Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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I’m so sorry for the loss of your sweet Ansley. Prayers from Westerville, Ohio.
What a beautiful angel she is!
Thank you for articulating what my daughter is also suffering through. I bet your beautiful Ansley and my sweet grandson Jack are friends and playmates as they wait for their moms and dads to join them. I hope many will learn from your story. So many people care but are afraid to bring up the subject for fear if causing more pain. I used to be one of them, but I’m learning. So I just want you to know I’m thinking of you and Ansley on her angel day (which also happens to be my daughter’s birthday.). Love from Naples, FL.
Jessica I am so sorry you lost Ansley. I just lost my dog a Golden retriever named Emma. I know it isn’t the same but it’s the only reference point I have. Emma will live on in my heart. Just like Ansley does in yours.
I live in Vermont. I have a daughter and when I looked at the pictures of Ansley I thought “she’ll never go to high school or college. Jessica won’t watch her daughter walk across a stage to receive her bachelor’s degree or master’s degree and she’ll never watch Ansley walk down the aisle in a beautiful white gown looking like a princess.” I thought of my daughter and my granddaughter and thanked God for them. May God bless you and comfort you today and every day. Hugs
Much love to you, Ansley and all babies (no matter their respective ages!) everywhere.
Ansley is absolutely beautiful. You should be so proud of yourself for having raised her and given her a happy life. I’m sure she’s up there somewhere thinking of you today just as you don’t let a day slip by without the thought of her. God bless your family and I pray that He brings you peace. ❤️
Hi Jessica, Ansley will always be in your heart and your thoughts. I’m sure she is also in the hearts and thoughts of those people who feel awkward and uncomfortable talking to you about her. In the past that is what I have done. Your message for us to be open with each other, remember those who have died and give those closest to them the opportunity to talk about them is so important. Due to my own life experiences I know the need to talk about those who have passed on. Once you begin to talk you quickly realise it is not awkward or upsetting, though tears may flow. Thank you for your advice. I hope these messages show that Ansley is very much remembered.
There is hope on the horizon. Dr. Hannah Kinney and her team at Boston Children’s are doing incredible things to help families who have suffered the loss of a beloved child due to SIDS or SUDC.
I am sending hugs your way Jessica and I know you are looking forward to the day you will be with your sweet little Angel Ansley again. I to know the heartache of losing someone you love so very much. I totally understand what you were saying because I love when people mention my mom and things she did because I know they are keeping her memory alive and that she’s not forgotten so thank you for sharing your feelings and I will keep you and your family in my thoughts and prayers.
Hugs from Rebecca in Oklahoma!! 🙂
Jessica I am so very sorry for your loss I couldn’t imagine. I lost both my parents but that’s the way its suppose to be, parents go first we as parents just assume that’s the way its gonna be but for some unknown reason it doesn’t always happen that way. Just know your little angel is in heaven playing with all the other kids while waiting for your arrival then you will have eternity together. 🙂
Thoughts from New Zealand xx
Jessica, I am so very sorry you were torn away from an important part of your world. I know my 4 kids are very important to me and just a severe illness can keep me up all night. I follow Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep on Twitter and that is where I saw this. My husband and I have a photography business and we hope to be lucky enough to be accepted as NILMDTS volunteers, though we know it will break our hearts. We are privileged to volunteer every year for the past couple years for Missing GRACE Foundation’s Hope and Hearts Run. I have to make sure to not read the stories on the wall, because I know I will have tears to suppress before I get half way through the first one. It is difficult to take clear pictures when you can’t see clearly through tears. I wish you peace in your memories of your daughter, a Hail Mary for the mother of God who holds all the lost babies in Heaven, and a virtual hug from the Twin Cities, MN.
There really are no sufficient words to comfort. Just know, Jessica, that there are so many who support you and remember Ansley on her Angel day and beyond. Love and prayers from Oregon.
July 14 is my birthday. I’m honored to share the date with Ainsley’s Angel Day. God Bless her in Heaven and God Bless you on earth. Love from Defiance, Ohio.
Jessica, sending you much love. Ansley is surely honored on her Angel day and I hope you don’t mind, but I’m going to borrow that from you as it seems a wonderful thing to call that occasion…i think it will help me also to move past that date in my life with a little more peace, so thank you for that 🙂
That was absolutely beautiful. Thank you for sharing this incredible story.
And to the beautiful precious Ansley – may you never be forgotten.
What a beautiful article, so many of us feel this way. Happy birthday beautiful girl.
Thinking of you and your sweet one. I admire your strength in coming forward and asking for advice. You have inspired many others to do the same and inspired those of us who would never have dreamed that mentioning an Angel baby’s name would give comfort to his or her family. Thank you.
