Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
Join Glennon on Facebook, Twitter, & Instagram
Thinking of you and Ansley today.
Jessica, Thank you for sharing your story and those beautiful pictures of Ansley. My heart aches with you. My Angel Day is next week and I know how tender this time is for me. I will remember Ansley and how she still has an affect on others.
As a mom who lost her child, I can SO understand what you are saying Jessica! I have this quote on his memorial page and it speaks volumes…..I hope it gives you some comfort….
“The mention of my child’s name may bring tears to my eyes, but it never fails to bring music to my ears. If you are really my friend, let me hear the beautiful music of his name. It soothes my broken heart and sings to my soul.”
You precious angel, Ansley is shining down on you through every passing moment. She will forever live in your heart. May God wrap his loving arms around you and provide you with the comfort that only He can give. I know the heartache that you feel. We lost our 8 1/2 month old son Kellen to SIDS on May 26, 2012. My heart breaks a million times over for you. Know that our angels are singing and laughing in the arms of Jesus. God Bless you and your family on this very difficult day.
Kristen from Fort Walton Beach, FL.
Jessica, Thank you for sharing your story. You are not alone. Thinking of you in Westport, CT.
Prayers for you dear mama with a broken heart. I surely understand your pain and thoughts. My son’s “angel day” was just this Saturday. (July 12) No one called or said anything except a few on Facebook after I posted, close family and one close friend. It was our fifth year without out only son. I pray that God gives you comfort and the little things through your day that let’s you know He is very near, and so is your beautiful little daughter who is waiting for you. She is alive and well. She’s just with our FATHER. So is my son. Maybe they know each other. I would be inclined to say they do. 🙂 Blessings today.
You are forever and eternally Ansley’s momma. She is eternally your sweet baby girl. No parent should feel their child is forgotten.
Ansley’s is a beautiful girl and I loved seeing pictures of her.
Love to you.
May Ansley forever be remembered. I will think of her every time I hear her name or the name Jessica.
Hugs to you from Sussex, New Jersey <3
Dear Jessica, praying for you today as you remember your sweet Ainsley. We lost our youngest son Matthew last March 9th. I understand so much what you are feeling. Thank you for allowing us to remember her with you. Much love, Amie
Despite reading multiple blogs for years, this is the first time I have ever left a comment. Ever. Anywhere. I am because I want you to know that I’m thinking of you, your family, and your beautiful Ansley. Thank you for sharing her with us so that we too may remember her. I know I will.
Prayers to your family today and always. Iowa
Celebrate Ansley today and every day. My brother passed away at 21 due to asthma, Until she joined him, when asked how many children she had, she always answered 4. She always encouraged us to talk about him, so my children knew their Uncle Larry even though they never had the chance to meet him. Ansley will always be with you.
Ansley. That is a beaut of a name and I am sure she was a beauty of a girl. Proud to mama along with you. I’m a woman who has stood on the other side of this loss as an orphaned child. Yes, sometimes we do just need to know that those closest to us haven’t forgotten the ones we lost. {HUGS}
Jessica —
I lost my first son, Wilson, on August 7, 2010. I so, so, so relate to your loss. I am thinking of sweet Ansley today as I approach my sweet Wilson’s day in a few weeks.
Much love — Theresa
Ansley, No one should ever lose their baby, no matter how old they are. I am so sorry for your loss. What a BEAUTY she was. Thank you for reminding me to “show up” for people.
Sweet Little Ansley is in Heaven with my Sydney. Thanks to everyone who “stopped the world” to comment / pray or just think ! It does make a difference.
I am guilty!! I want to say thank you for reminding us and instructing us on how to care for those who have had such losses in their life. Our friends the Helms lost their 2 year old son Dayton. He would have been 4 this year and I felt so many times that I just did not know what to say. I always felt inadequate because words never seemed enough. You have encouraged me to shake a hand, give a hug or even a sorrow filled smile with no words when I don’t know what else to do. God bless you and may you feel His love and peace in your life.
Jessica, what a beautiful child you were blessed with. I know Ansley must have brought so much joy & happiness to your life. Her face is like a ray of sunshine in those pictures! Hang on to the beautiful memories. I have no doubt that she is loving you and looking out for you every day from up above. You & your family are in my prayers. Love from Savannah, Georgia.
Sorry, Sister – I’m late to the game. But today is hard too, right? I’m thinking of you, your family, and Ansley today. I hope that you all know that you matter.
