(Visitors: What we have here is a LOVE FLASH MOB. It is a celebration of LIFE and LOVE and HOPE that we Monkees hold once in a blue moon. We come together here to support a Sister, a Sister who might need a reminder that She is Loved and Watched Over. In short – We Make Magic Happen, Baby. We do it by showing up, giving what we can (up to a $25 maximum), and trusting that the money raised is the least of the miracles that result. Join us, EVERYONE IS INVITED!)
Everyone, meet Claudia.
Claudia is a single mama diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gherig’s disease. She has three children, all of whom have Fragile X syndrome. She currently lives with her youngest son, who has autism, and his caretaker, Amy.
After suffering through a difficult childhood and young adult life, Claudia found her passion in saving the lives of others. For nearly two decades, Claudia served her community in emergency services. She was a volunteer firefighter and EMT, a paid-reserve firefighter, paramedic, Emergency Department RN and helicopter flight medic. Her second full-time job was advocating for her special needs children and other families with similar challenges.
Claudia says:
“I began having slurred speech in October 2004. In August I was diagnosed with ALS. I went from being “gregarious” and “articulate” to being presumed to be mentally impaired. My voice is weak and sometimes I can barely speak above a whisper. I’m frequently very short of breath. I use a wheelchair full time. I’m in near constant pain from my increasing spasticity. I sleep using a breathing machine. All my symptoms are progressive and eventually, while mentally alert and with intact sensation, I will become totally paralyzed.
My ALS Progression is VERY slow. My slow progression is a blessing and a curse. The blessing is obvious: I have more time with my children and friends; I treasure this time with my children. The curse is that I will pass through the stages of losing function in slow motion. With the loss of functioning comes an increased need for resources that I simply don’t have. Life is often hard, but I feel blessed. It is amazing to think that coming to the end of my physical, financial, emotional, and relational resources helped me learn to truly rely on God!”
Kay. Well, I believe God can be depended upon, but I also believe that that God shows up through other people. And today, WE ARE THE PEOPLE, PEOPLE. We’re the ones who are going to show up for Claudia and remind her that God loves her and her family, that the Universe is on her side, that she has not been forgotten, and that We Belong To Each Other.
Here’s how we’re going to do it:
We’re going to buy Claudia a (fully loaded, fully outfitted) handicapped accessible van that will accommodate her special needs as well as those of her youngest son. Right now, Claudia has no vehicle that will hold a wheelchair, so she is not able to attend her son’s frequent doctor’s appointments or even her own. She’s not able to visit her oldest son, who lives thirty minutes away. Amy, the angel caretaker who lives with Claudia, can’t take Claudia to museums or parks or even outside to see the beautiful world that Claudia spent so much of her life saving and loving and serving. Clearly, this is unacceptable.
So the times, they are a changing. Today. Today we raise the money needed to buy a van for Claudia. To give her back some of her freedom, her love of adventure, and her ability to nurture her children – all of which are the stuff that makes Claudia, CLAUDIA.
Meet Paul and Mindy and their gorge kiddos.
You’ll remember these folks from this miracle post. Mindy’s family is so beloved by her neighbors that one of them, Matt, sent us a letter asking us to help fix Paul and Mindy’s aging car. Matt told us that he loves Momastery but finds the label Monkee too feminine, so he refers to himself as a Donkee. Donkee went on to explain that Paul and Mindy’s family deserved a break, like, yesterday. You see, Mindy’s been diagnosed with stage 4 lung, bone, and liver cancer. Matt said that their medical bills get so high that sometimes Mindy and Paul just can’t get their car out of the shop.
Mindy defies her diagnosis. As she told us: “I have so much to fight for, I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. My “baby” is 5. He is full of life and for that I am thankful. I look at my beautiful children and my wonderful, supportive, and handsome husband, and remember that I too am alive and will be alive….my fight has to be great! I’m not going anywhere!”
And to that we say, No ma’am, not in that clunker, you’re not. So we’re gonna go ahead and buy Mindy and Paul a new van, too. They’ve got enough to handle without car trouble. Just, enough said.
So . . . .Two Vans. Eighty- five thousand dollars. No problem.
