(Visitors: What we have here is a LOVE FLASH MOB. It is a celebration of LIFE and LOVE and HOPE that we Monkees hold once in a blue moon. We come together here to support a Sister, a Sister who might need a reminder that She is Loved and Watched Over. In short – We Make Magic Happen, Baby. We do it by showing up, giving what we can (up to a $25 maximum), and trusting that the money raised is the least of the miracles that result. Join us, EVERYONE IS INVITED!)
Everyone, meet Claudia.
Claudia is a single mama diagnosed with ALS, also known as Lou Gherig’s disease. She has three children, all of whom have Fragile X syndrome. She currently lives with her youngest son, who has autism, and his caretaker, Amy.
After suffering through a difficult childhood and young adult life, Claudia found her passion in saving the lives of others. For nearly two decades, Claudia served her community in emergency services. She was a volunteer firefighter and EMT, a paid-reserve firefighter, paramedic, Emergency Department RN and helicopter flight medic. Her second full-time job was advocating for her special needs children and other families with similar challenges.
Claudia says:
“I began having slurred speech in October 2004. In August I was diagnosed with ALS. I went from being “gregarious” and “articulate” to being presumed to be mentally impaired. My voice is weak and sometimes I can barely speak above a whisper. I’m frequently very short of breath. I use a wheelchair full time. I’m in near constant pain from my increasing spasticity. I sleep using a breathing machine. All my symptoms are progressive and eventually, while mentally alert and with intact sensation, I will become totally paralyzed.
My ALS Progression is VERY slow. My slow progression is a blessing and a curse. The blessing is obvious: I have more time with my children and friends; I treasure this time with my children. The curse is that I will pass through the stages of losing function in slow motion. With the loss of functioning comes an increased need for resources that I simply don’t have. Life is often hard, but I feel blessed. It is amazing to think that coming to the end of my physical, financial, emotional, and relational resources helped me learn to truly rely on God!”
Kay. Well, I believe God can be depended upon, but I also believe that that God shows up through other people. And today, WE ARE THE PEOPLE, PEOPLE. We’re the ones who are going to show up for Claudia and remind her that God loves her and her family, that the Universe is on her side, that she has not been forgotten, and that We Belong To Each Other.
Here’s how we’re going to do it:
We’re going to buy Claudia a (fully loaded, fully outfitted) handicapped accessible van that will accommodate her special needs as well as those of her youngest son. Right now, Claudia has no vehicle that will hold a wheelchair, so she is not able to attend her son’s frequent doctor’s appointments or even her own. She’s not able to visit her oldest son, who lives thirty minutes away. Amy, the angel caretaker who lives with Claudia, can’t take Claudia to museums or parks or even outside to see the beautiful world that Claudia spent so much of her life saving and loving and serving. Clearly, this is unacceptable.
So the times, they are a changing. Today. Today we raise the money needed to buy a van for Claudia. To give her back some of her freedom, her love of adventure, and her ability to nurture her children – all of which are the stuff that makes Claudia, CLAUDIA.
Meet Paul and Mindy and their gorge kiddos.
You’ll remember these folks from this miracle post. Mindy’s family is so beloved by her neighbors that one of them, Matt, sent us a letter asking us to help fix Paul and Mindy’s aging car. Matt told us that he loves Momastery but finds the label Monkee too feminine, so he refers to himself as a Donkee. Donkee went on to explain that Paul and Mindy’s family deserved a break, like, yesterday. You see, Mindy’s been diagnosed with stage 4 lung, bone, and liver cancer. Matt said that their medical bills get so high that sometimes Mindy and Paul just can’t get their car out of the shop.
Mindy defies her diagnosis. As she told us: “I have so much to fight for, I don’t plan on dying anytime soon. My “baby” is 5. He is full of life and for that I am thankful. I look at my beautiful children and my wonderful, supportive, and handsome husband, and remember that I too am alive and will be alive….my fight has to be great! I’m not going anywhere!”
And to that we say, No ma’am, not in that clunker, you’re not. So we’re gonna go ahead and buy Mindy and Paul a new van, too. They’ve got enough to handle without car trouble. Just, enough said.
