Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart breaks reading your and Ansley’s story and I can’t help just crying for you. Thank you for sharing this heartbreaking tragedy–thank you for being brave and vulnerable and again I am so sorry for your loss, I’m sorry that this world doesn’t make sense and bad things happen that don’t have any answers. You are not alone. I care. We care. Sending you love, tears and wishing Ansley a thoughtful Angel Day. This post was late because I just read it today but I couldn’t NOT post something to you.
Sending love from Mississippi.
Ansley. Happy birthday to you. To who you were and who you are. May all the love that’s being sent to you and your mommy bring comfort today and every day. With love and support. Jenny lane. Richmond, Virginia
Jessica, thank you for telling us something we all need to hear and do, don’t worry about what to say, just be there and show we care and remember. Ansley is a beautiful little girl and I just realized I share a birthday with her! I will remember her always. Love and comfort to you…
Jessica, your beautiful Ansley! I love to say her name and say it to my daughters Anna and Emily so they can say it too. Thank you for helping us to know how important it is we NEVER stop talking about lost love. Mary from Grand Rapids Michigan.
Jessica- Thinking of you and your sweet girl Ansley on your Angel
Day. We lost our daughter, Sophie, 12 years ago and I know how this loss shapes you forever. I hope you were able to think of her today and feel gratitude that she was yours and you are forever her mother. I also hope the pain is tolerable and that you experience enough grace to live on.
ansley is such a beautiful name!!!! and you are the mother of such a GORGEOUS girl. i wish you could give her a hug and a kiss today…i am sending those things to you…and so much love. – aleen carey
May today be full of Ansley’s memories and joy.
Thinking of you and sending hope for more peaceful days ahead. The photos of your beautiful Ansley brought a smile to my lips and tears to my Momma eyes. As a mom to 4 angels under 5, I can’t imagine the anguish of losing a child. My heart aches for you, but at the same time I feel profound comfort knowing Ansley has such a warrior Momma still looking after her. Ansley is watching over us all with her beautiful eyes and, even more than that, smiling down at you, her Momma, with only Love and Awe. Hugs to you on this and every day. Beautiful Angel Ansley, beautiful Angel Ansley, beautiful Angel Ansley…this will be my mantra falling asleep tonight.
Jessica – You are not alone. Ansley is NOT forgotten. You are her mama, and this mama grieves with you today. Your beautiful angel is remembered, today and hereafter. Your pain is shared, today and hereafter, by everyone who speaks Ansley’s name. We are holding you both in our hearts and prayers.
Feel comforted today as many think about you and your precious child. I am saying a prayer for you today. Thank you for sharing about your sweet girl Ansley with all of us. You have given much needed insight into what is needed by a grieving parent. Again, I say thank you. Be blessed.
Hi Jessica, Thank you for being so brave to share your story and speaking a brave truth. Ansley is not forgotten on this day or any other. Nor are you.
My heart aches for your loss Jessica. Ansley will never be forgotten. Thinking of you.
Fredericksburg, VA
Jessica- Thank you for your bravery and strength to share your story. Happy Birthday to beautiful Ansley!
Thoughts and prayers from Massachusetts
Sending love and strength to you from California on Ansley’s Angel day. Thank you for reminding us all to say names and to say them again.
Ansley was a beautiful baby! I totally understand your feelings, your courage to say them out loud is awesome. I also lost a daughter, she would have been 16 this year. I too think of my daughter daily. I am thinking about you and Ansley today.
Karen from NC
Happy Angel Day Ansley!
Your mama is brave, courageous and a fighter!! I know, because you are in heaven with our angel, Baby Nico. He was delivered full term, a still born baby boy. Every loss is different. Every pathway through the grieving process is different. But your mama is brave because she can speak up and speak out!! The hardest thing to do when you just want to hide in your grief. Shout out!!! Speak up!! And always remember ….
We had an amazing support group we were able to share and connect with. 2 years later we still talk and check in. Their babies, Gabriel, Joshua and Elyse.
Lots of love from a parent who know, who loves and cares, and who will remember Ansley too.
Kate in Florida
Oh Jessica, I’m so sorry about Ansley. I’m praying for you right now, as I read this, before I forget. I know I’m a few days late, but luckily even if the message is late, the prayers can go back a day or two to love you. I wish I could fix it, for everyone.
I’m thinking and praying for u today, I’m so very sorry for your loss. We loss our daughter Jan 17, 2012 due to a cord accident, she was stillborn at 39 1/2 weeks. The words and how you expressed yourself are exactly his I have felt and do feel regarding the loss of our daughter. Hugs to you…xoxo
Happy Birthday sweet Ansley!! Hugs and prayers from Texas!!