I’m so very sorry for your huge loss… i can’t even imagine the pain n then worth void. My daughter is 19 n I don’t know what I’d do if anything like this would happen to her. What happened to beautiful Ansley? BTW her headstone is gorgeous like her.
Barbie De La Uz
Miami, FL
Happy Angel Day to dear Ansley..My prayers to strengthen your grieving heart. I lost my beloved son Adam 5 months ago and I k ow the heartbreak of wanting people to just say their name and share good memories of their time with your amazing child.My Adam was 19 and died due to oxygen loss after a epilepic seizure..He never woke up..I will always remember the way he loved me as will you..They were the greatest gifts God gave us and we remember them with the eternal love of a mother ((hugs))
Thinking of you on Ansley’s day…We have two babies in heaven as well and I know oh so well how you just merely want them to be remembered and acknowledged. Hugs from South Dakota. 🙂
Hi Jessica, I was in Atlanta when you stood up. Thank you for your story and willingness to share. My niece is also named Ansley. Everytime I hear her name I will think of your Ansley too. I’m so sorry she was only here for a short time.
much love,
Matthews, NC
Happy Birthday to your precious, sweet girl, Ansley. My name is Courtney and I’m from Florida. I just lost my son on May 18th. Gray was 8 months and 4 days old when he went to Heaven. I can already see people acting as if my son never existed. They don’t mean to, I think, but it still pains me nontheless. 8 months, 4 days and 9 months….I was his Mommy. And I still am. I’m not sure why people don’t know how to act around people who have suffered the loss of a child, but it’s part of my mission, to graciously fill people in and help them to know how to act. I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers and hope that your friends and family will start to show up more for you!!! xoxo. Hugs.
Thinking of your family and Ansley
Sending love and prayers from Attica, MI. I thought of you yesterday, and I cry for you more today. Happy birthday to your sweet girl.
Jessica, your beloved Ansley is a beautiful girl. My heart goes out to you today and always.
jessica,i was destined to see this. i have buried 2 girls,one was named jessica. i understand that stillbirth is not quite the same.talking about it made others uncomfortable,so i dont. noone remembers them on spoke up for women everywhere who are having the same experience.when jessica was born,people sent cards and food and visited my parents.i saw noone.i did not live with my parents.if you ever wish to talk pm me. take care. hugs
Jessica, may your day be filled with joyful remembering. May you experience peace in this day. And may you be surrounded by love as your precious Ansley was.
Much love and aloha from Hawaii!
Jessica, praying for you and your family today. We have had two precious babies in our family go to be with the Lord. I can just picture Ansley holding our Jayden and Elliot in heaven! Thank you for reminding people that these kids never leave our hearts and minds and we want to be able to talk about them. CA
Hi, Jessica. Ansley’s mom–such a pretty name, matched to such a pretty girl. Thank you for sharing your story. Thank you for reminding me to speak of those who left before their time. Thank you for sharing Ansley with the world.
May peace and comfort surround you as you remember your beautiful Ansley, today and EVERY day.
Thank you for your brave words. As a friend to several friends who have lost their babies I know now my silent words are not enough. Love needs to be said and shown. I’m so sorry for your loss. I know her beautiful smile brightened your every day and there’s no doubt she was blessed to call loving courageous you mom. And what a beautiful name you gave her if I do say so myself!! I pray you’ll feel her love through the love around you. Press On with xoxo. Ansley from Georgia
Hello Jessica from Vancouver island, Canada!! Ansley has also touched my heart, and she is the most beautiful Angel. Heaven must be a better place with her smiles and giggles..perhaps one day I will meet her, as she holds her mama’s hand once again.
Dear Jessica, we lost our 12 year old daughter, Abi, six weeks ago so I feel your pain. Even this early down the road we never wanted to travel, I know that while 14th July is a particularly terrible day, and no doubt Ansley’s birthday is too, you will think and long for her EVERY DAY. I hope these comments will help you realise that, while this is a community none of us wanted to join, parents like us will always know your pain. Shared grief doesn’t make it less, but it does help knowing others know what it feels like. Much love and strength to you from New Zealand this day and every other day. Go live your life on behalf of your little angel xxxxx
Remembering you and Ansley. I lost a precious son 2 years ago and know the heartache and the missing that happens every day.
Jessica, I hope you find some peace today knowing that Ansley is being thought of, nor just by those who knew her, but by so many others as well.
