Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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I am from New Zealand. I am remembering Ansley today and am so sorry for your loss. Take care
We just lost our Baby Jackson in Feb. He was 9 days old. His heart didn’t
form completely and it wasn’t found until it was too late. We were told over and over we had a perfectly heathy baby. We did have a perfect baby. Like you it hurts more when people don’t say anything. I guess they don’t want to see me cry. You put too words exactly what I have been feeling. Thank you for saying something. I will remember your daughter and I will cry for you and I will cry with you.
Darsey… I’m sorry that Jackson isn’t in your arms. I’m so sorry… I’m crying with you, too.
Amy B
Thinking of you and your beautiful daughter Ansley!!!!!
Ansley’s spirit carries on!!! I’m so so very for your loss much love xoxox i live in Raytown Missouri I really hope things get better
I too, lost my beautiful girl this last year. It’s been almost seven months and we are coming up on her 16th birthday, except that she won’t be sixteen, she will be fifteen forever. I am amazed at how people look at me when I bring her up, as though I have done something bad. I will not stop talking about my girl, no matter how people react. I still love that girl,and I always will, so I know, I know how important it is for people to talk about your Ansely, as it is to talk about my Megan Hope. I hope your anniversary was healing. I think about how people do their weddings over and I think I would love to do her memorial over and over, I know others wouldn’t understand that, but I loved hearing how much others loved her. I would love to do that over and over. I hope that this has given you that sort of feeling knowing that she was loved. I’m in Chino, California, missing our girls and connected through our loss.
Hey Jessica— I am a little late— but still sending love your way. Ansley is remembered! I’m in Asheville, NC and wish you joy & peace. I will pass on this love to my other friends who have lost a child. Thank you for your honesty— love & peace & joy—- danielle
Hello Jessica, I saw this just now. I want you to know that I was touched by your message. I lost my sweet Mariana in a car accident nine years ago. She would have been 17 on 8/23. We keep her memory alive even though other people go on with their lives. I talk about her every day and especially with her younger siblings who never met her. She is not present bodily but her spirit lives on. There will be no more tears in heaven.
I am sorry that I missed your sweet daughter’s angel’s day but I still wanted to acknowledge it. Thank you for sharing your family’s story with us and for sharing Ansley with us. Dana
Jessica, I am so sorry for the loss of your precious daughter. Ansley is not forgotten…she lives in your memories. Hold on to those memories; talk about her often. Sending prayers your way from Fort Wayne, Indiana.
I am a few days late, but I am sending love and prayers for Ansley’s Mom and family. I am knee deep in grief myself, after losing my precious sister, Sue, 8 months ago. But, My heart is focused on Ansley today.
So much love to you, from Michigan!
Much love to you Jessica as you remember Ansley’s beautiful smile and the happiness she brought to you and your family…
My world has stopped for a moment as I read your story, and I am sending love and light as I remember Ashley with you. Your little Angel will be with you always.
I am a few days late but just read this .,Sorry for the loss of your sweet daughter Ansley.,Gone but not forgotten.,
Kisses sent skywards to Ansley xxx
Love to you, Jessica, and all who love Ansley
Sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing. Your sweet girl has a smart and resilient mom.
Margaret, Providence, RI
I am praying for you Jessica, and your sweet baby girl Ansley here in South Carolina.
Happy Birthday Ansley. God bless your family. May they find peace .
I’m thinking of you Jessica and I know how you feel. I’m so sorry you lost your precious daughter Ansley. I lost my beloved son, Matthew, who was 29, on
June 4, 2012. His birthday is easier because we can celebrate his birth and life but his “angel day” is much more difficult. This new normal is hard.
My thoughts and prayers are with you. Ansley is beautiful. I am certain she is playing in Heaven with our Faith Melody. We lost her on April 15, 2014. God Bless you!