I said your precious Ansley’s name today and said a prayer for you! May our Father in Heaven give you comfort and joy!
Bobbie from VA
Dear Jessica,
Happy belated birthday to Ansley! I know the pain that you feel because we lost our son almost five years ago. We always talk about him and make our other children know that it is okay to speak of him and talk about all the wonderful memories. Birthdays and holidays are hard, but we try and make the best of them because we have two beautiful children to live for. Always celebrate your memories! They are the most comforting and wonderful things to think of when you feel that emptiness in your heart. May you find strength and happiness on this day!
Dear Jessica,
There are never words to fully express what is in a Mama’s heart when she loses that precious one. Hugs are always the right thing to give and so I pass along a hug to you from MD. May the memories and photos you have of Ansley make your heart smile…I know that doesn’t make things better, but I am happy that you do have those.
Love from Natalie’s Mama (3/17/06-4/1/06),
Thank you for sharing this lovely story. My best friend lost her son Benjamin and I was lucky enough to read forums, blogs, and articles like this one that were *truthful* and honest about what grieving parents want and need.
Ansley is beautiful <3
Huge bear hugs from Ontario, Canada.
Ansley is such a beautiful name and I’m so sorry for your loss. Thank you for sharing your story. You are an incredibly brave woman. Sending you prayers from Columbus, OH.
Jessica, this touched me deeply. Thank you for sharing with us what you need. What a beautiful angel Ansley is and though she was with you briefly she is a mighty presence in your life. She made a big impact in a short time. I honor you for being the loving mother that Ansley needed. You are helping many people with this message. Thank you for that. I am speaking Ansley’s name for all of the children and parents and acknowledging that they still are part of you and your life and the people who knew them and their names need to be spoken, their memories rejoiced over. They were here and they mattered. Ansley is surely proud of you and helping you to spread this message, sweetheart. Bless you.
I’m saddened to read your story and sorry that you don’t have Ansley there to hold. I’m touched by your words. They really get to the heart of the matter. I too have lost a daughter. You are so right that those feelings are always right there beneath the surface.
You are not alone,
Another Jessica missing her daughter
Jessica, you are in my prayers. I’m so sorry for your loss.
So sorry for your loss. Ansley is just beautiful. Thinking of you and your angel and sending love from Atlanta.
Jessica, thank you so much for having the courage to speak your story and mentor to so many people the importance of showing up and acknowledging your love and loss. What a wonderful thing you have done for Ansley’s memory by sharing your experience—you have helped more people than you can imagine.
Ansley was just beautiful! I’m so sorry for your loss. But I know you will get to be her momma in heaven for eternity! You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers..may God give you peace and comfort today
Jessica, I am so sorry for your loss. At this time of Ansley’s Angel Day, I pray that the Comforter will hold your hand and be close as you mourn her loss and celebrate her life. With much love from Harborne, Birmingham, UK xx
God Bless Ansley.
From: Keely
Houston, TX
I understand everything you said. My daughter, Madalyn, was born on July 31, 2003 and became an Angel on Aug 17, 2003. I left the hospital without her. She was never in her room or our home and our family never got to meet her as she was in the NICU. I send you lots of hugs!! We talk often of Madalyn and her brothers know and talk about her as well. They never met Madalyn as she was our first. Please know you are thought of and I hope your family and friends can come to you and talk to you about your beautiful daughter.
Ansley is so beautiful! I’m so sorry for your loss. Love from College Station, TX.
Jessica, you are so brave and Ansley has a wonderful Mother. You will always be your angel’s Mommy and she will always be with you. God bless you and Ansley.
From Debby in Ohio
God bless you and your little angle today. May you have peace and know that she is loved and looking down on you! We lost our niece 5 years ago and I know it never gets easier, it simply changes. God bless you.
Dearest Jessica,
We are thinking & praying for you and Ansley, Remember we LOVE you even as we are thinking of our own little Anthony Joseph who is in Heaven with your beautiful little girl.
With much love, Connie Dowell & family
Jessica, well said! It’s so true. My angel’s first birthday was two days before Ansley. He died suddenly in his sleep at 9 weeks old. I’ll be thinking of her every year from now on.
So sorry for your loss of your daughter Ainsley. May you feel God’s love for you each day as you remember her. Prayers for you and your whole family…
Hi Jessica! I am so glad you shared your mothers heart with us! The loss of two of our children were the most difficult experiences in my life and I still miss and talk to them everyday! You are loved, Ansley is loved and we are holding you in prayer! We are from southwest Louisiana! Xoxo!!