Here are the Love Flash Mob Rules:
2. There is a $25 dollar contribution limit per person.
Please remember that the Croyles were sent on a vacation of a lifetime largely due to 5, 10, 15, and 20 dollar donations. Because of all of your five and ten dollar bills, Kristin Croyle, in the wake of her treacherous diagnosis, was able to put her feet in the sand, feel the warmth of the sun on her shoulders, stare out at the big, big ocean, and listen to Lance and her children play in the surf . . . for the first time.
We can do no big things, just little things with great love. Each of our offerings will be little but together, they will become great.
EVERY donation makes a difference. BE the change you want to see in the world. Don’t sit this one out. Jump in. You are worthy. You are powerful. You can change the world. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. YOU ARE THE PERSON. NOW IS THE TIME.
Press the Van-tastic Button on the right of this page to donate to the Claudia/Mindy Van Fund. It has a Monkee and a van on it, and when you press the button it will direct you to our paypal account where you can donate.
I’ll update you frequently as the miracles unfold.
And while you’re at it, think of five friends who have a heart and twenty five (or five) dollars and invite them to share in this miracle, too. Share this on Facebook, the car pool line, wherever there is SOMEONE TO INVITE. Love Flash Mobs are as much for the givers as they are for the receivers – and we want as many human beings as possible to be part of this miracle. We want thousands of souls invested in these families . . . thousands of people praying and sending healing energy and loving on Claudia and Mindy and their families.
Love, LOVE, LOVE!!!!!! TWMF
(The Whole Monkee Family)

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
Join Glennon on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
[…] or solve everyone’s problems. But something about the way Glennon had written about these two families inspired me to make the maximum $25 donation. It was that simple, took just a few moments, and my […]
[…] I wrote our website on his work folder, I told him about our Love Flash Mobs. About how we send money to hurting people to let them know we […]
[…] I wrote our website on his work folder, I told him about our Love Flash Mobs. About how we send money to hurting people to let them know we […]
[…] She also does crazy things like raise $83,000 in 50 hours for mothers in need in what she calls a Love Flash Mob. Megin, my sister, told me about her blog and I was instantly engaged. I spent a 3 hour plane […]
I discovered your blog today because of Joan of Paperlicious blog. I shed many tears and was moved beyond words. Trying to find the button to donate my $25… Maybe it’s over, but I’ll sign up for the next one. God bless you and all the Monkees!
[…] maybe you just want to give a boost to a mom you know who’s having a hard time, like Momastery just did. I know of a local family who recently lost absolutely everything in a house fire. If […]
I can’t find the van button!! What am I missing??
It only lasted for 48 hours, so it’s probably been taken down already.
It’s not down — look on the upper left side of your page it should be there
OOPS I mean upper right side
I’m dying to know an update on how it went . Does anyone know how much money was raised?
On Facebook the total raised reads $77, 911.00 but that doesn’t factor in any cheques,
I love the work that is being done through the Monkees. I wish I could give more. We are struggling financially ourselves, however, my struggles are nothing compared to what these 2 beautiful women are going through. I just had to give up something to help.Thank you for giving us (me) the opportunity to help is some small way!
I just donated on behalf of my two children who wanted to do this as a Mother’s Day present to me. Best gift ever!
My first ALS symptom occurred in 2016, but was diagnosed in 2018. I had severe symptoms ranging from shortness of breath, balance problems, couldn’t walk without a walker or a power chair, i had difficulty swallowing and fatigue. I was given medications which helped but only for a short burst of time, then I decided to try alternative measures and began on ALS Formula treatment from Aknni herbs centre, It has made a tremendous difference for me (Visit ww w. aknniherbscentre.c om). I had improved walking balance, increased appetite, muscle strength, improved eyesight and others.
I shared this Love Flash Mob with my Mama and she was adamant about donating! Paypal is out of her diaphragm so she got out some hot pink paper and mailed you a check! I’m sure there are probably others, so don’t forget to check your P.O. Box. It IS all happening! Love Love Love!
XoXo Susie M.
That’s the cutest thing ever!
“Love can rebuild the world, they say, so everything’s possible when it comes to love.” ― Haruki Murakami
I hope I wasn’t too late for my donation to go directly to this. I’m always “A day late and a dollar short” :>. We live just down the road from the Marchant’s and absolutely LOVE their family. We also LOVE Matt & Amy (the Donkee :>)! So grateful to know such great people!!