My baby would have been getting ready for college if not for a car wreck that ended her wordly walk on April 30th of 2013. I know how you feel about seeing people tiptoe around saying her name. I try to say her name every chance I get. Thank you from all of us who have suffered.
For Ansley and Caitlyn.
Jessica, my thoughts and prayers are with you today, though it appears I’m a few days late for Ansley’s angel day. My daughter and I sat and read your story together, (she is 11) and she said “Mom, tell Jessica in your message that I will remember Her story, and will say Ansley’s name every day so she knows I won’t forget.” So you, Ansley, and your family are now on our daily prayer list and we will honor you and Ansley as the opportunity presents itself.
Thank you for sharing your story, and your daughter’s memory, with us.
Thank you for sharing your story. It will help me to reach out in love to those who are hurting, friends and strangers. I will think of Ansley and remember her mama.
Sending Love From Duluth, MN
I’m thinking of an angel I never met but one who is so loved. Ansley is lucky to have a mom like you. Love transcends this world. I believe that every day. My twin sister lost her 3 year old 4 years ago. His Angel day was July 4th. I try to make sure she knows we never forget our sweet Harper. We pray for him and we talk with him all the time. We remember him ion special occasions and miss him more than anything. Love wins- Sending hugs and love today from Colorado
Xoxo monica
I read this post, on the page of a friend of mine who lost her son Travis. I know we are all busy, and that the day to day pain of this loss, is only really present for the parents – but, please know that so often, way more often than you would imagine, your friends think of you, and your beautiful baby. Ansley crosses the minds of those who love you, in the most significant ways. . .when their child has a milestone (and they remember you, and the sad fact that you will not experience this milestone) – when they think of a time when you were together, or see a color or character that your child loved. It happens. Maybe not every day. But, a lot. And, I appreciate this article, because it serves as a reminder, that when those things happen, what we should really do – is say so! So, even when I am busy, I will stop to tell my friend Nicole, that I am still so sorry that she lost Travis, and that I think of him, and of her. He was a shining light, and his little life mattered. And, he is missed. And, she is loved! And, Jessica – even though I did not know you, or your beautiful daughter Ansley – she is missed, and YOU are loved! <3 Hugs from San Diego, California! ~ CJ
remembering…. how much love there is when we share (even & esp. the hard parts). grateful. that i did stop and read. to Ansley’s mama… we love you. so terribly sorry. thank you for sharing so we know how to support you and other’s like you we love. i can do better now. and i will. so thank you from southern california.
I have a ten year old daughter and if I lost her, I would feel the same way you do. I would continue to say her name and NEVER let anyone forget her. I would want family and friends to just show up not matter if they know what to say or not. My prayers are with you!!!!!
Powerful message. I also read this article a bit late. Sending my love to you Jessica and Ansley!
Thinking of you and your sweet girl today. Prayers and love from San Diego!
I just read this post today a little bit late. Thoughts, prayers, and tears for you and Ansley.
Louisville, KY
Dear Jessica,
Sorry for being a bit late but sending you and your family love, thoughts and prayers on Ansley’s angel day. Every day, you are the bravest mommy just for showing up, just for taking on the day. I hope Ansley’s memory is a blessing to you all on her angel day.
Jessica: I’m a few days late catching up on my reading but I am remembering your sweet baby girl today and thinking of you! I did not lose my baby but my brother committed suicide 14 years ago and I understand what you mean about the silence or lack of anything to say. I love to hear Glen’s name. My children ask about their crazy uncle that they never knew and I tell them the same stories over and over because it warms my heart and heals my soul. You are a brave warrior Momma to stand and speak your heart. I will say a special prayer for you today with the name ANSLEY in each sentence. She is not forgotten.
All love.
Sara from St. Louis, MO
Thank you for writing this. My daughter lost her son at birth and while most people are very loving and concerned about her and her husband, they will ask me how she is doing or have they decided to try again or something of that sort. Unfortunately they seem to forget that I am a Grandma without a child to hug and spoil and brag about and my husband is a Grandpa who won’t teach woodworking or fishing or counting the stars. So please remind everyone to think of the grandparents too, ask to see pictures, talk to them about their loss too.