Just to let you know that I will be thinking of you and your little girl today. She will be in your heart forever. after reading your post I will ensure that if ever anyone I know is in has a loss like. Yours that I will make sure I talk to them often about their angel child
Sarah from Nebraska thinking of you. My Angel baby would be 5 in September. ((Hugs)). This was a very good and true read.
You have endured every parents’ nightmare. I dont know you, but this brought me to tears. I will carry this with me forever, and I promise that I will always follow your advice. My thoughts and prayers are with you… Time never heals a tragedy, only makes the pain tolerable. I’m sending love from Ontario Canada.
Thinking of Ansley, Jessica and family..
Cindy, Salem, Massachusetts
You have endured every parents’ nightmare. I dont know you, but this brought me to tears. I will carry this with me forever, and I promise that I will always follow your advice. My thoughts and prayers are with you… Time never heals a tragedy, only makes the pain tolerable.
You are in many of our thoughts and prayers TODAY..You are absolutely right never stay silent say Ansley’s name often she will NEVER be forgotten!!!
Michelle Colonie, NY
Thank you for speaking your truth and – in turn – representing so many of us who have lost babies suddenly and unexpectedly. In 2011, our 20 month old boy passed away in his sleep in perfect health. We have no cause of death. I know i don’t have to explain to you the ache that ones feels when they are seperated from their babes. There are really no words to describe it. But I do know that hearing his name is the best. gift. ever.
Speak of him, share memories of him, invite me to talk about him. Anything. I don’t hear his name nearly enough.
Thinking of you and Angel Ansley today and missing her with you.
Bless you, Mother Heart.
Love and Light,
Bennett’s Mommy
Thank you for sharing Ansley with us! My good friend just lost her twins- Luke and Olivia. My heart breaks for you as it does my sweet friend. Your story has given me guidance on how to always honor Luke and Olivia’s memory. Prayers to you from Tennessee.
Jessica, while I don’t know the pain of losing a child, I can say that beyond a doubt it’s a mother’s biggest fear. Just imagining life without my children is almost too painful to stand. Ansley was a beautiful girl. My prayer for you is for comfort, peace, and joy until you get to hold your sweet girl again in heaven. Cathy Senkbeil, West Point, Georgia
So sorry Jessica. I lost my son and feel your heart in this. I pray God’s continued peace to rest upon you.
My niece and her family lost beautiful Magnolia almost 1 1/2 years ago, and I could be (probably am) considered one of those who has forgotten. I have not; my thoughts turn to Magnolia’s family more often than they could imagine and I wish that I could have known that beautiful girl when she was manifest among us. Now I can only know her through my dear sister’s stories and my niece’s remembrances. I’m sure the pain is and will be always there, and I can only hope that Magnolia’s light will still light their way through this present world.
Jessica, you are a precious mama and the perfect one for Ansley! I am thinking of you and her today and I wanted you to know. God bless you!
Thinking of you and your sweet Ansley today.
Thinking of you today, even though I didn’t read it until 2 days late. I have a friend who lost her one of her grandchildren at the age of 2 1/2. When people ask how many grandchildren she has, she always includes Caleb when she says she has 7 grandchildren: 6 on earth and one in Heaven. Her son was asked how long he would mourn his son, and his reply was, “As long as he’s dead.” My sister-in-law’s first child died when only 3 days old – we always include Chip on family trees, etc. and when talking about how many children they have. Love to Angel Ansley’s mommy from Michigan.
I’m Maggie, I’m from Fort Worth, Texas, and I’m 15. although I am not a mom, I am in the company of many here on this page. I want each of you to know that your sons and daughters love you, that you’re not a screwup parent, and I understand how hard it is to go about each day pouring into us and we not responding. Keep doing it. Keeping loving us. One day, we’ll realize it. Thank you to all the moms.
To Jessica, I wanted to say how much my heart aches for you as you miss your little Ansley today and the rest of your life. I wish there was a way to fix this, I don’t know of one, but I know of ONE who understands and is by your side forever. God will carry you and use this moment and turn it into something beautiful, just as beautiful as your baby girl is there. Ansley is dancing, and laughing, and singing in heaven right now, there’s no more pain, tears, or sadness. Remember, God isn’t scared of your questions or intimidated by your doubt, bring it all to Him and he will take care of you. I’m praying for you as this day and the rest of your life continues.
Ansley’s Mama,
Thank you for being vulnerable. Happy belated Angel day to you and your girl from a reader in Pearland, Texas.