So . . . .Two Vans. Eighty- five thousand dollars. No problem.
Here are the Love Flash Mob Rules:
2. There is a $25 dollar contribution limit per person.
Please remember that the Croyles were sent on a vacation of a lifetime largely due to 5, 10, 15, and 20 dollar donations. Because of all of your five and ten dollar bills, Kristin Croyle, in the wake of her treacherous diagnosis, was able to put her feet in the sand, feel the warmth of the sun on her shoulders, stare out at the big, big ocean, and listen to Lance and her children play in the surf . . . for the first time.
We can do no big things, just little things with great love. Each of our offerings will be little but together, they will become great.
EVERY donation makes a difference. BE the change you want to see in the world. Don’t sit this one out. Jump in. You are worthy. You are powerful. You can change the world. WE ARE THE PEOPLE. YOU ARE THE PERSON. NOW IS THE TIME.
Press the Van-tastic Button on the right of this page to donate to the Claudia/Mindy Van Fund. It has a Monkee and a van on it, and when you press the button it will direct you to our paypal account where you can donate.
I’ll update you frequently as the miracles unfold.
And while you’re at it, think of five friends who have a heart and twenty five (or five) dollars and invite them to share in this miracle, too. Share this on Facebook, the car pool line, wherever there is SOMEONE TO INVITE. Love Flash Mobs are as much for the givers as they are for the receivers – and we want as many human beings as possible to be part of this miracle. We want thousands of souls invested in these families . . . thousands of people praying and sending healing energy and loving on Claudia and Mindy and their families.
Love, LOVE, LOVE!!!!!! TWMF
(The Whole Monkee Family)

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
Join Glennon on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
Oops, guess I jumped the gun, but I just couldn’t WAIT. I’ve just arrived at your site for the first time, and I already want to live here.
Done. FYI. ALS has been diagnosed in people who actually have LYME DISEASE instead and once receive treatment for LYME, get better. Please pass this info along. Thank you.
That is true, Joan! I’d like to see that as a standard in the differential diagnosis for ALS. I don’t think it is gold standard but, since ALS is a diagnosis of exclusion it is almost always considered at some point in the diagnostic chain. ALS remains a mystery but there is progress made every day! Please visit to see “our” research lab! Blessings and thanks for giving, Joah.
DONE! So motivating.
Today is a tough day for me here in NC as our state approved an amendment that acknowledges only “straight” marriage. I have been sad all day thinking of the many couples I know who may be hurt by this, the kids who might lose health insurance, the domestic partners (gay or straight) who won’t be able to be there for end-of-life decisions or visits. Making a donation to the love mob reminds me that Love Wins. I just wish that it didn’t take so darn long sometimes. In hope.
I’m in Hillsborough, NC, and yes it has been a sad day for me. Driving my kids to school today, I felt so emotional, as I had to tell them that we lost. They thought it was so stupid,and in their sweet innocence didn’t understand why people feel like they have to control other people’s lives just ’cause they are different. Anyway, yes Love Wins, and that is what I have to keep reminding myself, though it’s a bit embarrassing and disappointing to be a North Carolinian today.
Exactly what I was thinking.
Done – I hope the goal is reached quickly!
[…] we have here is a LOVE FLASH MOB, being held on Momastery. It is a celebration of LIFE and LOVE and HOPE. We come together there to support a Sister, a […]
DONE! How wonderful!! Happy Mother’s day. Love, Di
Done! Blessing others less fortunate makes this Mnnkee very happy.
Done! Hot damn…. that felt GOOD!!! Love wins!
Hard day at the high school — thanks for the opportunity to do something that thrills my heart and lifts my spirits. Love you G
Please let me give MORE! What’s the total so far? Dying to know . . . !
We need an update!!! The suspense is KILLING ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks, G, for letting us share in the blessing! God is good!
Beautiful! Done!
Monkees and Donkees RULE! 🙂 I donated in memory of my Great Aunt Olga who passed away from Lou Gehrig’s Disease. I love you, Aunt Olga!