A fellow mommy to an angel,
Mt. Pleasant, NC
My little Henry Beckett would be nine too. I hope in my heart he is arm in arm with your little Ansley tonight. You spoke for so many of us today and you did so eloquently and beautifully. We are all united in the absences we share. LOVE to you. Thank you. Liz
Thinking of you today & sending you prayers, Jessica!! I’m sorry for the loss of Ansley, but I just know you will be with her again one day.
Much love to you!!
Jessica, Ansley was very lucky to have you as her mother. I share your grief in losing a child and the joy of remember how we had them once. I share this special day with you, as I too lost our first born when I was 6 months pregnant on 07/14/2008. May our little girls watch over us and may they give us strength in knowing we have our very own little angels up in heaven and that we’ll see them someday.
I will say your precious Angel’s name today- “Ansley”- she is not forgotten. May God bless you and bring you peace.
I missed Ansley’s Angel day, but feel certain she is the brightest of Angels! I can picture my daughter, Kierra, bouncing Ansley on her knee. Our girl was killed several years ago at age 24. I cherish every moment she was with us and know we were blessed to be able to have her so long. Nothing will take away your pain.. huge hugs!
Happy Angel Day Ansley and thank you Jessica for speaking up I sure your little Angel is smiling down on you. Lots of love Katherine (Australia) Xx
Stopping my world to give you a hug and letting you know I care!
Jessica, God bless you and your family. Families are forever and happy late birthday to Ansley. She will be waiting for you in heaven. <3 much love to you from across miles.
Thoughts and love on Ansley’s Angle Day from Morgantown, WV. I know that sweet girl is watching over you with our Lord & Savior.
Your little girl will never be forgotten. She will always be with you in your heart until one day you meet again. Life isn’t fair and I am so sorry for the difficult waters you must tread but know people everywhere are thinking of you and your angel more often than you know.
Bless you Jessica & your precious Ansley. Hugs & much love from TX.
Happy Belated Birthday to your precious Ansley. Your a strong mumma Jessica. Your gorgeous girl is touching the hearts of us all xoxo
Im kayla im 24.and have been married for 6 yrs we have a 2 yr old lil girl and i know most of yall have had children that have passed i have not we have lost 3 kids to miscarriage but it still hurts and to b told u have a heart sheaped uterus and that i may never b able to have more kids or i could but go thru more misscarriages it still hurts and i think bout what they would have looked like and how their personality would b and i cant get my hubby to talk with me out it he just stays to himself and ive told him i was sorry that ive lost 3 of his kids like it was my fault i feel like ive let him down and i could use comfort from him but i cant get any i can just imagine how much harder it would be for yall moms out there but u just have to have faith and believe that god never gives up on u he has a purposr for everything and u just have to trust him
Sending you prayers for your family’s healing and love from California in memory of Ansley. I am so sorry for your loss and the pain of family and friends being too afraid to upset you to bring up Ansley. Our community understands and supports you.
Happy Birthday to your precious Angel. I lost 2 babies in my 6 month of
pregnancy and the pain was almost unbearable. I can’t imagine your pain. I think Ansley is playing with Christopher and Timothy up in heaven. Bless you.
Dear Jessica,
After reading this, the tears can’t stop. I also agree, your sweet baby girl Ansley needs to be mentioned so the memory can be passed on down through the family and is good therapy for you too. Just remembering the cute things she said or did will bring smiles to you and the ones that were there. Happy late birthday Ansley from a caring individual in Floyd, Ia. Lori
Jessica it’s like you pulled the words out of my heart and said what i have been trying to explain to people with my broken heart: speak to me of my baby, acknowledge that she existed, let me know that she still matters.
and that i wish they understood that that no matter how much time goes by, there is a part of us that will always be lying there, wondering how the world is still spinning after losing our child. this is our reality.
i am so, so sorry for your heartbreak Jessica. i will be lighting a candle for your beautiful little Ansley today <3
Ansley is playing with my Jesse today. Hugs to you and yours.
Thinking of Jessica and Ansley from Florida.
Mother of Adalyn, who is also an Angel
From one babyloss momma to another, your little one is remembered and loved. I hope Ansley is with our first daughter, Melanie.
St. Louis
So sorry for your loss. Please know that even when people aren’t talking about Ansley, they are thinking about her. To your point, people are scared to say the wrong thing or worse somehow think that bringing her up will make you sad (as if you could ever forget).
Thank you for sharing your story.
thank you for enlightening me – so often I have said nothing for fear of bringing hurt.