I donated and thank you for allowing me to do so. My brother Randy was diagnosed in October 2009 with ALS and died 18 months later. In my brother I saw the devastation of the disease and the power of the human spirit. Even as he was dying of the disease his concern was for others with ALS who had less support and less resources. I just realized the limit is 25.00 which I gave, but now I’m going back and giving 25.00 more. Consider it from my brother to Claudia. If he were alive today, I know he’d click the donate button.
Your brother sounds wonderful.
I was crying tears of joy before I read this… they’re “hug tears”…. I’m so sorry for your loss. I have often said that ALS has been a gift because of all the amazing PALS and CALS I would never have met without it. If I get there before you do, I hug Randy for you! Remember, no one is guaranteed a “tomorrow” so love today like there is no tomorrow! Thank you for doing so….xoxo
You are so right on the mark Claudia. All we have is now. It’s a good thing to remember sometimes when we are buried in the struggles of this life. You are an inspiration and a gift, and the fact that you have found a way to make lemonade with these lemons is a good reminder to us all.
Love and peace to you and your kids!
I broke the rules and gave $50. I wasn’t trying to be a rebel. When I saw this post yesterday, I was about to head out the door to get a pedicure, which usually costs me $25 plus $5 tip. I clicked on the donate link and filled out the form and was about the give $25, but I just couldn’t spend more on a pedicure than for this love flash mob. I hope that makes sense. Thanks for letting us take part in this.
I’m not a blogger and a little inept when it comes to posting a comment I guess because my comment ended up being posted as a response in number 11 after Sonya’s comment, guess that’s the one i was reading when I saw the button to post a comment. I am really amazed as I read further down how many people and from so many diferent places have donated and are Monkees to a great cause, WOW!!
I guess the number thing is something I need to learn too, because its not 11 anymore
Just reading it all again G and keeping these beautiful Monkees in my prayers tonight. Thank you G for the magic you allow us all to create together – that is strong soul work sista!
I donated my $25, but can I donate again on behalf of tech-challenged relatives who don’y have PayPal accounts? All the money would be from my email address.
Yes, Joan. We can allow that!:)
Done, done, done, done and done.
I am embarrassed to admit that I usually don’t donate money. My family struggles so much to make ends meet that my excuse has always been that there was nothing we could spare. What little I could give would be meaningless. But momastery is changing me. It’s making me realize that I am not the only one out there who struggles. That we all need to stick together and help each other out from time to time. And that maybe that little bit that I CAN sacrifice might bigger than I realize. So this time, I donated. And I must say I felt so much joy and freedom clicking that button. I think you’ve started something in me, Glennon. Thank you for that. 🙂
You just made this entire Flash Mob MAGIC to me. Because that’s what it’s really about for me. It’s for the givers. It’s for all of us to learn how powerful we are. We all in bits and pieces and when we offer our bits and pieces MASTERPIECES are created!!!!
Bless you LOVE!!
Our bits and pieces make Masterpieces. Simply beautiful. Peace & Love.
Way to go! It sure feels good to help others in need. Lets us know who to add to our prayer list too for a special prayer!!!
Done… may God bless these two families. I give in thanks for all my blessings…
Glennon, I’ve been spreading the word and I know we’re getting closer as of your last post. There is another group called Swamp Sistas (we’re in the south) that is 1400 strong and chocked full of women, supporting and empowering women and they are on board. I just know that we’ve got this and Cindy and Mindi are getting their miracles. I’m not even a mother (yet) but I love the Monkee Revolution and am so glad to be a part of it and to have found your blog. Thank you, thank you, thank you you little angel!
go swamp sistas!!!
I MUST know more about the swamp sisters. I’m thinking this could be the beginning of a beautiful relationship.
We got two five dollar donations from children today. They gave their moms their allowance. LOTS of tears in Melton-ville today. People are good. So, so good.
Ill give you a money update before bedtime tonight. We end at 8am tomorrow morning. we’re not at our goal yet, but it doesn’t even matter anymore. We’ll make these miracles happen with whatever we have when we’re done. It’s all happening, and I’m just SO GRATEFUL to be a witness to all this GOODNESS.
Love wins.
So, I accidentally hit my “pay now” button twice…I promise I wasn’t trying to cheat the system or ignore your rules, Glennon. Hope my little extra will be accepted as a nice accident! Love what you are doing here…it’s so nice to able to make a difference, thank you!
done and done!!! mass monkee love!