I understand the loneliness when it comes to friends and family talking about their children and leave you out of the conversation because they don’t want you to feel sad that your child is no longer on this earth. We all love to talk about our children and our friends and family have to be aware that we WANT to talk about our child. I know they feel uncomfortable but it is OUR child that died and let us hope they can start being a little more empathetic. Happy Angel Birthday Ansley!
Sweet angel baby Ansley
Your precious family is missing you every day. In God’s eternal embrace you will stay. Until you meet again…
Please say hi to my angel baby, Hap, in heaven today!
Sara H Scottsdale, AZ
A few days late, but just to let you know I have read this story and stopped to think of Ansley for a moment. We have a few family friends who have sadly lost children. Ben. Indira. Sarah. Olivia. I think of them all often and today I am thinking of Ansley too. Ansley is such a beautiful name and I am sure she was a beautiful person too. We must never stop commemorating the lives of these young people, so tragically cut short.
Tried to think of something wise or profound. figured the best thing I can offer was just <>
and it deleted the word “hug”.
Happy Birthday dear Ansley, you are remembered and cherished by many. Your mama Jessica is a strong, brave teacher from whom we all have benefited. You and your family are in my thoughts — from Naples, Florida.
Sorry I missed Ansley’s angel day Jessica but she will be thought of for a very long time by all those like me who have read your story and seen her beautiful pictures. Love and respect from across the ocean in Northern Ireland xx
Sending love to Jessica, her sweet girl Ansley, and all the mamas who have lost their precious children. Reading through these comments cracked my heart wide open. Sending lots of love and light.
Jessica, your Ansley is a beautiful little girl. I hope you felt the hugs from all of us on your daughter’s angel day.
Jennifer, Wisconsin
Ansley a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl. Thinking of you and your baby girl. May our children never be forgotten.
There is NOTHING sweeter than hearing your daughter’s name. Ansley is a beautiful name, and whenever you hear another little girl with that name, it brings back all your sweet memories and the sadness. Ansley is also an angel with my sweet Lindsey, who has been gone 11 yrs. and would be 28 yrs. old, and is thought of every day. She is holding my grandchild I never got to meet, and so many little children our friends have lost since then.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and will be every July 14 going forward. My son Ryan’s angel day is June 29 and every word you spoke is so very true!!!!! Some of those I thought my closest friends avoid saying Ryan’s name and if I speak of him – they tense up – I can feel it. Thank you for what you said – blessings to you and Happy Angel Day – Ansley!
Jessica – many blessings to you today sweet warrior mama. Hearing about Ansley this morning was a divine appointment! Praying that is greatly encourages you today and into the future. With love from Jenni in Yakima, wa
Nearly falling victim of the “not knowing what to say” I almost didn’t comment. But, this beautifully captured conversation brought me to tears. Blessings to you, Jessica, for opening your heart and sharing how we can help and respond to those we care about in times of loss. Love to you and your family, and precious Ansley will live on in my thoughts and prayers.
Happy Birthday Ansley from the Cruz family in Murrieta, CA. Lots of love to your mommy Jessica! Please give my angel, Audrina, a big hug from me. She loves bday parties! Please invite her to your angel bday party… Xoxo
I’m sure Ansley is so proud of you. Thank you for telling people what they so desperately need to know. My sweet nephew went to heaven soon after his 5th birthday and my sister has suffered much of what you have. I’m sure that Ansley and Harry are having a ball in heaven right now and watching over us all.
God bless you from one angel mommy to another! Jakob Wright Richardson, 7/11/07-9/20/07
Jessica I am so sorry for your loss of your precious daughter Ansley. What a beautiful name! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Sincerest sympathy from Linda in Ft. Myers, Florida
May God comfort your heart.