Much love on Ansley’s Angel Day from Hasrodsburg, KY
Jessica, your Ansley is such a beautiful little girl! I am from St.Louis, MO and also a mommy to a beautiful angel in Heaven. I hope all these messages help you on her angel day. I know your pain and send my thoughts and prayers to you. ❤️
Hi Jessica. Thank you so much for sharing. You put into words so many feelings I too have had over the loss of a child. My son wasn’t a baby…he was 24 years old when he went to sleep one night and never woke up. Completely unexplained with no reason ever found. The unexplained loss of a child is hard on the parents they leave behind but your sorrow is added upon when people stop speaking of them. Thank you for reminding people to show up and speak up and show us they remember our children. Bless you!
Sending hugs to you and your family Jessica. Perhaps Ansley has met my niece’s daughter, MacKenzie who passed on at 19 months old on July 27th and is playing with her. My hearts go out to all parents who have lost a child. I know pain and heartache and can’t imagine anything worse than losing a child. I too struggle with what to say to my niece. I want to comfort her but feel inadequate. The only thing I can offer is Hope. Hope in God who has promised eternal life through his son and our Saviour Jesus Christ. Peace be with you. Shawn from Texas
Thinking of you and your little girl today! Thank you for saying these words they helped me feel confident in reaching out to a friend who has lost a little angle. Thank you
Thinking of you and your sweet Ansley today, praying for Gods calm to wash over you. From Samuel’s Mommy, he would have been 20 this year.
Forgot to include, Samuel’s Mommy from Ohio
Hi Jessica,
Please know you are in my thoughts and prayers. I am almost certain our little ones are playing in heaven, sharing laughter and waiting on us to arrive one day. A mothers love knows no boundaries ..heaven and earth. Please smile and honor all of our little angels in heaven each and every single day! Sending smiles to you from Hope, Indiana. Oxxoox
I didn’t see this until today, but I just wanted to offer hugs. My Cora was stillborn 8 years ago this May, and sometimes I feel so alone, and then sometimes my friends step up and speak her name. Lots of love to you. I hope you felt Ansley close this year.
Hi Jessica,
Thinking of you and beautiful
Ansley. I lost my son Brandon just over 2 years ago. You’re right people let their own issues cloud what the grieving mom needs. Lots of love your way!
I didn’t come across this article until today, but thank you so much for sharing your Ansley with us. The photo of her eating the strawberry made me smile especially — what a sweet and serious little face! Love and prayers to you and your family from Virginia, USA.
Jessica I send a ready hug today. Ansley mattered. She impacted the world. Bless your family today!
Jessica, our thoughts and prayers are here with you in Texas. Ansley was so beautiful, and we are thinking of her and you today.
Jessica, my thoughts are with you and Ansley today. Thank you for the beautiful story. I lost my own daughter, Aria, on January 24, 2013. Thank you for sharing your story and saying what it is so hard for all of us that have lost children to say.
Westerville, OH
God bless your sweet angel today and everyday. Love from Ohio.
Hello from the Atlanta suburbs, Jessica!
Ansley looks so alive. So reachable, touchable, tangible.
Thinking of you on her angel day.
Hi Jessica, I didn’t see this yesterday, but know without a doubt you are thinking of Ainsley the same today as always. Thinking of you as you miss your precious baby girl….what a beautiful little girl! Thank you for sharing your heart and Ainsley with us. Love from Oklahoma.
Wishing you strenght and love on the hardest day of your life<3 i hopr little ansley is up playing and flying around happy angel sweetie and my love and prayers are with your family who loves you so much
Thinking of your family and Ansley today.
I am so sorry for your loss, i just want to say you are not alone. I too have angel babies, their birthdays are July 12th and June 2nd. I feel the pain you are going through and I want to let you know that i am thinking of Ansley this day. God Bless you and give you strength and peace.
I also wanted to thank you for standing up and stating what each of us bereaved mothers are too quiet to say. I believe that on this subject, all mothers feel the same.
Hi! I am so sorry to hear of the loss of your beautiful Ansley. My nephew, George, died from SIDS, and it has destroyed my sister. Her sentiments are exactly what is talked about in this article. She just NEEDS us to remember her precious baby. Please know, Jessica, that the Sworaski family in New Jersey is saying prayers and remembering you and your entire family, and today especially. May God be with you. I wish I could have met Ansley, but there’s a sweet boy up there with her that could use a friend.
Jessica, you and Ansley are in our thoughts and prayers. Thank you for speaking up as many people don’t remember our special angels need acknowledgment. We want them remembered and Ansley will be forever.
Hi, Jessica. As I think about my grandson, John, I will pray that he and Ansley can meet for a heavenly play date. Peace be unto you.