Well I just lost my job and was slipping into a dark place, but Momestery always bring such joy. I would love to give as much as I have already received from Glennon & the Monkee stories, but a small amount is better than none. I can’t wait for the update. Thank you for allowing me to be part of the miracles
Hang in there. *hugs* I hope things get better for you really soon.
I am too unemployed. I pulled up my unemployment account and paid it out of there. Remining me that there is always someone in more need of that money than I am… Bless your heart!
hugs, SeaD!
Is there a total update from this morning?
As of noon we were at $62K but that’s the last I heard. We’re gonna make it. Love Always Wins!
Oh yeah! Just donated by Ebates money that just came in TODAY…and threw in a little somethin’ somethin’ extra on top! We GOT this, Monkees!! Ya heard me?! (No, I’m not from New Orleans, but I love their swagger/lingo).
I meant *my* money. Excited typing typo 🙂
ok So I went to some dealerships today and asked if they would give us a free van for Mindi’s family and while they said No to free, I then asked about getting a really, really good deal. This lead to the part where I don’t know the details. They asked what we were looking for and how would it be paid for etc. Is there some contact info I can pass on to these dealerships. I am waiting for 2 of them to call me back with more details on how they can help, they said probably next tuesday. If I’m overstepping, I apologise. I just want to help however I can (in addition to donating)
I focused on Mindi’s family cos they are in Utah as am I.
Sonya! YES. have them contact me at [email protected]
I was wondering how my wife knew how much money was being raised so far, but i asked a dumb question and got an answer-read the comments, she said. I am a neighbor of Mindi and Paul’s and heard about this amazing thing happening (or going to happen last Sunday). I was introduced by Matt (named in the story) about what was going to take place for the Marchant’s. Being a neighbor me and my wife were totaly on board with anything we could do to help and it just so happens that I am the local Chrysler, Dodge, and Jeep dealer in town, The Davis Auto Center. Long story short, were going to make this van happen for the Marchants and I’m not going to let this be a one and done event. I am now a Monkee and wish we could do more than $25, but I guess the prayers and love for the family will do more. What a great cause and an amazing showing of love from so far away and from people who don’t even know these families.
YAY!!!!! TJ that is sooo awesome. Soo happy you can help. Soo happy, I’m giddy. If you can use my help in any way, you can call me. 801 787 3270.
TJ, there was another mother who posted on the Momastery Facebook page about needing a van that would allow her daughter with special needs to sit in her wheelchair. did anyone else see that post? Maybe we could get you guys connected. Maybe more business for you…? Thanks for offering to help!
Ty & Katie…bless you!
hmmm, I mean TJ 🙂
Done! Glad to Help…. paying it forward!!
Done! Glad to be apart of something so wonderful. Just today I was asking myself what have I done to make a difference in the world. Little things help too. 🙂
I admit, I’m still one of the doubters. I think – why this individual? Why this family? Why now? I think this is my head speaking, not my heart. But, here is the thing – Glennon’s essays have made me feel loved. It’s amazing to find someone who is able to communicate so effectively about many of the same thoughts that are going on in my head. Teaching us to love. So, as a student, I have donated! One little step towards learning how to love strangers, people I don’t know well enough to know whether they truly “deserve” my love or not, and to stop rationalizing everything. There, done!
Trust me, I’m ALWAYS a doubter. Every time I give money to a homeless person, I wonder whether he or she is really needy, whether he/she is going to use the money to buy drugs, etc. But it doesn’t really matter. Your blessing/reward/warm-heart-feeling comes from the giving. It’s up to the receiver to do right by you with your gift. So, no worries fellow doubter. Today we did good. So, it’s done! Good luck with your college studies.
clbayer….doubt all you need to…it is good to question things and not just do them “because lots of others” are doing them. But thank you for being wiling to cast aside your skepticism, just this once, and risk showing your love for others in this tangible way. I don’t know the answers to your questions…. I’ve asked them myself (as I’m sure Mindy has)…Why me?…Why now? All I can say is that God does hear our prayers and once in a while, his creation cooperates in the performance of a miracle.
