOU!
Jennifer in Georgia
Thinking about your dearest daughter…. I am so sorry for the loss of your lovely Ansley. sending positivity to you Jessica. Life sometimes feels too hard to navigate, but with help from others we get through, don’t we? Please know that others are here in solidarity with you.
Jessica – I’m so very sorry for your loss of Ansley. She is a beautiful, beautiful girl! I can’t imagine your pain and I can only say that you are in my heart and prayers. Much love, warrior mama,
Hershey, PA
~ Jessica, Thank you for your story, I believe this will be life changing for some… I recall when my Daddy passed ~ the following Christmas I wanted so so SO much for my family to talk about story’s ~ times in his life that were special… I was told that is was “to early” to be doing that sort of thing > that it would be upsetting 🙁 > That truly Broke my Heart 🙁 <3 ~ You are soo correct I Love the Headstone that Ansley has ~ She Loves Nature ~ the “Outdoors Right?!!!!!” She is a BEAUTY~full Soul ~ Her Spirit is illuminating ~ Bravo Mommy ~ You can see Your BEAUTY~full Heart in her shining so Bright!!!!!!! I Know you miss her physically… Just think of the folks she shared this Wisdom of hers ~ Through You!!! She’s Not gone… No, she has but left ‘this’ plain, the world that we ‘see’… <3 <3 <3 ~ Namaste ~ God Bless ~ LOVE in Abundance to You Jessica ~ thank you for sharing Ansley with me me/us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This was very touching. Thank you for speaking up so that others can help comfort. I am sorry for your loss. Thinking of your sweet Ansley and praying for you and your family.
I am a grandma who lost her grandson Keaton. He would have been in 1st or 2nd grade this year. Jessica you are not alone. I didn’t know what to say to my daughter either when it happened. Only that my pain was as great as her’s. My baby was hurting because her baby was gone. Ashley is not forgotten it’s just hard to speak the words when you loose someone that you love greatly. Sometimes even thinking them is too much. We wonder what she would look like now. Would she be doing the same antics as her little cousins who followed her into this world. Some of us never even had a day with our children. Cherish ever minute you had with her. She touched many lives with joy.
Ansley is beautiful and I am thinking if her today. My Joy is in heaven with her. Praying for you too.
Love from Colleen on Ainslie Parade in Sydney, Australia. Your Ansley and my Victoria (passed away at 3 months, 1 year ago) are in Heaven together.
Thinking of your angel Ansley, as well as your family! A candle is lit for your beautiful baby girl!
your ansley is gorgeous. my heart aches deeply for you.
Love sent your way from Colorado. Ansley is with you always.
I was suggested this blog by my cousin. I’m no longer
sure whether this post is written via him as no one else realize
such particular about my difficulty. You’re incredible!
Thank you!
Jessica, your beautiful daughter mattered, a lot. I am so so sorry that she died.
I know what you are going through, my beautiful son Ian died on April 4th this year. The only way I get through the days is to try and remember something I read on The Compassionate Friends website…that we, the mothers left behind, now have our children’s legacy to fulfill.
I missed your Ansley’s Angel Day but I am here today thinking of your beautiful daughter and sending wishes to you and your tribe who love and miss her. Jennifer from Vancouver, Canada.
From Zimbabwe, a few days late due to no electricity –
Don’t stop celebrating your Ansley…rejoice in the gift she is to you and yours.
Also a few days late…You are in my thoughts and prayers, Jessica. As is Ansley.
Jessica, My heart is aching for you, though I have never met you. As a mother, I can only imagine your pain, and the loss you must feel. Ansley is a beautiful angel, and she must have been so blessed to have you for her mother, if only for a short time. Blessings to you and yours.
I also want to send prayers up for my many friends who have suffered miscarriages or other losses of their children. I can’t help but cry and hug mine close at the very thought, and I pray none of you have to go through that again.
Belated birthday wishes to your sweet Ansley. It is very clear that she has made her mark on many hearts in her (far too) short time on earth. Love and light to you!