-B in Reading, PA
Thinking of you Jessica and you beautiful Ansley all the way from Washington State. I will keep your story in mind for friends and acquaintances who have lost loved ones. We all needed to hear this! Thank you and god bless. <3 Mary
Prayers for you and your family, Jessica. I hope you find some comfort in all the wonderful memories of your Angel, Ansley. I am sure she touched many lives and continues to do so. Love from Diamond, Ohio. <3
Hi sweetheart. I send you lots of love today from Rome, GA. My husband and I have 5 children, one, of which, we get to have with us here on earth. Our first child was an early miscarriage. Thomas is 5 1/2 and will begin Kindergarten in a few weeks. Holly had trisomy 18. She was born still at 24 weeks. Hannah was born still at 20 weeks, and our 5th child was an early miscarriage almost 2 years ago. Like you, we have people who were not there (who should have been), but those who were there, and are still there every day, unspeakably outweigh them. I will gladly be one that remembers for you, and calls Ansley by name, because you are STILL Ansley’s grieving mama. I will also pray that you are surrounded by more that will remember with you. Much, much love to you this day, and all days.
Beautiful Angle Ansley has already left a huge mark on the world with how we monkees will show up better for those we love.
Thank you for sharing her with us, Jessica.
God bless and hold you
Mamahugs from New Canaan CT
Keri Bryant
I love you and Ansley – it’s my daughter’s birthday on July 14th, and I’ll remember you for all our daughter’s sakes!
Jessica, I am so sorry, I can’t imagine your loss, but today I wanted to let you know that I am thinking of your beautiful little girl and praying for you.
Thinking of Ainsley today
Thank you for sharing Ansley with the world. We are here for you with open hearts where you can be supported and loved. There is a new light to help us find our way out of darkness and her name is Ansley. Warm and soothing wishes from Los Angeles, California.
We lost our youngest son to leukemia 2 years ago this July. We celebrate his bday every year. He was 4 this past June and we made him a cake, went to a water park bc we figured that’s where he would have wanted to go and them ended the day at the cemetery. I will think of your previous little one every year.
I just read this article today and it touched me deeply because on Tuesday July 1st my daughter and her soul mate lost their daughter Ella, exactly 1 week before the scheduled C-section and her much anticipated arrival. My heart breaks for my daughter and for your loss of Ansley. There are no adequate words but I agree that NO words hurt. Some people that I knew had knowledge about Ella’s passing never offered one word, not an “I’m sorry for your loss”, nothing! It hurt me so much. All it takes is one moment to say anything! My daughter has told me that words of sympathy from everywhere (including FB) have been instrumental in her coping with this huge loss. As her mother, my pain is seeing her and Ella’s father grieving so. If I could I would take all their grief and tears and suffer this for them.
Jessica, I am so sorry for your loss. Ansley is blessed to have a mother that honors her memory, God bless you. Hugs, Debra
I am thinking of Jessica and sweet Ansley. I wish that none of us had to live in a world without our child/children. Sending hope and hugs.
I cannot imagine the pain you feel. This article brought tears to my eyes. My sister lost a little one about a year ago, and until now I haven’t really understood how to comfort her or support her. I assure you that Ansley has already made a huge impact on the world just from your experience and this article.
Sending love your way (a day late) from Pittsburgh!
Was so blessed to be a part of this night, and am so glad that we all can honor Jessica and Ansley. Hang in there, Warrior Momma! Saying prayers for you and your angel today. Crying again, as I did that night. Thank you for reminding us to SHOW UP!
Thinking of you and your sweet baby girl, Ansley, today. My own daughter, Aisley, is one year and one day old. I can’t imagine your pain but hope these loving thoughts from around the world lesson it just a bit. Please accept a cyber hug from a mom in Palo Alto, CA.
Joining you with tears in Lynden, Washington. You are not alone. May this community buoy up your heart today and in days to come. With love and prayers.
God bless you and your baby girl, Ansley. Sauquoit, NY
Jessica, Please tell your family and friends that it is ok to speak about Ansley. They think they are helping you but, they need to know that they are wrong. Also, it’s ok to cry. It helps you heal the pain. May you find peace and joy in your heart.
Jessica, and any other parents who have lost their little ones, I am so truly and deeply sorry. I can’t even begin to imagine what you are going through. Know that Ansley is with you always. Ansley, ansley ansley. Sweet girl, you will not be forgotten. Sending hugs from barnstead new Hampshire.
Although we have never met I share your pain. It is my honor “to stop my world today” to pray for you. I believe Ansley is in a beautiful place but that does not change your grief.
