Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
Join Glennon on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
Bless you, for speaking up many times I have felt the same way, thank you for not letting people forget,someone so unforgettable, your daughter Ansley is beautiful and what an outstanding mother you are. thinking of you today and every July the 14th.
Jessica, peace for today, strength for tomorrow.
Carry on & share with others who have lost a precious
little soul, the need you have to hear Ansley’s name
and recall precious memories who are part of you.
Ansley would be happy to know of your boldness.
Hello Jessica from White Hall, MD. My thoughts and love to you as you remember your sweet girl today and everyday. Stay strong!
today is Ansleys day she took her final breath and her body died. her spirit lives thru all who knew her and now i feel I know you and in some ways are connected to Ansley.
feel all this love
feel Ansley in all this love with you
Jessica thank you for the courage to tell all of us what you need…may you feel our care surrounding you today as we remember Ansley and how you love her.
Jessica~My heart goes out to you today…thanking God for the gift of Ansley’s life and her welcome into Paradise. Mourning your loss with you…our Jennifer’s Heavenly birthday also brings bittersweet memories and tears. It has been 18 years and I feel very blessed by those who have kept her memory alive. Your little girl is beautiful! Your bravery in speaking with Glennon is going to bless many, many people! God Bless You and your precious family! I know Ansley is very proud of her momma!
Dear sweet Jessica, thank you for your courage and your vulnerability. Because you are brave, your precious angel Ansley still has a voice. Because of you, she is changing the world and making it more beautiful. Because of her, we are all better mothers, sisters, friends. Her light is shining in and through you. God bless you! Hugs and prayers from Barto, PA.
Dear Jessica,
I’m sitting here crying and thinking of your sweet Ansley. She was so lucky to have a mama like you to love her, cherish her and be her mother always. I love the pictures!! I can see her sense of humor in the one with the bowl, and her serious, thoughtfulness in the one with the strawberry. ((((HUG)))) from Laura in Texas.
Dear Jessica,
Tears are streaming down my face as I think of you and your sweet little Ansley on this day of remembrance. I am so incredibly sorry that you (and your family) had to endure such a tragedy. Your strength is an example to us all of the power of a mother’s infinite love. My thoughts are with you.
Rotterdam, NY
Jessica, lots of hugs for you and your sweet Ainsley from Winslow, AZ.
Jessica, I wish I could give you a great big hug. Thank you for teaching us how to love you and the other mamas who have suffered great loss. Thank you for sharing Ansley with us. What a beautiful baby girl!
Prayer for you and your family, Ansley is an Angel. We will are with you and your family.
Dear Jessica,
I’m so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter, Ansley. Please know that she is remembered and honored. Wishing you peace and love from Austin, Texas.
I live iin Ocean City, New Jersey. May you feel peace and love, Jessica. You have many friends sending comforting wishes your way
Thinking of you and Ansley today.
California momma
In Georgia, praying for your pain to be eased and praising Ansley’s life.
Sending you love, peace in your heart and blessings on today. Hugs and kisses from Miami
Sending prayers and hugs to you on Ansley’s special day! She is looking down on you everyday and knows she had the best mom in the world! Sending you love from Georgia!
So sorry for your heartbreaking loss. Ansley is indeed a beautiful name.
(in Ontario, Canada)
Ansley. Yes. Ansley. Thank you, Jessica.
(Terri from MA)
The God that gives us the need for people, will give us the people we need….. And today I needed you. Your loss is somehow the teaching moment for those of us that momentarily forget the blessings we have in our everyday life. God Bless you for your roll in that lesson.
Dear Sister Jessica,
Your daughter Ansley is breath-takingly beautiful. I have never seen such big, cocoa-brown eyes on anyone, ever. Also, she just looks “smart”. I am joining you in celebrating her life. I am also grieving and sobbing and missing her with you.
I tried to reach you early this morning but this site was jammed with the love-wave that was coming at you via the internet. The message said “slow down! too many messages at once”…and I said out loud “No! Ansley’s mommy needs love!”