Debbie from Azusa, California
Happy Birthday sweet Ansley, you are missed by many. Hugs and love to you Jessica, may all the heartfelt intention in these words and the love from your friends and family bring you some comfort during the difficult times.
Dear jessica
I am thinking of you on this day and please remember not matter what ansley is part of you and a part of you went with her so she will always have you with her as you will always have her with you.
It’s been 15 years since I lost my son Nicholas and the pain never goes you will just learn to live with and you will eventually understand that people who have not suffered a lost a child will never truly understand how you feel and even though they do not talk about with you does not mean they don’t care. They just don’t understand
Jessica, I am so sorry for your loss of sweet, beautiful Ansley. Unfortunately, I can identify with your pain. We lost our precious granddaughter on Feb. 25, 2013. It was unexpected and unexplainable. Like you, and others, our world stopped too. We rest in the knowledge that we will be reunited with her again, when we get to heaven. That is what keeps me going. Prayers for you and your family. Thank you for sharing.
May you find peace in our collective sorrow for your loss. There may be lost words about Ansley as time goes on, but never lost love.
I’m sorry I missed Ansley’s Angel Day. I will be thinking of you and your beautiful daughter today over in Scotland.
My thoughts are with you Jessica and the other mammas of angel babies. I am a midwife and it breaks my heart everytime a new mum goes home without her baby. Love all the way from Perth, Western Australia, Eleanor x
Thank you so much for sharing. I am from Oahu Hawaii, currently living in Orange County California. I am so sorry for your Loss. Our family has also lost a little one Kymani-Ryan K. Duncan. He went home to be with the Lord on April 20,2014. I Prayers, and thoughts sent your way!
What a beautiful little girl. Thank you for your courage, and inspiration. May the Lord bless you &,your family!
Ansley. Ansley. Ansley. Say her name.
Joseph. Joseph. Joseph. Say his name too.
He would be 7 if he hadn’t died 5 years ago from cancer. He is my boy; I am his mama. Now. Then. Forever.
I hope they are somewhere, together, happily waiting for us and knowing how much we love and miss them.
I am so sorry for your loss, Jessica. To Ansley-the world misses you, lady.
Thinking of you, Jessica, and your sweet angel, Ansley. I’m sending love from San Diego & hoping you find comfort in these words from fellow mommas like me) & the Monkee Community. Your Ansley is not forgotten.
Jessica, I truly hope all of these messages bring you some comfort that your precious girl will never be forgotten. It is very true that people often do not know what to say to this kind of loss and pain…so they say something trite or nothing at all…when what we needed was just the acknowledgment that our child was here, impacted others and is missed and not forgotten. Time does ease the terrible pain, but is always with you because you are ALWAYS missing your child, that wonderful lost piece of yourself, until the day you too die. You miss, not what you had…but, what you will now never have. What would they look like, what would they be doing, what kind of person would they be, would they have gone to college, got married…all those dreams and hopes you had for them are gone too. No, you never forget, but others will now remember Ansley, also…on this day and many more to come. I will think of her whenever I think of how much I miss my own sweet Tiffany, who would be 33 years old this August. She blessed my live with so much love and joy for 1 short year and I have missed her terribly for 32 now. Sending you my love and prayers for you and your precious Ansley, from Michigan. Sincerely, Lizabeth
Jessica, I have lost 2 children and have gone through (and still am) the same type of thing. No one ever mentions my son or daughter and when I do it gets very quiet and the subject is changed quickly. I lost a daughter 10 years of age and 2 years ago I lost my oldest son, he had just turned 53. My heart cries for your sorrow and loss. They will always be our children even though they left this earth before us. My other 3 children and I are about the only ones that ever remember and talk about our loss.
I have lost a son, it feels like a piece of me is missing! Thinking of you and praying!
I am honoring my friend Linda Higgins, who lost her daughter earlier this year.