A much needed pick-me-up on this post-election day down in NC. Thanks for caring and sharing!!
love this but also know of a contest to win a van…
G ~ would love to give again, one for each family you know!
God can use us in amazing ways! Done!
done and shared. love this! Sister On! (What do we say for the Donkee’s….Brother On?!! )
All done! It’s a van-tastic feeling to spread love around!
Done! Praise God from whom all blessings flow.
Ugh! I’m so excited and dying to know how we’re doing so far! We need to come up with another way to donate so that we can track our progress!!
Yay!!! I love this…I can’t wait to hear qall about it. Thnak you Monkees for making this possible for us to do for these precious families!
Blessed to bless others. Thank you for the opportunity!
I’m crying at my desk. At work. Again. Thank you, G, for letting us be a part of this.
G- Many of us would be blessed to be able contribute twice – once for each amazing woman and her family. Please let us do so if needed to meet the goal!!!
Thank you for showing us the love!!!
Totally awesome, again! Could I suggest, if there is extra money left over, that some of it be put into gas cards for the families? Those vans might use up fuel pretty quickly, so extra funds for gas might come in handy.
Such an excellent idea. I second this one!!
AHHHHHHHH great idea!!!
Done! I missed the last one and am so happy to be a part of this one. It is a dark rainy day here and all I see is the light… thank you!
Done! Love Wins!
thank you for providing this platform in which, other Moms and Dads, can contribute to giving and helping others…what a blessing
just gave the most I can!! 🙂
So excited to be a part of this. And God works in mysterious ways. I was low on cash this week and was upset that I could not particpate. I just logged on to my checking account to find an extra $25.00 that I didn’t think I had. God is good!
Audrey, loved your post!!
Goosebumps 🙂
Wahoo! My lazy a missed out on the last one, glad I got to give on this one. Can’t wait to bless these beautiful families!!
Done! What a brilliant idea!. Can’t wait to see the results. Thank you so much for putting this together.
Done and Done! Can’t wait to see how fast this need is met. Thanks for organizing and making this happen!!
What a wonderful thing to be a part of…you moved this pregnant mom to tears, although not hard to do – I count my many blessings and am grateful that God has provided a life that can give to those who need that $20 much more than I do.
The human spirit is so breath-taking! Sending all my love to Claudia/ Mindy and fams and to all of you! xo
I missed out on being part of this last time – not going to make the same mistake again! This is awesome 🙂
DONE! Happy Mothers Day to these wonderful Mothers!
I work for an organization in Santa Barbara called Dream Foundation. We were the first, and remain the largest, national organization whose mission is to fulfill a last wish for terminally ill ADULTS. Much of the work we do is similar what you are accomplishing so wonderfully- from bedside reunions to basic needs items, like a wheelchair lift. Please use us as a resource! We love to partner with the community to make dreams like these happen.
This gift you are creating through your commitment to love, to compassion and to faith in the goodness of our hearts will help those children know that despite everything, despite the unfairness and suffering and pain they are experiencing as they watch their Mom fight for her life, for their lives… is a gift that will stay with them forever.
Sending all I can, all I have, all my love from here in Canada.
So happy to be able to contribute and help out these amazing women and families. Lots of love from another Canadian Monkee! (Hello Shannon!)
Hi Jodi!
I don’t know if there are that many Canadian monkees out there. I am in Vancouver…where are you?
What a wonderful thing to do for Mother’s Day. Hope all will share on their facebook, twitter, or any other way. You make the world a better place and for that I thank you.
DONE! Counting my blessings and holding these families in my heart. Thanks for making it so easy to share the love. It is so nice to have a place like this, where I can escape the daily battle for a moment and remember there is good in the world. I love your vision.
Done. I am so excited to see how everything turns out! Is there an update on how much has been raised so far?
So glad to be a part of such a great cause! Thank you!
I can’t wait to hear how it’s going!!!
Done! This is my first flash mob and first time donating as I missed the last one! What a gift! Thank you for this beautiful opportunity!
speaking of miracles (and vans…), both this post and this one:
were in my blog reader this morning.