I wanted to clarify for you, Claudia – in no way do I doubt you and your need (or Mindy’s!). My doubt is strictly in my own decision making process. Choosing to donate $25…to…something. We are surrounded by people in need every day. How to give to truly the greatest need, and how to figure out where the greatest need truly is? But I was trying to say is that at the end, it’s about learning to shut off my head, stop the pursuit of donation perfection, and give with my heart. Oh, and I’m not an actual student, I meant I’m a student of Glennons, lol. I wish the best for you and your family and hope the van brings you freedom!!
clbayer – I’ve written three responses to your post and erased all three. I just want you to hear that your heart is safe in it’s expression and I pray great wisdom for you as you figure out the answers to your particular (though not unique) life questions!
[…] Click here to read: VAN-TASTIC MOTHER’S DAY FLASH MOB […]
I missed he Flash Mob for Kristen but was able to attend a fundraiser for her. Kristen is an awesome person and mom!!!! We love her!!!!
So, sinc do missed out last time. I made sure to donate to this wonderful cause!!!!! I’m praying over this and know it can be done!! God bless!!!!
So since I missed out……darn iPhone! Lol
Done! glad to help. thank you.
I’m from Canada, and the PayPal didn’t seem to work for me. Any suggestions?
Maybe try again. I was able to and it showed me the conversion in CDN $.
Done! It really is wonderful to find such a fantastic community of women. I have ‘lurked’ for a while as I caught up on posts, feeling like I missed a great party. Then I realized – the party is continuing and yes, I can be a part of it. Thanks Glennon for all that you do and thank you, all you fabulous Funky Monkees – I love this place!
I have been struggling lately, but to read these stories brings a perspective to my life….I donated all that I could, a simple $5. But I know it will help in making a difference in these amazing lives! G, YOU and this SITE are AMAZING!! 🙂
Tanith – what you have done is wonderful. Please don’t ever put a ‘simple’ in front of your donation! It will make a difference – a HUGE one. Thank you for your generous spirit!
My MOST favorite thing about the Love Flash Mob is that NO ONE needs to feel bad about “only” having a few dollars, because it’s EVERYONE’s few dollars that are multiplied into a powerful, tidal wave of blessing while offering each giver the awesome power of making a REAL difference. It is the ultimate, material play out of “Everyone’s in “. The playing field is equal, for REAL!
YOU make just as much difference as one who can “afford” to underwrite the whole gig.
My life has been touched by ALS way too often. I hope my donation makes Claudia’s life a little bit easier and more enjoyable for her, her family and her caretaker, Amy.
I encourage anyone and everyone to support ALS research because so little is known about this terminal and terrible disease. My father-in-law passed away from it in 2007 and the scariest thing is, you don’t know if you will get it. There is so little known and so much to learn.
Bravo, Momastery!
I am touched by Claudia’s story. My sweet mother was also stricken with ALS and it is such a cruel disease. The fact that your mental capacity is unchanged as your physical capacity dwindles is completely and utterly unfair. I consider it a blessing to be a part of this effort. Thanks for all you do to spread the love and help us remember how FORTUNATE we all are. I will lift both Claudia and Mindy up in prayer to our HEALER!
Best $25 I have spent in a long time. Inspired by how we can change the world if we just pull together. Great job everyone!!! God bless…
I did it. You inspire me every day and this is my thank you. XO Love to you.
Hi Monkee-organizer-people-who-know-things,
Not trying to look for trouble, but I’m curious what action (if any) you’ve taken with PayPal to ensure that the funds will remain available. I’ve read a bunch of the horror stories about funds being frozen with little recourse and I’m just wondering if you’ve received any guidence that will ensure that doesn’t happend for these love mobs?
Sorry – I hope that’s not too negative, I’m posting from a good place I promise!
I put on my big panties this morning and created a paypal account! Yeah for me and WOO HOO for Love Flash Mobs!!!!
XoXo Susie M.
Crap! That is supposed to say ” I put on my big GIRL panties”, not my big panties… Although there is not much difference between the two. 🙂
XoXo Susie M.
Thank you for allowing me to be a small part of this miracle. Blessings to you all.
Is such a good feeling !!
Done, can’t think of a better way to spend a little left-over birthday money!
I cannot even tell you how lucky I feel to be a part of this community if even from the outside. This is always the most uplifting part of my day, and I love you all for everything that you do. What a wonderful group to be a part of. Peace, love and happiness to everyone!!!!
Susan!! There is no such thing as an outside!! You’re in!! YOU are right here right now a MONKEE if you so desire!!! Isn’t so totally exciting?? We sure hope that you won’t feel like an outsider anymore…..