Thinking of you Jessica & little Ansley, she is playing with the angel’s in Heaven & watching over you ever day.
Thinking of you today and and all the other moms who have lost their beautiful daughters. I have lost a baby girl also, and I full heartily agree with your words. Much love from the Netherlands.
My heart aches for you as well as my own as I know the feeling you have everyday. I often worry that I make others feel uncomfortable when I talk about my Grady. But talking about him keeps him with me. Hopefully your message will be heard and your friends will now know how to be there for you. Love and prayers to you and your family and your beautiful Ansley.
Jessica, my heart grieves with you. Happy home going day for Ansley. Think of her basking in the arms of Jesus as she is being well cared for while waiting for her mama to be reunited with her in Heaven. Your job here is not over yet and neither are the rest of ours. We just need to persevere until our jobs are through and we can love on our babies again. God bless you. Kelli from NC
Thinking of Ansley today. Thank you for helping us know what to say.
Jessica thinking of you and Ansley your preciois Angel that must be grinning from ear to ear as we are all sharing her with you today and all of the days to come. God definitely has a plan for us all, don’t ever question him.Thank you for sharing your story I pray it touches everyone as much as it has touched me and also helped me to realize I’ve been going through the same situation only the great loss of my life is My Beautiful Mother Barbara. Jessica, Barbara will watch over your Ansley until the two of you are together again in the Presence of Our Lord God Bless you today tomorrow and the coming days.
Let us celebrate Ansley today. I cannot begin to comprehend what an incredible loss you’ve suffered but I care. Thinking of you!
Sorry I’m two days late, but it matters. To me. To all of us. You are loved.
–Chicago Deb
What a beautiful girl. Sending you many hugs and much love and care from England.
In sure Ansley is celebrating her Angel Day surrounded by so many other sweet angels and peering down today and everyday to check in on her beloved friends and family. Love from Georgia and all over the world!
Sorry for your loss. I’m an angel mom too and feel the same way you do.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious Ansley. The thought of your grief takes my breath away. I wish you peace and comfort. Know that someone is thinking of you and your daughter today in Ontario, Canada.
Thanks for reminding us!
Love from Anne, Norway.
How you must miss Ansley so very much. Quietly crying tears with you and silently praying that you feel God’s love strengthen you.
Carolyn from Maine
Dear Jessica,
Thank you for sharing Ansley with us. I will think of her often, and you also. Your daughter will always be your daughter whether beside you on Earth or watching you from Heaven. I lost my Rebecca in 1983 before she had a chance to take a breath. So many people think it is easier to lose a child that never lived than to lose one that you spent precious time with, but it is not. I still grieve for my little angel every day as you will for your darling Ansley. My heart is with you and I’m sure that our daughters are playing together on streets paved with gold. Hugs to you from Louisiana, formally from Maine!
We will never forget, Jessica. In memory of beautiful Ansley.
I know the pain you are going through as I’ve been there too…I carried my first girl(after 2 healthy Boys) dead for 6 weeks in 1964 I wasn’t able to see her, because of her being dead for soo long, not even allowed to go to the grave site, in 1965 gave birth to another healthy baby girl, God took her home quickly in 1977 as she was killed by a truck before our eyes…She was coming over to our car , the sun was in her eyes, she protected her 7 year old sister from coming with her… I think of them every day, they are never talked about either…
So Jessica, I think of you & Ansley as I write this… I Love NILMDTS, they are doing wonderful things for these families…God Bless …
I lost a daughter 36.5 years ago. We didn’t even name her but I think about her and know I will see her in heaven and give her a name then. I will also see a grand daughter Shirley that my oldest lost and then 2 more grand kids that we didn’t get to find out their gender. Your comment brought years to my eyes and made me remember both my losses and everyone else’s.
I’m so sorry for the loss of your precious Ansley. She’s beautiful!
With love from Limerick, PA.
Dear Ansley Mommy,
praying for you today. I imagine our daughters are at the foot of the Throne playing together. Your stronger than you realize and braver than you think.
With Love from Texas,
Lorena’s Mommy
My heart goes out to you. May Ansley be watching over you today, and always. A mother from Michoacan, Mexico
Ansley is beautiful. Hugs to you, from one grieving mother to another.
Jessica, I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful Ansley.
I am sending love to you, Mama. I will think of you and Ansley often.
Jessica, I am so grateful that you stood up and told us what to say! I have a few friends that have lost immediate family members. I never knew what to say. Until today. Thanks. Thinking of you and Ansley. ~Jessica in San Francisco.