Dear Mama Jessica,
All of my love to you and your dearest Ansley. I have no doubt she is with you and loving you despite the fact that you can’t see her. Love love love-Betsy
I lost my Rachel March 31 of this year. Just a few months ago. Daily routine dulls the thoughts mostly but then….. Those moments!!!!! A dress she would have loved or a favorite tv show or a song… has taken part of my soul. I will continue on because that’s what Moms do. Someday though, I will rejoice with you my girl, my friend, my heart.
Hi Jessica. So sorry this is late, but birthday blessings to Ansley and virtual hogs and love to you. Hope my angel Ben is keeping an eye out for her xx
Katherine from Northamptonshire, United Kingdom
The “Blessed Hope” of all mothers of children gone before us is of being with
them again one day. My son, David, died at age 37 ~~the pain is the same
and I do have his picture in my office and think of him every day. Always hang
on to those memories whether short or longer ~ God’s gift to us.
Blessings Ansley on the day of your birth.
Peace to you. Light to you. Love to you.
Sat Nam.
Devi, Los Angeles, CA.
Jessica – Your darling Ansley is not forgotten. I can’t imagine your pain but a piece of her is in your heart. A big hug from Hingham, Massachusetts
Praying for you today. Thank you for sharing your story and your beautiful girl Ansley.
Jessica, What an important message to send. Ansley should never be forgotten or “tucked away”. I understand your sadness when no one will speak of her, but the good intentions of others to not “bring you down” are misguided, aren’t they? No one says my son’s name, Kyle, either. So, I’ve decided that I will say it. Everyday. I bring it into casual conversation, with anecdotes from his life, and watch as my family and friends kind of shrink away from it. But I’m determined to not let this pass. I NEED to talk about him, and hear others talk about him, and so I’ll be my own Warrior for now. I hope seeing Ansley’s name here, amid so many warm and tender comments, brings you a bit of peace.
Thinking of you and your beautiful girl. Your story touched my heart and will hold a place there forever.
Thinking about you and your beautiful daughter.
sending smiles to you Ainsley and wishing you happy angel day.. sending your momma love xx
Ansley was — is — will be with you and all always…hugs and prayers…Deb in NJ
I am here if you need someone to talk to. Your daughter was so beautiful. She is always there with you
The world should stop for the loss of your beautiful girl. I have a 9 year old girl that is my heart. Thank you for sharing.
Your Ansley is beautiful! I heard you speak-I was at the church. I felt so saddened by what you said. There were women, presumably mothers, crying all around me. I think we were all affected by your words. I don’t understand why people sometimes don’t get it. It doesn’t take much to just ‘hold space’ for someone (as Glennon might say.) Sometimes, people are just HUGE disappointments. I can’t imagine the pain you live with. I hope it helps knowing that even though we don’t know each other, your daughter’s life matters to me. You and your family’s hurt matters to me. I am so sorry. I am remembering your sweet girl, Ansley. God bless. Amy
I’m a few days late, but happy angel day beautiful Ansley. I am sending my love, and positive thoughts all the way from Queensland, Australia oxoxoxox
Jessica, there is no pain like that of losing a child. I lost one of my twin boys to SIDS last year…we are coming up to the anniversary of that dreadful day and the closer we get the harder my heart starts to pound as I know I will have to relive it all again…I wish that I didn’t have to write you this message and I wish that I didn’t understand what you are going through. I wish we both had our babies here with us and that we would never even have heard of or known about one another. But through this pain we are brought together – a special group of the strongest women this world has ever seen. Lots of love and strength to you…and I’ve asked Logan to give Ansley a special brithday hug from us all the way from South Africa xxx
A few days late, a heart more broken for your loss…. Ansley. Precious girl. Jessica, I ache for you. I CAN NOT imagine and I am so sorry. May God bless you richly and bring you peace. Love to you from Bettendorf, Iowa.
Amy B
Belated Birthday Blessings to Ansley and her beautiful Momma! Sorry this is late, just found this and it touched my heart. My dear friend lost her daughter, Angel, in March…this message is exactly what I needed to read and now act on! Thank you for sharing, God’s Word is so clear that we are to mourn with those who mourn…it doesn’t say we have to ‘fix’ anything, we can’t…but just continually reaching out to those who are in pain…I pray your heart is encouraged, as YOU have encouraged me! Blessings from Hastings, Nebraska