Amazing story of a van crushed and two husbands narrowly spared. the pictures give me chills. thought all you comment reading Monkees would enjoy reading it.
Thanks for that link. That really is an amazing set of pictures, and an amazing story.
Lovin the second love flash mob. Paypal clicked and sharing the love on FB. Sister on, ya’ll.
DONE and DONE! 😀
My first love flash mob! Excited to be a part of it. Love that we are helping in such a tangible way.
Someone near and dear to me has ALS and I think of him and his precious family every day. Such a cruel disease, but Claudia’s spirit is so inspiring.
Have a Vantastic Day!
I have a favorite quote that I keep close when I’m feeling down in the dumps about what my actions contribute to the overall well being of the world and it came to mind as I was reading this post:
What I do you cannot do; but what you do, I cannot do.
The needs are great, and none of us, including me, ever do great things.
But we can all do small things, with great love,
and together we can do something wonderful.
~Mother Theresa
I will be giving and sharing to encourage others to give, b/c if we all do small things with great love we can make a difference!
Done! So happy not to have missed this one.Have a Van-tastic Day.
I love this, I’m still not working, but ya know what? $25.00 to help out two families who need it more than I do is priceless! Thank you
I’ve wanted to be part of a flash mob for the longest time! I’m singing and dancing while I hit the Van-tastic button! Thanks Monkees!
Done. Happy Mother’s Day!
Done. Happy Mother’s Day.
This is my second time to get to do this, and I just love, love the concept of a doable maximum contribution. Blessings to these families!
Absolutely, Van-Tastic! I LOVE a LOVE FLASH MOB!!!
“This is my command: love each other as I have loved you.”-Jesus Christ, John 15:12 ♥
done. this warms my heart.
My Sisters Mother In Law Passed away last October from ALS. She passed a week before our ALS walk in her honor! She would have been so proud! It is an evil horrible disease that NOONE should face!! …What you,….we,
are doing for these 2 families is amazing! You are truly one of Gods angels!!! xoxoxo
Done. Sending so much love and support to these mama Monkees. xo
Thank you Claudia and Mindy for giving me the opportunity to grow in love through your sacrifices. You are both brave, brutiful women. I am indebted to both of you and will do all I can to spread the love.
Glennon, ain’t no words! Just this great big I-don’t-know-what-feeling whenever I think of you. You da monkee’s monkee. Love you so much.
Being in a Flash mob is on my life list. Does this count?
Oh Shareen!! This totally counts!! I mean yea!! what could be better!!! Hugs to you!! You’re awesome!!
Done. Love it. May these beautiful women have a “Van” tastic Valentines Day. God Bless you, Glennon! Sending muchas smooches and lotsa love!
Erica Snipes
You give me the giggles with “muchas smooches” Love that!!! You totally rock!
You totally rock too, you bubble guppie you! Mu-ah! 🙂
Of course I meant to say “Van” tastic Mother’s Day, and not Valentine’s Day! Just had alliteration of the “v”s on my mind! Ha ha! In any event, happy to donate! Muchas Smooches! 🙂
Bubble Guppie…that’s a momma right there! 😉
Glennon: I just bought a van for my sister from some wonderful people her in Texas (Tyler, TX). Their prices and service were AMAZING and they can deliver anywhere. I can’t say enough how they blessed us; they are very Monkee-like! I know you’ve probably got the details already worked out but contact me if you want the info for this place.
LOVE. Donation in. Keep loving 🙂
Thank you for being such a wonderful example to all. Thanks for making a monkee out of me!
We are nearly an hour in….. do we get an update on progress soon? How often should I be checking back today?? 🙂
I am so totally with you on this one!!! I keep coming to see if there is an update!!
That’s why I’m back!!
I’m with you too! Totally want an update! 🙂
DONE!!!! Love it! Thank you for letting us love on these families!
I have a dear friend in NC who was diagnosed w/ ALS in 2004. She also has a young son that she loves with her whole heart and is determined to live for!! Her spirit is amazing in spite of all the obstacles live has thrown at her. I donate in her honor.
Glennon, I adore you. Thank you (and all other monkees, too). xo
This is my first Flash Mob… how do I donate????
