I am so nervous. This one has been in the works for weeks and the hopes and dreams of so many BRUTIFUL WARRIORS are all tied up in how tomorrow goes. It feels like all year we say that We Belong To Each Other and Love Wins and We Can Do Hard Things and on Love Flash Mob day the world says: Okay. THEN PROVE IT.
We’ll prove it tomorrow. We always do. But that won’t keep me from being up all night tonight, I’ll tell ya that much. Because tomorrow is a BIG DEAL. Tomorrow is when we prove that this world is cozier and more connected than most dare to guess. It’s when we prove we’re not really alone. Or, even if we are, we’re alone TOGETHER.
So this is me sending out hundreds of thousands of invitations to tomorrow’s party and praying people come. The vulnerability is ACHY. Come. Bring your friends. Actually: think of your three bravest, kindest friends and tag them here; tell them who we are and what we do. Recruit more Love Ninjas, friends!! TRUST ME: TOMORROW WE ARE GOING TO NEED ALL THE HELP WE CAN GET. And then, as always…just show up. Don’t miss a chance to be part of the miracle. And please send prayers/ energy to the Together Rising Board and Volunteers- they’ve donated hundreds of hours to this project already, and they won’t sleep tonight either. Mostly because I’ll be calling them every hour. You might want to add a prayer of thanks that you’re not on the Board.
“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” ~Margaret Mead
Check our last Love Flash Mob results below — that’s the magic we made last year! See you HERE tomorrow (Thursday 5/14 9:00 AM ET) to do it again!!!
Results of Angels & Warriors Love Flash Mob May 14, 2014:
You guys. You did it. Together, We Did Hard Things.
$100,000 in 6.5 hours. $150,000 in 13 hours. Total in 24 hours: $162,952.53.
More than 8,000 donations. Average donation: roughly $20.
All five families will get what they needed from us.
So here’s the truth: We live in a world where people believe that We Belong To Each Other. We live in a world where people give away hard-earned money to strangers. We live in a world where Love Wins. And we have PROOF. Right here.
I still cannot stop crying and I will never, ever forget this day for as long as I live and I love you. I LOVE YOU. Liz gets to call the five families from yesterday’s essay and tell them that YOU CAME THROUGH for them. She gets to call them and tell them that Help is Coming.
When I e-mailed Amy about the Love Flash Mob results, she wrote back this: “G, I have no words. Actually, I have one word: Mindy.”
Yes. That’s the word: Mindy. Thanks for your help today, Min.
Yours Forever and Ever and Ever and Ever-
G and Sister and Allison and Amy and Liz
The love that you pour out in these Love Flash Mobs continues year-round through the life-giving work of Monkee See – Monkee Do. Because MSMD is run by an all-volunteer Board, we have no overhead so all of your donations go directly to families. If you would like to to the MSMD general fund that supports families throughout the year, you may do so by clicking the button below. Your gifts help us sprinkle more of your radical, wild love all over other warrior families. As always, we will tell you ALL ABOUT IT. Because, of course, you ARE it. We can do hard things, Monkees. Together, We Can Do Hard Things. We DID hard things.

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
Join Glennon on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
Absolutely inspiring! The energy, love, and unity in this flash mob gave me chills. Angels & Warriors spreading joy and hope—what a beautiful reminder of the power of community and kindness. Thank you, Momastery, for this uplifting moment!
Your love and support make miracles happen—thank you for being part of this incredible journey!
I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to be a part of something so lovely! Thank you. Giving allows us to put aside our personal problems and worries in order to assist those in need, even if we don’t personally know them.
Thanks for the practical tips. They’re always so useful.
This Love Flash Mob sounds amazing! It’s such a powerful way to bring people together and share positivity. I’m all in for showing that love wins! And for all the foodies in UAE, don’t forget to visit my website for some tasty ideas to celebrate this special day!
The way you share Amanda’s journey and the immense love and support surrounding her is a testament to the power of community and faith. Your words are a reminder of how precious life is and how love can carry us through even the darkest times. Thank you for being so open and vulnerable
The strength and love that shines through your words is truly inspiring. It’s a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the importance of community during the toughest times. Amanda’s bravery, along with the support from all the “angels” and “warriors” around her, is nothing short of amazing.
Excited for Love Flash Mob Day tomorrow! If you’re looking for a stylish black leather jacket to make a statement, check out Black Leather Jacket they have a great selection!
Reading your passionate post gave me goosebumps! I can practically feel the nervous energy and excitement crackling through the screen. Tomorrow’s Love Flash Mob sounds like a monumental undertaking, and the stakes feel incredibly high. But you’re absolutely right – We Belong To Each Other, and Love Wins – and tomorrow is a chance to prove it to the world in a spectacular way.
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There’s no such thing as other people’s children.
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Great post and I appreciate the time and effort you put into this post. It’s clear that you’ve achieved reliable material to back up your claims. Thanks for this content.
Amazing article, Thank you for sharing update of angels warriors i really like to read it.
Such a great post you have shared with us and a lovely update of angels warriors Thanks for sharing with us.
I appreciate your content in this article. Have a good day!
Very grateful to have discovered Momastery and to have witnessed and participated in the Love Flash Mob.
Just spent a long weekend away with my best sister-friends at the beach, and “discovered” you and your amazing blog and books! (Yes, I was surely hiding under a rock before this weekend since this discovery is quite new!)