Hi jessica, i know this is a few days late but Happy belated angel day for Ansely, i wish i had the courage you did Hugging you from afar xxx
From Jackson’s Mom to Ansley’s Mom, my heart is with you
Manalapan, NJ
Ansley was a blessed little girl to have such a fine, strong mama. I know her short life was too short, but I believe she, through you, has given us all an important lesson. Thank you, honey, sleep well.
Ansley, you are a precious gift to your family and to those who knew you. I feel blessed to know of real angels. Even though I didn’t know you on Earth, I feel like I know you as an angel now. Happy 9th Birthday, Ansley! If you see my Isabella in Heaven please give her a hug for me. Jessica, thank you for doing and saying what all of us Angel moms are thinking. You are extremely brave and courageous! Hugs to you on your daughter, Ansley, birthday. Stay strong! You will see her again in Heaven!
Sending hugs to Ansley and her mama on her Angel Day! My rainbow baby is going to be named Ainsley, but pronounced the same as yours. With love from Tennessee, Blakely’s Mama
Jessica, thank you. I am an RN on a labor and delivery floor and am asked by family and co-workers what to do/say in situations that are terribly painful. This is so incredibly helpful. I hope you are filled with memories and love on Ansley’s angel day.
I am so sorry for your loss. Ansley was a beautiful girl! Thanks so much for your advice. As a future nurse I feel sometimes at a loss for words when I watch families going through horrible , tragic events. Thanks for reminding us that we still need to be there for those experiencing loss even when we don’t know what to say.
Jessica, Ansley is beautiful! Sending prayers for you today, as you remember the good times and try to survive the painful memories. My daughter would have been 17 this year…you can survive this. Love from Kansas
Jessica, God bless you and wee Ansley on her Angel journey. I like so many others across the globe are stopping in this minute to remember your sweet little girl. I am here and I care. N Ireland
Thinking of you today and thanking you for your words and courage to say them. My heart says Ainsley and all of the other Angel Babies and Children are celebrating together. Love from Angel Baby Henry’s Mommy.
I am sorry I missed Ansley’s angel day. Thank you for sharing your story and the beautiful pictures. Xoxo
I’m a day late reading this, but Happy (belated) Angel Day Ansley! From the Baker family in Kentucky to yours, hugs and smiles.
Hi Ansley, I know today is your angel day. I also know that it is very hard for those of us who are left here on earth without you. While I am not a biological mama, I lost one of my students to leukemia 12 years ago last March. My little Meghan made such an impact on my life. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think of her and wish her here. By now, she would have graduated high school. It has been my mission to remember her on her birthday and on her angel day every year since she has left us. I pray that God will bring people to your mama and daddy to encourage them and let them know that you are not forgotten but that you live on in the minds and hearts of many. Bless you sweet girl for the joy you brought to those around you. Please do me a giant favor and give my “Sweet Pea” Meaghan a big squeeze today.
Saying a special prayer for Ansley and Jessica today from Michigan.
From Darcy’s mama to Ansley’s mama, Sending you love today and thinking of your beautiful girl. Xo
Jessica, thank you for sharing your story of your beautiful daughter Ansley. She is a beautiful angel!
Jackson, NJ
dear, dear Jessica…I just read this today, so I’m sorry to miss leaving a comment for you on the day that is so important…the day that changed your life forever. my daughter lost a child…a sweet daughter, stillborn, on august the 17th last year. and she feels the same way you do. she has done a marvelous job to document and preserve all she can about darcy and we talk of her often, visit her often. my daughter has expressed the same feeling that it’s important to hear her name and know that we don’t forget. I grieve with you and for you and your family and I tell you that ansley remains your daughter, forever. she was not sent to you for nothing. may God bless you and your family; I believe ansley is already with Him and waits for you.
Sending hugs from Texas in memory of sweet little Ansley. On July 26 we will go to the cemetery and take a family picture with the headstone of our sweet baby, Christen, who we lost 14 years ago. I know all too well what it is like for close friends and family to not mention her name in hopes of not upsetting me. It’s crazy but I guess I get it. Over the last 14 years I have been able to be the mom who has been there for a few friends who have lost children. It is not easy but I will never shy away from someone out of fear of bringing up what is real. We love our babies and we will always be there mommies.
Happy Birthday precious Ansley. Thank you Jessica for expressing your feelings as a mother of an angel in heaven. My daughter is in heaven also. Although she is not a child, my feelings are truly the same as yours
. Ansley is a beautiful little girl. My heart goes out to you and your family. Prayers and hugs from Pa.
Happy Birthday, Ansley. My thoughts are with you, Jessica.
–Heather (in Boston)