I hope I finally get through, now that there are over 1,000!!!
Tender love and care coming your way from Clovis Ca…
Sending love and prayers your way. What a beautiful little angel!
Jessica, God bless you. Thank you for sharing the pictures of Ansley – what an adorable little girl. Thinking of you on your angel day, Cayce from Michigan.
Prayers for you on this day and every day sweet Ansley is not with you. A friend of mine lost her baby sometime ago…and your story has helped “remind me” to reach out to her and say his name.
Spring, TX
Ansley. What a beautiful name and beautiful girl. I will tell my kids about her this evening, and we will say her name together. Bless you, Jennifer!
With love from Lafayette, Colorado
I’m a tired momma. I meant Bless you, Jessica!
For Ansley and Jessica and the whole family – Peace beyond all understanding and we will see them again. My niece Patty was taken at birth and we miss her so much. Thank you for telling us to keep talking out loud about how special they all are:)
Dear Jessica, may the Lord bless you and keep you this day. I hope you feel the hugs from all the mamas who are praying for you. Love to you from Colorado.
Jessica: I am from Largo, FL, halfway down the west coast. I am thinking about you and your previous Ansley. I just can’t imagine how you must feel. I am sending my prayers and love your way though. Gale
Prayers for you and your sweet angel, Ansley. God bless, from Phoenix, Arizona
Hi Jessica. Thank you for the good advice about staying in contact. We all need reminders like that sometimes. Thinking of you and your precious Ansley today from Everett, WA.
Jessica, I am so very sorry that Ansley missed out on the years she should have had, with you, beyond you. I am so very, very sorry. And I am sorry for all that you are missing. I know I can’t begin to imagine your loss.
Jessica, I’m stopping the world and sending all the love, comfort, peace and joy I know how to. Your Ansley is beautiful, and her name is one of the prettiest I’ve heard! It must be amazing to be able to talk about such a precious little girl whose name is as unique as her story and her impact. Thank you for creating this moment, thank you for reminding me of this. All my love to Ansley’s momma, Jessica, from Kimberly Ann in Los Fresnos, Texas
Jessica –
Sending you all my love and strength. Ansley lives on through you and your courage. Just as my Sonne (5/14/11-8/31/11) lives on through me.
Much love…Ali K
Los Angeles, CA
Love and prayers to Jessica and Ansley from Cristina and Brianna (Fairfax, VA)
Jessica I am so very sorry for the loss of your precious girl and am praying for you and crying for you today. Ansley is a beautiful little girl and looks spunky! I love the photos, I think food face photos are sweet and funny. She looks so happy and content. Again I am sorry , love, Carrie
My name is Amy and I too lost my son Luke, unexpectedly and not a day goes by that I don’t feel the same way so Thank You for saying it . Ansley is a beautiful angel and bless you on this day and always. I will think of you and Ansley often.
Dear Jessica You and your sweet Ansley have been in my thoughts all day. Thank you strong momma for showing me how to help those who have lost. I hope you understand the impact you and Ansley have made!
Hugs and Love in Milwaukee
Your Ansley is beautiful!
Prayers for you and your family on this day and this journey.
Orlando, FL
I am from a tiny town in Michigan, Union City. I had two people come to mind when I read Glennon’s post today. More than anything my cousin, and my friend, want their children remembered. It was helpful for me to hear you say that I don’t have to worry about reminding them about their boys, they are thinking about them all day every day. Instead, it is my job to tell them I love them and that I too was thinking of each of their precious boys. So, because of Ansley’s day, I will make a call to both of them. I was trying to find cards to send, but I will call because you told me it matters. They need to hear from me, thank you for reminding me. Much love, many prayers.
Jessica, I will always remember Ansley and her day. The reason, my grand daughters birthday is July 14th…her name is Kate after her grandmother. The other thing is, I wanted my daughter to name her Ansley, but she chose a family name rightly so. I have numerous friends who have lost children and what you said is so right…that’s exactly how they feel. Thoughts and prayers.