She is so adorable, I am truly sorry for the loss of this adorable little bundle of joy. Tears flowed as I rid the story. God bless you and your family!
Jessica, I wish for you the rush of a sweet memory, the warmth of a friends love and the faith that there will be a moment of peace in every day. May light fill you and your loved ones as you celebrate, remember and hold onto your sweet Ansley. Love from a Farm in North Idaho.
Dear Jessica,
I am moved to tears by your story. What a beautiful way to to remember Ansley, your beloved little girl. As a mother, I can only imagine your heartache at the thought of your angel slipping through the hands of time. Well, not this year, and it is my prayer for you that not another year will go by that Ansley is not thought of everyday by someone around the globe, especially those who were closest to her, and that the Lord would put gladness in the hearts of those that mention her name, and what a beautiful name it is. All children are precious in the sight of our Savior, your precious angel, Ansley, is in good hands love.
In His Name,
Thank you for letting us know what the right thing to do is. I always want to reach out to friends suffering from great loss, but I’m always afraid to bring it up. From now on, thanks to you, I will be brave and remember their loved ones and talk about all the wonderful memories of them. I’m so deeply sorry for your loss, and I assure you that even though people may not talk about her, your Angel is unforgettable.
Dear Jessica – all my love and best wishes from New Zealand! Ansley was such a beautiful little girl. I have missed her angel day, but we have stopped today to send a prayer. Love Carolyne
I am from Fort Lauderdale, FL
Jessica …… I loved seeing Ansley’s photos! She was such a pretty girl. Hang in there
Jessica, thank you for putting into words what so many of us who have lost a child feel and are unable to express. You and Ansley are remembered today.
Ansley is such a beautiful name. Thinking of you today from CO. God bless you.
Ansley is amazing.
Jessica, holding you and your loved ones in prayer during such a difficult time. Ansley’s life surely holds so much meaning for so many! I understand your sorrow as I have had to return my son, Matthew far too soon to the Father. but, I do know this, we will be reunited with our precious children when the Father says its our time. Sending love, hugs and bushels of prayers. xoxoxo
Lynn (Pittsburgh, Pa.)
Thinking of you today and your darling Ansley. Sending you both love from Ontario.
Jessica great love goes out to you and Ansley and may she forever be remembered and always loved and shared! I too know this struggle as many of us do and we all need each other in order to make it through much love from Columbus, Indiana my son’s 2nd Birthday would be July 19th! Hugs and love to you both!
Sweet Ansley is remembered every day. Keep your faith in seeing and holding her again. ♡
Ansley is remembered in North Carolina. She and Ciara are probably both looking at us and thinking why are you crying mommy. She would have been 6 this week.
You were blessed with a child. She just had a higher calling.
Jessica, your sweet Ansley is remembered and loved with you today in South Carolina. I know there are countless mommas who are thanking you tonight because you have given others the courage to just say anything to a friend grieving a little one.
Thank you for your courage. Thank you for sharing your story about your precious daughter Ansley. Your love for her shines like a bright light from heaven. Jesus said, let the little children come to me. I know that she is sitting at his feet worshiping him and being celebrated in heaven. — Hugs from Madison, Mississippi
Jessica, I’m very sorry for your loss of precious & adorable Ansley. Thank you for your gift of igniting the spread of this important message to keep supporting those who grieve– especially those who have lost their children– as messy as it may be, as uncomfortable as it may be. Hugs from Boulder, CO.
Happy belated birthday Ansley! I’m so sorry for your loss Jessica! Your beautiful Angel baby is not forgotten!
Hi Jessica, It’s rainy and cool here in Denver and I am thinking of you and Ansley. Thank you for telling us how to help you and others in the face of this kind of loss. My brother lost a daughter and I know his wife felt like this. Now I know talking about her is helpful and I will do it more. Love to you and yours, including Ansley.
Thinking of you, Ansley, and your family today. Love from New York
Ansley was simply beautiful, Jessica. I know not a day goes by when her face lights up, then darkens, your mind. I hope it honors her to say “I’m here for you”.