Susan – I felt (sometimes feel?) the same way about being on the ‘outside’. I came late to the Momastery party but Hillary is right – we are all here, doing our Monkee business and we are all together! It’s a fantastic feeling.
We can all do great and hard and wonderful things!
Soo happy to be apart of this great effort. This may be an ignorant suggestion and I’m not familiar with the Monkee policy of asking for this but…. Can we ask one of the many car dealerships(esp in utah for Mindy’s van) what they would be willing to donate eg an incredible deal on a van or maybe even free? It would seem this goal needs to be timely and if they were to be so generous, it certainly would hasten the process. I’ll help with this idea anyway I can if you think it’s one we should try.
Sonya, there is no such thing as an ignorant suggestion!! And I think that is a great idea!! Thank you for coming here and asking! I hope that someone will look into this! I also really hope that you will stay with us and be a Monkee!!!
I’m willing to go and ask dealership for whatever they will give us. I wanted to know if anyone else in Utah has already gone and done that. Do you by any chance know if they have? I’m going to check the forums as well. If they have we could unify our efforts.
Done! And sharing on Facebook tonight, too. So grateful to be a part of this big, wonderful miracle for these families 🙂
Wow, wow, wow! What an amazing movement. I am so glad to have found this group and to count myself as one of the Monkees. Made my donation and now can’t wait to hear the results. Blessings to all of you, and especially to those in need of a little extra TLC. xo
Meant to add that I am a Canadian Monkee. I wonder how wide our reach is globally!? Spreading the word . . .
I’m in the UK. Also I posted this link to a friend who moved from here to FLA years ago. Her husband has ALS and they both campaign tirelessly for research and funding into a cure so I thought she might want to help spread the word. Turns out she actually knows Claudia!!!!
I am in Okinawa, Japan.
New Zealand, baby!!!
I trawl round momastery every night while dream feeding my baby girl. We did momastery for the titahi bay mums book club a few months back. I’m addicted! Am love flash mobbing in my neighborhood inspired by monkee antics. We rule!
Susi! You should meet my best friend Tree. She’s a monkee AND she’s in NZ. She lives in Nelson. Shoot me an email @ [email protected] if you are close to her and I’ll hook you guys up. She just moved there a year ago (even though she’s a native kiwi)
I bet she’d love meeting you!
I’m in Germany. Made my donation yesterday and am so grateful to Glennon for allowing us to be part of this.
Randee, We are huge!! We have overseas Monkees and Canadian Monkees and Monkees all over the United States!!! WE are so so so excited to see you here with us!!! It just makes us want to jump up and down and do a victory dance!!! I mean after all, we have been growing for awhile now but only YOU can be you! Thank you so much for honoring us with your presence!!
Donated yesterday from Australia!
I’m in Bulgaria.
I’m in France ! That’s why my comments are often grammatically incorrect, I guess, so don’t ever hesitate to rectify them, I will be grateful by learning from you all 🙂
Australia! I love momastery and all the wonderful things you do Glennon and the involvement from all monkees worldwide!
Can we make it doubly international if I tell you I am actually an Australian living in the UK?
three times then .. couse I’m from Brazil !!
If you go there, I am a German, raised in Switzerland living in France ! ^__^ Constantly sliding to the South; maybe one day I will live in Italy ?
Two things: 1) it’s great to know there are so many people I can say I’m proud to have in my life, however peripherally, and B) anybody who tries to call me a Donkee is gonna get an earful. 😉
<3 you, Monkee Paul!
LOVE, LOVE, LOVE. Claudia and Mindy, I can’t wait to see your new wheels!
I just donated, feels great to be a part of this!!
Just posted it on my blog. Hope it helps!
I donated today – this is fabulous! I just had one thought about taxes…..they are going to have to pay them on the vehicles (remember there was big flack about this one year on Oprah’s favorite things when they all got cars). Maybe just keep it in mind when the vans are purchased. It would be great to be able to buy the vans and give them some cash to cover the taxes as well! Awesome work Glennon and Monkees!
Jenny Hunter, I wanted to tell you that you have made my heart smile! You make me think of a precious, wonderful, treasured friend. So thank you!
On the note of taxes, their car insurance premiums will probably increase with the additions of these vans. So let’s keep that in mind as well for any leftover moolah! Really proud of what we’re doing here!