Scroll up to the Monkee Flash Mob box on the right, click. Thanks
LOVE LOVE LOVE THIS. The limit makes me feel like less of a loser for only being able to contribute a small amount. And it spreads the love around. Glennon, you really are a tool, and I mean that in the best way. 🙂
Done and done!
Done. In honor of Dan, Kate, Graham, Maisie, and Pat. They need an avalanche of prayers too, so say one as you pass through please.
Done Lesley!!
Prayers said for all of them!
Done! Sister on!
I used to work in a diagnostic lab where ALS testing was done. What a terrible disease! I’m so grateful to be able to be part of this love flash mob. Here’s to both our deserving families and our larger family of Monkeedom!
Thanks for dreaming bigger than us all! I’m grateful, blessed and teary (as always) to be a Monkee.
Love you!
I love this, Glennon. So important to start my day, this mother’s day week with the chance to help others and reflect on how blessed I am. xox
Done, done, done!!! Go Monkees… GOOOOOOOOOOO! 🙂
Done! SO excited to be a part of this again! AND… I asked my husband to consider donating in MY honor for Mothers Day. What better way to celebrate Mothers Day than to help other beautiful, struggling, wonderful families??
Thanks Glennon, for the opportunity, the coordintion and all of this crazy awesome Love!!
Amazing idea!!!!!!!!!!
Glennon-You are my hero! This is totally awesome. Felt so good to push that paypal button. Thanks for making my day and I will spread the word. I’m thinking 100 grand!
As we say in the south, Y’all, we can do this!
Done! Can’t wait to hear about the new Monkee Mobiles for these special folks. 🙂
My friend suffered and died from ALS. I’m contributing in her memory.
Sending you a comforting Monkee hug!!!
My thanks to both of you. This was my tribute to her. Another proof that it is the small things we do with great love that really matter to people…
Thank you for the opportunity to help these two deserving women!! Come one Monkees (and Donkees), we can do this!!
I was soooooo hoping we would be helping Mindy and Paul. What a thrill to contribute to Claudia and her family as well. Feels wonderful to help in removing some of the obstacles these families are facing in their daily lives.
Glennon, thanks for being so brave, and for showing up. This will happen, I know it will.
This is how the world is supposed to be. I love it.
I agree – this IS how the world is supposed to be!
I had a good friend who had ALS. It all took place in 18 months. Hers was a fast progression. ALS is a mean disease and I have always felt powerless over it after watching what my friend went through. Until today!! This is one really awesome way to tell ALS to ‘stick it’!!!!!! Thanks so much. And especially for making it easy to do on paypal. Can’t wait to share this with friends!
hugs Holly!
I just donated. Good luck to these families, and I hope they are able to enjoy new vans soon!
Is the limit $25 total, or $25 per day?
Total. You have to let everyone help. It’s awesome.
Thanks. Awesome indeed!
This is wonderful…thank you, Glennon for making this happen for these wonderful families and for us! Xxx
Thanks for the heads-up – this time I was ready! Be the change.
Love this. Completed my donation and just shared on FB. I know we can do it! What a great way to celebrate Mother’s Day — helping other moms. Love.
The world has blessed my niece Kristin with beautiful memories and more importantly, countless prayers. I am happy to donate!
How do you contribute the money? Do I just send you a cheque?
up in the top corner of this post next to one of the pictures is a picture of a Monkee thinking of a van. Click on it and it will take you to paypal!
Hi Anne!
There is a button on the right side of the blog that says “Monkee Flash Mob” and has a pic of a van and a monkee on it. Please click on that, and it will direct you to our Paypal account. Super easy to donate from there.
I can’t see the monkee van button! I have tried reloading the page several times and it won’t show any button to push. Can you send me a link via email so I can donate?
I just got it to load and donated. Sooooo happy now!!
Done! I am so so happy! G, you rock!
Love it! This is amazing! Love you G and all my monkee sisters and brothers!
Love you too Donkee!!
Wow!! go Monkees!!!
Monkees Rule!!! 🙂 Love you, G!
and Donkees 🙂
Aaaaah G. You really rock the world.