Having lost my 9 year old grandson (Christopher Robert..aka Chris Bob) in 2012; I completely understand Jessica’s angst. I found a wonderful picture of Winnie the Pooh and Christopher Robin where they are overlooking a river from a bridge and one says to the other “Promise me you will never forget me” and the other says “I promise!” I try to keep Chris Bob’s memory alive at any chance I get. I’ve asked people not to stay away and not to be afraid to mention his name…sure I may get teared up…but it’s okay, because I cry everyday now. Jessica, you really find out who your real friends are at times like these and I pray that you talk about your sweet Ansley every chance you get <3
I hope you are surrounded with love and good memories of Ansley. From Arlington, Virginia
Jessica, I am pretty certain your Ansley and our angel George are in heaven together making great plans for yours and my family. Let us rejoice and enjoy their spirits and our love for them. Thank you for sharing.
I know this is coming late, but I hope ansley’s Angel day was beautiful. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Sending well wishes from Ontario, Canada.
Just want you to know I pray for you and your family, I’m sorry Ansley’s life on earth was cut short and know you think of her every second of every day and oneday you will be together again.
thinking of Ansley and everyone who loved her…in Asheville, NC.
Jessica, I’m late, but I’m remembering your Ansley now. My niece, Maggie passed away just three weeks into life and her leaving has taught me so much about loving those who are grieving. I’m so thankful that you had the courage to say what you needed to in that moment so that such advice could be shared here. Praying for you tonight- thanking God for your Ansley and for her brave mother. Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted! May you receive comfort and continue to teach others how to comfort!
I hope that lil miss Ansley’s angle day was a blessing although it still may have hurt. The pain you feel I can’t even imagine but the closest I can say is I’ve lost 4 in the first trimesters. God be with you and bless your family as I’m sure they hurt with you only more silently and afraid. I’m live in Dodge city, KS.
I’m sorry this is two days late. I hope this year Ainsley’s Angel Day was bearable. She is a beautiful girl. I lost my little Sarah 33 years ago. And every Angel day, I have one best friend who knows and reaches out to me. I wish you all the love in heaven!!
Happy belated birthday Ainsley! I’m sure you are having a wonderful time in heaven. Thank you Jessica for the invaluable information. We recently lost my nephew Archer. His heart went silent after 38 weeks in the womb. My sister in law, Julie, is an amazing woman. Your words spoke to me, so I can help Julie as well. Your family is in my prayers.
Sarah from Felicity, Ohio
Angel day is so appropriate for this beautiful sweet girl! She is your Angel! You are a incredible woman, you have survived the unspeakable. Bless you in your work to carry on her memory. Love yourself and do live life because Ansley would only want you to smile and find ways to be happy! I have two boys that I was fortunate to raise to manhood. I worked in healthcare for 18 years and responded to codes where we would attempt to revive life. What I learned through the years is those that did come back to us did not fear or hate that experience of death, in fact most of them said it was peaceful and euphoric it was the horrible burn they felt that hit their chest that they did not like. That burn was our paddles forcing them back to our mortal world. They shared that they were not afraid of dying now that hey were at peace and it was warm and full of light.
I feel your loss deeply and I send you my love. My second name is Aynsley, and my nieces name is also Aynsley, both of us after my late aunty Aynsley, who was lost far too young. Every time I say these names now, I will also think of you and Ansley.
Love and prayers from Richmond Virginia and Melbourne Australia to sweet angel Ansley and her family….miracles have wings…….and the sweet flutter of wings on your cheek on a summers eve are your babies wings kissing you and reminding you that she lives within your heart forever….
Happy Birthday, precious Ansley. Perhaps you have met my baby, John Knox. His birthday and “angel” day are both July 28th. I’m from B’ham, AL and I’m the only one besides my mom who even mentions it. <3 But I remember!!!