Glennon! Claudia has been a FB friend of mine for awhile now. I helped her get some stuff last year. She simply rocks and has inspired me more than once since I’ve known her in the virtual world. In fact, she’s a big part of the the FB community that has lifted the veil on ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease). So, now, here we are, less than six degrees of separation apart. There are TONS of really, really, really smart and cool PALS (People with ALS) who have been GIVEN THE GIFT OF COMMUNICATION through Facebook and blogs and the interest. I’ll be happy to introduce you and any Monkee to them.
My mom succumbed to that thing I loathe most of all – ALS – in 2007. I cared for her while I was pregnant with Jake. She died when he was 4 months old. It is a merciless and heartless illness. So, a huge thank you to all of you who donated for this cause! And thank you for the MFM!
Oh, and one of my best friends lost her battle with Stage 4 lung, liver and bone cancer last fall. So I gotta pile on that one too.
Love you.
Love all Monkees.
hugs and love Lisa!!
Lisa, my mom also died as a result of this terrible disease, but unfortunately, she never met any of my three children. It saddens me every single day. When she was diagnosed in 1999, it did not seem common at all…now I feel like so many people are being diagnosed. It truly is heartbreaking to witness. Praying that our donations will let Claudia know just how much she is cared about by so many!
So happy to read this and be able to help. This is amazing.
Done and done!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!
Done! I am so in LOVE with this.
Hello Tammi! Awesome! Awesome! Awesome! Glad to see you here again!! Smiles!
I am donating what I can,from one sister to another. Sending lots of love too! ♥♥♥☮
Look at the total so far! AMAZING!!!! PayPal balance: $45,325.53 USD
How do you see the balance? I’ve been checking all day for an update…
JDP – Glennon posts updates when she can. There was one with the $45k figure not too long ago.
Yes, I saw it after I posted that. Thanks!
Best $25.00 I’ve spent in a LONG time. Love you and all you do.
Thank you all….and one more thing…I’m not “amazing”…I’m doing the same thing you would do if you were in my situation. Trusting God. Loving my kids. Counting my blessings day by day! Love you, Monkees
Trust me, you rock…and believe me you are amazing 🙂
Giant hugs to you and the kids, Claudia!!! xoxo
Claudia, you are such a wonderful amazing person. By being willing to accept help you have blessed the lives of thousands! Tell me thats not amazing, lovely Claudia! Hugs!!!
Are you kidding me? You are beyond amazing! Not everyone has the heart and determination that you positively exude! Your story, and the remarkable example you set, will inspire many. Soak up the admiration, lady, you deserve it.
Grateful that you are allowing all of us the opportunity to help.
Happy Mother’s Day.
PayPal balance: $45,325.53 USD!!!!!!!!!!
Keep Sharing Lovies!!!
Okay, so I donated. But we need more, right? There’s nothing to say my husband can’t donate…and my daughter…
Right? You can use two different cards or your husband’s card?
I loved loved loved that movie! Especially Penny Lane! Great quote for this.
XoXo Susie M.
One of my favorite movies! It IS all happening… right here, right now. Love it.
So happy to be part of this loving and giving group of women. I feel so blessed to be of the good fortune to be able to help such courageous and worthy women. Glennon – you are a modern day angel in our midst!
Michelle Rehkopf, May I please just tell you how happy WE are that YOU are a part of us! You have one of thoes hearts that blesses people just because you come and you care. Hugs!!!
It was such a bright spot in an otherwise -no so great day-, I am honored to be able to bless these amazing mommas!!
aaahhhhhh………….I’m having an icky day with too much that needs to be done. But now I’ve done what I WANT to do and it’s much better. Much love!
I am doing this in honor of my friend, Linda, who is fighting Stage IV metastatic melanoma. She has 2 young kids at home and is one of the kindest, most compassionate people I know.
Love to you and Linda, holding her in my heart!
Many prayers for your friend, Linda
Specifially related to the ALS… check out — a website and foundation started by an acquaintance of mine. They’re doing great things, in the face of horrible things. Brutiful.
Ahhh and it’s even the Bon Jovi with the good hair. Yay. 🙂
With my donation, I send my love.
This Monkee is honored to have the opportunity to share the love! In honor of my fantastic mom, Sue Wood!
Done!!! Currently fighting cancer myself and know that every little kind thing someone does for our family means a lot. It feels great to have the opportunity to pay it forward to others that are fighting illness and cancer.