Wishing you joy from great memories of her today.
Glen Ellyn illinois
Jessica-I am writing to you from Califronia. My heart and prayers go out to you and your family. Your Ansley is an angel. I received your story last night from a very close friend of mine who lost her son. I lost my daughter five yr’s ago in September. I cried as I read your story and Please know your beautiful little girl is Not forgotten. Thank you for sharing your words and for helping so many to hopefully understand the importance of hearing our childs name. We are still their Mama’s forever. God Bless You.
Sending angel blessings your way in memory of Ansley. You were given the honor of being Ansley’s mother and gave her your most precious gift, the gift of your heart. Anslely is holding your heart tenderly until the day you are able to see each other again. Love to you Jennifer and love to Ansley, you were blessed to be in each other’s life’s. My heart reaches out to you from California on this very special Ansley Angel Day
We need to stop and support each other more often. Ansley, from these photos, looks like she was a sweet and funny little girl. Keep sharing her with the world!
Hi Jessica, Thank you for being so brave as to stand up and voice what all of us mother’s of angels would love to scream to the world!! May our children NEVER be forgotten here in this world. Ansley will forever be a part of you and in your heart, but keep her memory alive by doing something special each year on her birthday, so that you can celebrate that time with friends and family. Run a 5K in her honor, or hold a special event in her honor. These are all ways to keep her memory alive.
Praying for you and your family and passing this article on to other mom’s of Angels. ~NH
Dear one who has lost a sweet angel child, Just want you to know that in my thoughts I hold your hand and pray that God will continue to hold you in the palm of his hand and In the shadow of his wing. Ansley is getting abundance of love and care. Lean on the Father and his love. I pray for you on this angel day for healing and peace . Love to Jessica from Jacquelyn.
Hi Jessica, your beautiful little girl Ansley will NEVER be forgotten! Our thoughts and prayers are with you and her today! Love from Los Angeles, CA
Ansley will never be forgotten. I understand and feel your pain. My own little angel will be gone 6 years in October. Not a day goes by I don’t think about him nor do I want the world to forget him. Ansley will now forever be in my heart.
Lori Johansen, New Jersey
I am sending you love and blessings for you and all of your loved ones.
My daughter Katelyn die a week before her 21st birthday and 39 days later her brother, Aaron died right before his 25th birthday. I have never felt I “lost” either of them. They are not here in physical form but they are here. I believe your daughter Ansley is here with you too.
Peace & blessings from Chattanooga, TN for you on Ansley’s angel day & every day as you wake up & find a way to get through another day without your sweet Ansley here on Earth. You will be reunited one day & what a celebration that will be. Until then prayers for strength, healing & peace.
I can’t imagine your pain, I never knew your precious Ansley, and I am in tears for you. Prayers for comfort and strength. hugs to you and your family. Thank you for bringing it to my attention that I need to say anything rather than be fearful of saying the wrong thing. God Bless you and your family. Suwanee GA
I’m a day late…but Ansley should be loved and remembered every day. Sweet girl.
Jessica, I cannot imagine how you must long to hold her. Know that Ansley is being held with love beyond our wildest dreams in heaven. My Mama is one of those people up there holding her.
Hi Jessica. I’m thinking of you and your beautiful Ansley today. It’s a day late…but I don’t think either of you will mind. Catharine (Evanston, IL)
Dear Jessica,
Sending you my prayers and love as you remember your precious Ansley every day. ~from Asheville NC
I am thinking of my nine year old stepdaughter and how the world would feel without her and my heart is breaking for you. Ansley is now an angel watching over you: I hope you feel her love. It’s still there, just as yours will always be for her.
I’m a day late, sorry! God bless Ansley and may you know peace in your heart.❤️
Jessica: Sending support to you from Atlanta, GA, where I have just said Ansley’s name. Bless you and your precious girl, and the memories you have.
Sending you love on Ansley’s day. What a gorgeous little girl with a spirit that shines through so clearly. <3 from Kelly
Jessica, my daughter has a new friend to look after, to have tea parties with, play dolls, and make believe. Madison, take care of sweet Ansley today and tomorrow. Help her leave something for her Momma so that she knows her baby girl is not far away, too. Thank you, Jessica. You are absolutely right. Our friends and families never know what to say, when to say it. When they say Madison’s name I am always grateful. Love to you today. xoxo
As someone who has never experienced that type of loss and is afraid of saying the wrong thing, I am grateful for your insight. Ansley is beautiful and will forever be watching over you. I am thinking of you and Ansley today in Allen, TX.