I was wondering (and hoping) that I could send you two new copies of Carry On Warrior that I bought this morning, along with pre-paid postage back to me, so that you could sign each for my two most amazing sister-friends, Kristi and Sherri. These are the girls that I do real life with..the hard parts of life…the messy parts of life…the parts I try (usually unsuccessfully) to hide beneath cute clothes and busy-ness. And, these are the girls who dragged me to my beach chair, planted a library copy of Carry On Warrior into my pale reluctant hands and demanded that I drink in every word like a salted-rim margarita. And, I did. And, truly, your words were almost as life-changing as my margarita. So, please let me know if this is a possibility. Kristi and Sherri adore you and all that you stand for. And, because of them, so do I. Thank you for your wonderful wisdom. I, too, am a mom of three kiddos…only mine are older and into even more annoying things than sounding-out words (like practicing driving on the interstate and borrowing my clothes to wear to the movies, which I then have to boil in scalding water in case they were groped by high school boy-hands). Ew. Anyway, please let me know, and I will send the books and pre-paid return envelope in the mail tomorrow. ~Missy Maiorano
This is so very very inspiring- such amazing work!! Congratulations to you all!
Thank you. When I saw this on FB this morning I cried. I know Tara and just saw her last week – I can only imagine what she is going thru. It was pretty devastating when they found out before Quinn was born. Again, thank you.
Jaw dropping amazing!! The final total in 24 hours is blowing me away!! Almost 163,000!! My jaw really did drop and now I have this knowing smile that is going to stay with me today whenever any little doubt or fear creeps up on me. The “power of love” is not just an expression! ♥ ♥ ♥
(Posted the above in the facebook comments but wanted to leave these words here too because some “Wow”s should be recorded multiple places 🙂 )
Look at EVERYTHING that has happened all because one day you decided to be brave and tell the truth about yourself, Glennon? That is SOME path.
And to the whole MSMD board,
You guys are ALL amazing! You are a small group and all volunteer and look what you just did! I stand in awe – really. THANK YOU so much for what you do!
Back here to add:
It’s late Friday night and I’m thinking of our 5 families we are helping with this LFM. Sending love and prayers.
May they all feel comfort and love and hope. Always.
Thank you for this. You bring me hope and peace.
There are so many days…so, so many days that I feel so defeated about our world. But on Love Flash Mob days I remember that in the end, the good always defeats the bad.
No matter the number of times I participate in these I am still awe struck by the response. Thank you MSMD and G for allowing us to be a small part of something HUGE. Yes LOVE always, always WINS!!!!
I am lifted. Thank you for giving us all the opportunity to collectively make a difference. Community + grace = the best gift I’ll ever get.
holy ground.
we are lucky…to have been led here by you and to have found ourselves and each other along the way. LOVE.
I knew we could do it! I told my daughters all about it when they came home from school and they put their arms around me and said it was such a good thing to give our money to. Then my 12 year old said, “maybe we could do something like this for my birthday! Instead of spending money on an activity for my friends, we could GIVE money.”
A Monkee indeed! 🙂 🙂
Lana- you are clearly doing something right with that precious girl! Amazing job!
Glennon….Mindy!! She is so proud of what you are doing and beaming down at you like we all are today. Thank you, thank you thank you!
Good for her! May what we Monkees do together continue to be contagious!
So so awesome! What a blessing it is to have and to be part of LOVE FLASH MOB!! Thank you Glennon!
What a wonderful sense of the feeling of love and warmth and tenderness
G, this is so amazing. You’ve revved up in me a desire to just keep on helping people. Now, the question is…who else can we help? Can we put a widget on our blog to connect people to Monkee See Monkee Do? Because that is something I would be so proud and honored to display. I love my brothers and sisters on this earth, and it just makes my heart want to burst when there is so much love to be had in this world. Forget the hard times, because like you always say, LOVE WINS.
So glad I saw the info for Love Flash Mob on my timeline from it being posted by a friend yesterday. Glad I could be a part of it. I loved the comparison between pitty and compassion! Trying to be more compassionate and listening to the little voice in my head and pit in my stomach to do more and be more! What we have is not ours to keep but to share! God had blessed my husband and I with great jobs and it is our duty to give back!!
I’m so happy I could be part of something so beautiful! Thank you. Glennon for giving is a chance to strp outside our own libes and troubles, to help others that need us, even if we don’t peesonally know them. Thank you for allowing to be angels to each other!
Uuugghhhh Hate auto-correct….
Thank you for giving US a chance to STEP Outside of our own LIVES and troubles…. Even if we don’t PERSONALLY know them…
Ok, more understandable now,,,
Great job!! I was praying and crying as i was witnessing the love poured out to these families yesterday!
God is so good!
I am sooooo happy right now!!!!!!!!!
We did it!
I never had a moment’s doubt.
Glennon, you are a bright light in this world. Thank you for letting us be a part of something so magnificent!!!
Sweet Glennon, thank you for giving us a chance to shine. Thank you for reminding us who we are at our core and who we belong to.
Quote on my fridge:
“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
– Mother Theresa
BIG love,
I knew the Monkees would come through!
Having you and the Monkees, Glennon, and being able to be part of things like this…these are a huge part of what keeps me going these days. Thank you for allowing me inside this circle of grace.
So blessed to have found Momastery and to be able to witness and be a part of the Love Flash Mob. Glennon, you and the Monkees inspire me every day. I love you all!!!
Please, please, please come to Tampa some time!!! I would love to simply be in your presence! You touch so many lives…..mine included.
God bless you.