Though I don’t know you I have a friend in the same situation as you and your words have helped me realize that I need to be there for her more. Thank you for that. On your sweet Ansley’s Angel day I wish you peace, love, and all of the wonderful memories you can muster. Please find peace in knowing that she is watching over you everyday saying “that’s my Mommy, isn’t she wonderful!”
Jessica… I am sorry for the loss of your little angle Ansley … I have a friend who also loss her little girl Caris… Though they are not here on this earth they are in a better place where no one can bring them harm or sickness and they are watching over you daily… Thoughts and prayers for you and Ansley on this day and all the days to come just as they are with my friend Maggie and her beautiful baby Caris..
Kristi from Hampton virginia
This mom in Memphis, TN is thinking of you and Ansley today. Wishing you some sunshine and love in your heart…
As a mother who lost a child, your words perfectly expressed the feelings I’ve struggled with for 20 years this July 30. Only my mother ever remembers my son Christopher or says his name. I’m remembering Ansley with you today and praying that you feel that.
Christopher, Christopher, Christopher.
Love, G
I’m so sorry you lost your son, Christopher. Wishing you peace and love.
Dearest Jessica, I want to share something with you. I woke this morning thinking today is someones birthday and after going through my mental list of family and close friends, I came up blank, until I read your story. God planted in my heart this morning your Ansleys birthday. Its amazing that He can do this! Today here in Washington State it is warm and sunny, a beautiful day to have a birthday! Im honored to celebrate Ansley today in my heart! And because I have not met her in person (one day I will in heaven), I decided to look up Ansleys name, I wanted to know the meaning of such a rare and beautiful name…a name like Ansley must be granted to one who holds a rare gift. Her name means Awe inspiring one’s meadow. She truly is awe inspiring as are you, and like a vibrant meadow she brings many to her who are looking to play, to chase butterflies, to pick flowers and lay in soft grasses and look up at the floating clouds- to live life ALIVE! Im certain by looking at precious Ansleys photos she lived her life FULL of ALIVE on earth! We celebrate your precious awe inspiring Ansley today, who indeed IS fully alive in heaven, chasing butterflies, picking flowers and experiencing ALL that heaven has to offer her. And we absolutely love you for waking in us, your sisters, hearts our boldness to love from the deep places that NEED to love valiantly without fear. We were made to love in this way. With as much of my heart- in all of its of it own broken places- and messy awkward trying…I want to say I love your mama heart and I love your precious Ansley, Happy Birthday Awe Inspiring Angel Ansley! You are causing our hearts to love so big- You are a world changer!
Thinking of you today. Remembering Ansley with you. I am so sorry your heart holds such hurt. Today we all celebrate your love for your baby girl.
From another Mommy of a son in Heaven. You and your family are being thought of today .
Dearest Jessica….I’m praying for you and lifting you up today sweet momma! Ansley is a beautiful little girl! I too lost my infant son, Cameron, and your words could not speak any greater truth. Love to you from Bethlehem, NC <3.
I know exactly what Jessica is talking about. My second daughter was stillborn at full term last June 30th, 2013. Her angelversary this year was HARD. And most friends didn’t message me that day. A few did, absolutely. But it really does seem like people “forget”, although I’m sure it can be a case of people just genuinely not knowing what to say.
Regardless, continually checking in with the family is the best advice I can give.
Hugs to you Jessica, from one lost momma to another.
Here’s to our girls, Brielle and Ansley.
Brielle, Brielle, Brielle.
Love, G
I love the sparkle in Ansley’s eyes.