Ansley. Ansley. Ansley. Ansley. How could she ever be forgotten? She is alive in your heart, thoughts and the words we speak. Happy Angel day. And happy memories of Ansley, Everyday! May her name be forever spoken
Sending love from Seattle after reading these beautiful words.
I am so very sorry for your loss. I hope that you know how many women your story touched and how much connection and healing will result from this. May your daughter’s Angel day be full of love and peace.
Dear Jessica,
People stopped showing up for my husband and I too when our son Jonathan died this February. My heart goes out to you and your family. I’m sending you a virtual hug. Your daughter, Ansley, is precious. I wish I could have met her.
Thinking of you. Ann
Sending love and prayers from California to lift you up, Jessica. Happy Angel Day to Ansley xoxo
I’m thinking of you, your family and Ansley
Jessica: I’m only seeing this today, but having lost a grandchild, I know they are FOREVER with us. I’m so sorry for your loss, but so thankful that you had Ansley in your life, if even for a short time! I hope that you can find some peace and remember the joy of Ansley always; what a beautiful child!
Much love to you!
Happy Angel Day Ansley!!!! Thank you for letting us warrior mammas need to do for each other!!!! That is why I love this blog so much!!!
I apologize for being a day late with this, but I just saw your story today & it moved me to tears. My heart goes out to you and your family, your beautiful daughter will never be forgotten, especially now that you’ve shared your story. My family and I send our love from Ohio!
I’m thinking of you, your family and Ansley today.
We got word from 2 sets of friends of the arrival of new souls, beautiful babies, on July 14 this year. And we just noted from Ansley’s head stone her birth date April 19, the same date of birth for so many close friends happens to be that day, including one we lost just this past year. So we will remember those dates, and Ansley on those dates, going forward, even though she is someone we only met virtually, online, through this posting. Thanks!
Brought tears to my eyes. My heart hurts. I’m a day late- but I doubt that matters. She will be thought of everyday until you take your last breath. God granted you a beautiful memory of a little girl you get to meet again one day.
Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for sharing!! Thank you Jessica for saying what most of us never have had the courage to say. I lost my son 5 years ago and the pain is still so real! Prayers and Blessings to you!!
Jessica, thank you for the bravery you showed in standing up and speaking out. I wish i had wise words to share, but please know we hear your pain. Your message is reaching many, and you and Ansley are making a difference for others that are hurting. Ansley, we remember that you were here, that you are loved, and that you are missed every day. Sending love from Pittsburgh
Jessica, thank you for standing up and saying what all the parents who have lost a child wants to say. Thinking of you and sweet Ansley today. Hugs and prayers from Augusta, Georgia.
Oh what a gorgeous little thing this Ansley! My heart aches for you Jessica. I cannot truly understand the enormity of your loss but we ALL remember your beautiful Ansley today and whenever her sweet face enters our thoughts. My God bless you and all that has lost a child.
thinking of your angel today. my oh my she is just beautiful!!!!! she’s watching you from heaven today and trying to wipe your tears. i have been in your shoes. it’s not easy at all. if you aren’t receiving support from local family and friends i hope this helps at least some <3
Jessica, I understand all too well what you said to Glennon that day. People are so scared to mention the person or bring up what happened or ask you how you’re doing with it as though they might remind you of something or make you cry (gasp!) when you can’t forget it even for a moment and when crying is perfectly normal and is a sweet release. Praying for you today on Ansley’s Angel Day – for peace and comfort and joy from sweet memories with your little girl. May God grant you special grace today and cover you in His abounding love.
Shedding tears for Jessica and your sweet Ansley today in Louisiana.
Jessica, your precious Angel, Ansley, and you, her Mom, are in my thoughts and prayers today. I have no idea where you are coming from, but, you and your family, are in my thoughts and prayers. Love, Susan – Oklahoma
Love and prayers to you and your family today, and everyday, from Seattle.
My thoughts and prayers, as well as tears are with you today Jessica. Ansley is a beauty, and you are too! I’m so glad I read this today, as I too have lost a child. 33 years ago, and not a day that I don’t say a prayer, thanking God he gave her to me for 2 days, and I just say her name out loud so I know that if no one else will talk about her, she did exist. Love to all others who have lost a child, keep on keepin on folks, from Schertz Tx.