Thank you for reminding us to show up. Sending up a prayer for you and your family and of course Ansley. I love her name, it was one of my choices for my girls. Sending you love from Vermont.
Jessica, you and Ansley are in my thoughts today.
“And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama” — that part of the story really gripped me hard because no one mentions my daughter’s name. as stated, almost as if I somehow stopped being Lucia’s mom when I lost her.
Thank you so much for sharing Ansley with us!
Dear Ansley’s mommy,
Thank you for your bravery in breaking the silence and letting people know that the perfect words of comfort simply don’t exist and reminding everyone that what continues to exist is your love for Ansley. Your Ansley is remembered, and I honor you.
Sending you hugs as big as Texas,
I just read your story about your beautiful daughter, Ansley. You brought tears to my eyes. I know this is late but I am sorry for your loss. Know that love is coming from Pennsylvania to you. Hugs! Watch for the butterflies and rainbows. They let us know our angels are near.
Dear Jessica,
Please know that I am thinking of you and Ansley, and imagining all of the joy she must have brought you while you were blessed to have her. Kisses to you and to your angel up in heaven.
Jessica I cannot imagine how you feel. I hope those who know Ansley now have some of your courage and strength and will share memories of her with you to show that she will never be forgotten and there is joy to be had from remembering how blessed you all were to have had her in your lives
I’m sitting here in Washington, crying for the loss of your beautiful Ansley.
I am very sorry for the loss of your daughter. I know first hand how hard it is to loose a words can ever be said to make it any easier. If you know the lord you will one day be reunited with your baby forever..and hold her ohhh so tight forever. I pray the lord gives you a peace that the world cannot. Our babies are together playing on streets of gold. She is beautiful and I appriciate you showing us all the importance of just saying a name is .with love from Tennessee… lynn
Sweet Ansley. God bless you & your family. May the Holy Spirit comfort y’all. Corpus Christi TX
Jessica your story brought tears to my eyed. I too have lost my baby girl Angelica in 1990. I understand the Loss of friends and family never speaking our precious children’s names. We will always be their mommy’s and they will always be our beautiful children that we think of every single day but especially those special days. I’m so thankful for the time I had but am also bitter still of the moments I should have had. Ansley will never be forgotten. You and all moms and dads of Angel babies will not be forgotten. Love and thoughts from Placerville California
Thank you for sharing Ansley with the world. And thank you for sharing yourself and your love. We will all carry Ansley in our hearts. xoxo
Jessica and Ansley… You are both in my thoughts today and I love you both. I may not know you, but I do know what’s its like to loose a child. Ansley is lucky to have a mommy that fights for her memory.
I understand your anguish, your pain, and the relief you feel when someone does remember Ansley’s name. Your baby girl has a lot of company with her. She has my children; Dae & Dawn 11/15/98, Andrew 01/04/00, & Cole 07/24/01. As a mother to an angel, I can tell you that no matter what anyone tells you, you will always carry Ansley’s memory in your heart. It’s ok to go talk to her, cry with her, what ever you need to do to carry on. Just never let anyone tell you that ours time to move on. My twins would be 16 years old this November, & I will never let their memory go away. Much love from Millers Creek, NC.
Carol, I’m so sorry for ur losses. I want you to know I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well. You, Dae, Dawn, Andrew and Cole. All my love to you.
My thoughts are with you on your Ansley’s angel day. Thanks for sharing your story. Pam, Richmond, VA
Jessica, sweet Ansley is missed always. Thoughts and love to you from New Orleans, LA.
I know I don’t know you….but God does! The most comfort I can give you is that God (as hard as it is to live…), has a wonderful plan for your daughter. There is no suffering, no deep wounds that seem to never heal, no expectations. His love is grander than anyone person on earth can fathom. Know this, he is looking after her with unbelievable grace, mercy and deep love! Be strong and rest in knowing these truths.
This brought tears to my eyes on what has been a difficult morning for me remembering my baby Clara. I wanted to write and thank you for teaching others the importance of just being with us and speaking our child’s name. The pictures of Ansley are beautiful and I hope you have felt loved and supported this year on her day.
Jessica – you are one strong momma! Sending love and cyber hugs your way from Vancouver, Canada!
Your Ansley is beautiful! I am so sorry…I wish I knew of some way to make the pain less.
A mother’s love only grows stronger as does your love for your daughter. My heart breaks for your loss and prays for continued comfort in the precious memories of your beautiful angel. I speak your daughters lovely name of Ansley from Sylva, North Carolina.