I am from Bloomington, Indiana. I want to tell you that you are a strong and amazing women. The worst loss for anyone to go through is losing a child or baby. I know Ansley is with you today. My son went to heaven on march 22, 2014 and was only with us for an hour and 18 minutes, he had Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13) and I know how you feel for my family never brings him up and only few of my friends do I meet before I found out he had Patau Syndrome. Hugs to you and your family. I will keep you in my prayers <3
I hope the prayers and thoughts from this online “lovily” wraps your heart with love and brings you a little bit of peace. Thank you for sharing your pain and teaching us an important lesson. Prayers from Texas.
(A lovily is a term I used to help a single mother of one redefine who they were after a divorce. A lovily is a family based on love and not on laws and customs.
Every single word you said, echos what I also feel. It feels like the world slowly forgets and to me, that is just not good enough. To the world Ansley (and my Patrick aka Sproggy) may just have been kids but to us, they were our world.
Remembering Ansley today…My thoughts are with you and your family, Jessica.
Steph, Patrick’s mum (05/Apr/2009 to 25/Jan/2011)
Patrick, Patrick, Patrick.
Love, G
Hugs being sent to you. I am also a angel mommy and I deal with daily. Happy Birthday Ansley! And if you ever just want to talk please contact me!
Every single word you said, echos what I also feel. It feel like the world slowly forgets and to me, what is just not good enough. To the world Ansley (and my Patrick aka Sproggy) they may just have been kids but to us, they were the world.
Remembering Ansley today…My thoughts are with you and your family, Jessica.
Steph, Patrick’s mum (05/Apr/2009 to 25/Jan/2011)
I love her name. Ansley. What a beautiful name for a beautiful, sweet baby girl. I too have lost a child and not much time has passed. But I do know I love when people remember him and say his name. Yes, Ansley you are one loved child and so sorely missed by many, but especially your mama. I know you continue to feel her love and it permeates the heavenly realm….it goes on and on and on for you. What a gift your life here on earth was and continues to be in heaven!
Westerville, OH
Hello Jessica:
As a mother that has also lost a child, I am thinking of you as you celebrate the life of your beautiful Ansley today and every day.
from Minnesota
Jessica, bless your heart for having the courage to share your experience with the world and for sharing your Ansley with us (and thank you Glennon for bravely and boldly stepping forward, even when words fail, and just being). Holding a space of love for you and Ansley today and hoping you find some comfort and peace today as you remember your baby girl! <3
Jessica, Holding you in The Light, as you remember Ansley today, and every day!! I know how the love as a mom/parent is like no other! May you feel loved today and know that Ansley felt loved from you!
Say Spencer
Decatur, Ga
Dear Jessica, my thoughts, my heart, my tears are yours today for the loss of your beautiful daughter, Ansley. I hold a space in Iowa for you, your family and all others who were touched by her short, precious life. Prayers and peace to you.
Honoring your baby girl, Ansley, today, her angelversary, from here in Concord NH. I reached out to my friend, Karen, who lost her baby 16 years ago.
I hope all this love for Ansley will bring you a small measure of peace today.
Thank you for reminding us how to be there for those grieving.
With love,
Bless you on this blessed day. Thank you for reminding us to never be afraid of speaking the name of one such as your lovely Ansley. Prayers and love to you from Minneapolis, MN
Thank you for this. Thank you so much!
Hadley’s mama
Hadley, Hadley, Hadley.
Jessica, thank you for sharing the memory of your sweet Ansley with us, and for teaching us how to reach out to a friend in their moment of loss. Your daughter and your words will never be forgotten. So much love from El Cerrito, California.
ANSLEY. A beautiful name for a beautiful name for a beautiful little girl.
Thinking of you today Jessica and your sweet beautiful Ansley. Sending love and prayers that God would hold you and your family close to Him.
I am so very very sorry for your loss of sweet Ansley… I have 3 kids, and I can’t fathom losing one of them. She looks so beautiful in these images. What a sweet girl. Thinking of you Jessica!
You precious angel is looking down today and knows how very much you love her. I pray for strength and comfort for you today as you miss your baby so very much.