Jessica, thank you so much for bringing to light in words that others who have not experienced the loss of a child can understand in some way the depth AND length of grief we, as parents of a child lost, experience. Society over the years some how determined that 3 days was an acceptable amount of time to grieve and then it’s back to work and we’re supposed to be “back to normal” without taking into account when the loss happens to be against the normal progression of life…we expect to lose our parents, grandparents, aunt and uncles before us, but never that we would survive longer than our children.
Many hugs to you and all that have been affected and touched by Ansley as you miss her with your entire being, every moment of every day. <3
May God sustain you with only the peace that
He can bestow! We lost our five year old daughter to cancer…34 yrs. ago. In Erika’s and Ansley’s memory, I’m praising our Savior Jesus for His gift of ever-lasting life for our daughters!
I am so very sorry for you loss. I don’t have children but imagine the sense of loss never leaves you. It’s not supposed to happen that way.
Happy Angel Day Ansley!!! Jessica I feel the very same way. My son Cameron passed away November 17, 2013. And it hurts more that people avoid mentioning him. To hear someone else say his name to me rings loudly in my heart and is greatly appreciated. Thinking of you and sweet Ansley today and keeping you and her in my thoughts and prayers
Jessica, I am so sorry for the loss of your sweet Ansley. Through your great love, you have both taught the world an important lesson.
Many prayers to Ansley and Jessica and all moms, but most especially for mothers who have lost children. With love from El Paso, Tx, Samantha
Thinking about you and all our lost children.
What a beautiful daughter Ansley is. Even though she is no longer visible to you, she is still with you. I celebrate her life with you today, tomorrow and forever. Namaste Mom. All is well, All is well, All is well. And so it is. She is forever in your heart.
I have lost a child too ~ please, please be very careful what you say… you cannot say “All is well, All is well, All is well” ~ you simply cannot!!
even many years later, when the hurt is no longer fresh and furious, it is still an insensitive thing to say to a mother/parent who has lost a child…
sorry, because I know you really mean well x
(but I just had to say this…)
Jessica… I send you my love. I am so so sorry about this horrible loss. I say your daughter’s name loudly, Ansley! Love goes on and on… with wet eyes in Ontario Canada, love, melissa
Thank you for your words and the strength to share them. Ansley and my Matthew share each other’s Angel days together. I will remember you both! Love to you.
God bless you, and all who knew and loved Ansley.
Ansley, happy 9th birthday to you. I am sorry that I did not send tis to you yesterday but I just read the post today. Please know that you live in in the hearts of many people, more so now than ever. Some people never have the positive impact on the world like you have had because you mama was so brave and told us all about you. Because of you, we are all better people and for that I will always be grateful to you. These loving thoughts are sent to you from me in Springfield, VA.
Dearest Jessica,
You’re not alone anymore… you’ll see. We’re all here with you, honey.
Today, I’m lighting a candle for Ansley, and sending love and strength to her mama. Holding space.
Jessica…our hearts share the pain of your loss of your beautiful Angel Ansley… Our 20 year old son Eric died Dec.16,1995 and know your heartache. “They whom we love and lose are no longer where they were before…They are now forever in our hearts.” Hugs from Northern Minnesota
I am praying for you that you will have happy memories of your beautuful Ansley xxx
Thinking of you Jessica and your precious baby girl Ansley. My best friend Lori lost one of her twin baby girls, Avery Marie, this year after a very difficult pregnancy and I am constantly thinking about them. These angel babies are never forgotten! Much love, from Naperville, IL, Chantal
God bless you and keep you feeling loved today and everyday. Ansley, such a beautiful name, she’s in perfect love today with Jesus. Xoxo
Precious little Ansley, Fly high sweet beautiful baby girl! You are a treasure to many who never even knew you. Thank you for the message and awareness you are spreading for grieving families everywhere
Jessica, You and Ansley are in my thoughts today. I hope that this community of women and mama’s can carry you through today. Much love to you and your beautiful Angel.
Ansley, Ansley, Ansley! Sweet, beautiful girl, I say your name for your momma today, so that she knows your spirit and life matter! May your beautiful memory bring her comfort on your angel day, and may your peace in Heaven help her heal even a little…
Hugs to you at this time. I lost my sweet son, Tommy, on January 17, 2008 and I speak of him all the time. He is too precious not to. So, please accept this cyber hug from a mother who truly understands.
Heartbreaking….I can’t even imagine the pain you and your family feel…but I do feel sorrow…immense sorrow…Angel Day is a great reminder for you Jessica and for your Angel …Ansley…God-Bless all those who have lost a child. West Bend, WI