Every positive thought for you! Love, hope and healing your way…
Hi Tara!
I am a Good Wishes Ambassador for the Good Wishes Program in North Bend, WA. If you would be interested in a complimentary head wrap, let me know! Wishing you well on your journey with cancer.
(Stacey) [email protected]
Sending you hope, and love, and strength and health!! So very much love to you Tera!
Love. This!
In honor of mom’s everywhere.. glad to be able to help these courageous warrior moms. Sending love and prayers too.
Donated and shared with everyone I know 🙂 So happy to be part of Monkee Magic Miracles!!! Sister-On!! xoxo
Thank you, Glennon–LOVE flashing both families! 🙂
[…] we have here is a LOVE FLASH MOB, being held on Momastery. It is a celebration of LIFE and LOVE and HOPE. We come together there to support a Sister, a […]
I donated before 9:00am and am itchin’ for an update! Please!
Donation made this Mother’s Day in honor of my mom, both of my mothers-in-law and my sister-in-law on her first Mother’s Day.
Done with love in honor of my mom
What a great ministry and a BIG heart you have. I’m glad I found this website through a friend on FB and it is my first time here. Interested to have a look around and learn more about you and your ministry. And am excited to get an update on it all!
Kristyne Jewell, welcome!!! We are so excited that you have become a Monkee with us!!! We would not be the same without you! I pray that you will enjoy looking around and give us more opportunity to love on you! If you have any questions or need anything don’t be shy about asking! This is your soft place to land and we are here to help, love, and carry when needed! You have blessed us by coming here!!!
You know what monkee girls… after that I fell so conect to you all .. and to this families … even if we are miles apart… thats amazing ! thank you Glennon ! you made my day! I fell part of something..
You are more than *just* a part of something, Maria. You ARE something. I LOVE seeing your name in the comments section and reading your insight!! 🙂
Ditto what Buffalo Monkee said!!! You ARE something Maria!! I also love to see your name in the comments and I enjoy “hearing” your voice!!
ok,donation done .. and prayers doing … xxx
Donation made. I know firsthand the toll ALS takes on a person and their family and I cannot imagine going through it with an autistic child. Prayers to all.
Donating and praying. (Small donation, big prayers.) Love to these families, and the whole Monkee family too!
What you’re doing here is amazing, Glennon! Someone is desperately in need- they get what they need- NO red tape. So simple.
Done! I’ve never donated money online before but it was so easy to give a little. My little plus a bunch of others will make a big difference! Hugs to both families. XOXO
Done & shared. *finger crossed*!
Done! My husband and I have a two year old son with spina bifida, so we understand the toll medical bills can take on a family — financially and spiritually. I am so happy (and blessed) to be able to help these special families, even if it’s only a little bit. You women (and men) are amazing! 🙂
much love Brigid!!! YOU are amazing!!
DONE!! with much LOVE!!!
Was SO bummed when I missed the Croyle’s mob. So very, very happy to donate today. 🙂 Can’t wait for an update!
Done! Shared also with friends and family. God Bless to all those who also donated and to these wonderful families!
<3. Would love to see an update – can't wait to hear of this amazing miracle unfolding!
Done – My sweet spot of the day. God bless. xoxo
Keeping all my fingers crossed,that we will raise enough money for these two amazing women and their families !!!! Please keep us updated ….. Thanks and love from Switzerland
In honor of my first mother’s day! LOVE!!!
Done & Done. I wish it could have been more but, every little bit counts. Right?!
Glennon – Sould you consider adding a monkee window cling to your sellable items? I’d love to put one on my vehicle so that I and others could recognize our monkee friends!
Meant “would” not “sould”.
I would like to see this too, stickers.
Oooh that’s a great idea!
Love the sticker idea!! Also, I would love cards that say on one side, and LOVE WINS on the other, so we can slip them to people who are Monkees and don’t know it yet… especially days like today, it would make sharing off the internet easier!
I never do this stuff, but I’m in. We are a Jewish family, and one of our commandments is tikkun olam – to heal the world. We are not required to complete that great work, but we may not sit idle while it still needs doing. So here’s to doing a little bit today.. Thanks, Glennon.
A 5-dollar mitzvah – what can beat that?!
Dying for an update!! Monkees are VANFREAKINGTASTIC!
Will do, Glennon. Tears.