Jessica, you and your sweet girl are in my thoughts today. I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t begin to imagine the emotions you must go through each day remembering your lovely daughter. But I hope that your beautiful memories of her help you find some peace. Much love to you.
Jessica, your beautiful Ansley shares a place in my heart with my daughters, Laura Foster and Mary Riley, who were born prematurely and lived for one day. Just like you will always be Ansley’s mom, I am also a mom of two beautiful angels. Know that you are surrounded by Light and Love. Barbara (Oxford, Mississippi)
Jessica you are a fabulous Mama for keeping Ansley with you and for being brave enough to tell the world to do the same. She made you her Mama and she is loving you from heaven. I know she is! I hope you are held today, loved on Earth today. I hope you find so much comfort today. We all love you here.
Jessica, so sorry for your loss. I know you think of Ansley every day. I know she lives in your heart forever. I hope time has eased your pain and left you with happy memories. I am from Fayetteville, AR
Jessica, if I could hug you in person I would… Thinking of you and yours on Ansley’s Angel Day…..
Mae Gruss
Ansley… what a sweet name for a beautiful girl! Say it loud and often as you remember the sweet memories, Jessica. From Donna in Beaverton, Oregon
Dear Jessica, my name is Alisha and I don’t have any childeren yet.. You might think that I can’t understand what you feel and you are right, I don’t. I can’t even imagine the pain to loose such a Angel so soon. There is one thing I can assure you, if you believe in heaven, then that’s where little Ansley is.. Looking out for her beautiful and incredible brave mummy. You are an Angel too, as all mom’s are. Gifts from God.. A little shine from the heaven.. A little heaven on earth:) I love my mom.. and that’s exactly why I love you too! Warm hugs..
Sending hugs to you today! Ansley was a beautiful little girl and her spirit will always live on in you. Thinking of you from Omaha, Nebraska!
Ansley <3 what a beautiful, sweet girl you are. My beautiful daughter Ashlee joined you in heaven on June 3rd this year. I pray you are dancing together in heaven today
Jessica, although my pain is still so fresh and this grief is still so new to me,I hope that you know that you are thought of and cared for, today, and everyday…sending hugs and love from Las Vegas <3
Pausing to remember Ansley today in Hammonds Plains, Nova Scotia, Canada. Praying that our love reaches you today and that you can rest in the peace that comes from knowing that you are loved.
To Jessica,
Because of you, there was Ansley, and because of Ansley, we can reach out to you. See, she is still speaking. Her little person is still making a difference, just like you hoped for and just like you prayed. So today, I remember her with you, not a dead, but as a vivid and life giving person. You are a treasure and I hate that this happened, but you are not forgotten either. You are not misunderstood or a failure or a mistake. You are the Proverbs 31 woman whose light doesn’t go out because of tears you cry and memories you relive, but I stand as a light with you and remind you that God was there then and He’s been there all the time, even when we your community messed up. On behalf if your friends, I apologize and say “teach us. We love you and want to see you thrive. Teach us how to help you thrive and forgive us.” I love you sweet Jessica. Thank you for your boldness and your forgiveness and your vulnerability. I hate your loss. It sucks, but I am grateful for you and grateful that because of Ansley, I now have you. Prayers on your behalf today and all the love I have, Julia
Jessica, I was in the room when you so bravely shared your story in Atlanta. I felt like I was holding my breath the whole time you were speaking. Thank you for sharing your truth. Today, I hold a space in my heart for you, brave mama, and your sweet Ansley. Much love!
So sorry for your loss. There are no words anyone can say to make the pain bearable or to make it go away. I lost my 4 month old baby girl to SIDS in 2008 and there isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think of her. Just know that now you have your own personal guardian angel with you all the time. Hugs and Prayers.
Much love to you all the way from Australia <3
Jess, Brave Mommy, thank you for leading us. Prayers for your broken heart and prayers of thanksgiving for the life of your sweet Ansley. Love, Jess in Houston, Tx
Thank you for sharing your story, Jessica, of your beautiful Ansley!!! I too have a little angel in heaven. Seth was 20 months old when he didn’t wake from his nap, he would be 14 years old. It’s so hard to believe that I have survived this many years without him. He is still very much a part of our family and not a day goes by that I don’t yearn to touch him and see his beautiful face. Big hugs to you today and know that prayers are being said for you and your beautiful angel, Ansley!!!
I don’t know you, but as a mother I am standing beside you today. You beautiful, precious baby girl Ansley is standing by you today, too. Sending you loving prayers today.
Rachel from Washington
Thinking of your beautiful Ansley in sunny California. She is adorable! Sending healing and light your way, Jessica.
Bless you! Your daughter is amazingly beautiful and even though I never met her… I will not forget her <3
I am so sorry for your loss!
I am lifting you and your family up in prayers.
Thank you for standing up and reminding us all to show up and let you know that we may not know what to say but at least we can stand by you.
God Bless!
Praying for you Jessica and thinking about your sweet Ansley who will never be forgotten. Love from Kentucky
Jessica my words for you is Ansley will live on in your heart and now ours. Sending you hugs, vomfort and strength from New Mexico. A good friend lost her Megan, her only daughter at the age of 21 months from SUDC. We honor Megan and Mom Jenny by saying Megans name.
Ansley is so lucky to have such an incredibly strong, brave mama. She chose well. It’s clear that the two of you were brought together on this Earth to change the world. And you already have. Thanks for teaching millions (including myself) how to be a little bit braver and kinder and more compassionate. I’m going to go pick up the phone and call my friend whose step-son was just diagnosed with bone cancer. Holding space for you and your precious Ansley today. And for all the mamas who share in your grief. Hugs from Olympia, Washington.
Ansley is a beautiful name! Ansley is with my son and together I hope they are playing. <3 Lots of love to Ansley, mommy and all Ansley's loved ones! <3
From one SUDC mom to another, I speak Ansley’s name today and pray for your peace. Love and prayers from Nashville, TN.
Thinking of you and your precious little Ansley and praying for you today. Sending hugs to you from Montana.
Jessica, you are such a brave courageous Mama Bear. The pictures of Ansley are adorable.Thank you for sharing about your sweet baby girl. My heart is with you and I hold this space to remember Ansley with you. Love and hugs from San Antonio, TX
Hi Jessica,
My name is Riham, it’s an Arabic name, must be hard for you to remember. Ansley’s name is new to me, I had to check several times to make sure I write it correctly, and I realized something… it’s a beautiful name, I like the way it sounds… even though I know almost nothing about Ansley, but I know a lot about pain. I’m from Syria (in 2014 you don’t need to google it to know where my country is) I live in Egypt (this is an easy one). So, yes, I know a lot about pain and loss and war and tears… I’m sending you my love today all the way from the Middle East to tell you how much I loved Ansley’s name, and her photos here on Momastery, also her grave stone, specially the tree and balloons and toys…
Everyday in the news we hear about children who died (I mean who were killed) in Syria, and also in Palestine, I keep reminding myself that these are not numbers, these are precious kids who have grieving families, they have beautiful names and beautiful photos (even if they may not get a beautiful grave stone) they are not numbers.
Ansley is not a number, she’s a precious daughter and she has a wonderful mother who wants us all to know about her even if it’s just a beautiful name and a few beautiful photos, your Ansley is remembered <3
Dear Jessica, thinking of you and Ansley. Celebrate her every day. She was lucky to have you as a mama. Much love to all of you from Oklahoma City.
Jessica, I am praying for you and your family today! Miss Ansley was so blessed to have you as a mama, as you were blessed to be her mama!
Prayers for you, and sending you hugs from Gulf Breeze, Florida, and lifting your sweet Ansley, your Angel child, up in my prayers too!! I feel your pain, and your heartbreak, and honor each and every parent like us, that has felt this terrible kind of loss!