Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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Jessica, I have been thanking God for your precious daughter. Sweet pictures and definitely the smile of one happy little girl. Wanted to let you know that I care about you and your family as you carry on your daily lives, missing your sweet girl. Ansley is absolutely beautiful and her joyful life was very obvious in the pictures. Know that I care about you while you wait here! …..Marilee
Roswell, GA
I can imagine the hurt and pain that you deal with daily after losing Ansley. Yes, I can imagine it because I know what it might feel like to lose my son. And even though I can imagine it, I have no earthly idea of what it actually feels like and I honestly hope I never do. That you get up each morning, day after day and year after year, and go through life takes immense courage. Sometimes those who loved your daughter need you to be strong and mention her first. Shout her name when you feel like she’s been forgotten. I promise you this, no one who knew her will ever forget her. And if no one else will talk about her, you can talk to me.
Ansley, what a beautiful little girl. Love to you today Jessica & everyday. You have touched the souls of lots of people & Ansley will always live on through you. Love & hugs Vee, Stourport. Worcestershire Uk xxxx
I wanted you, Jessica, to know that I am thinking of your beautiful Ansley today. I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine anything more dreadful then to lose a child. Please know that your story of bravery when you stood up to let people know what to do to help a friend really touched me. I will do better and I will tell others your story so that they can do better, too! Christ calls us to love one another; thank you for instructing us on how to do that better! Thoughts and prayers are with you from Louisville, Kentucky.
Jessica, my prayers to you. My daughter and son in law lost their first born, Damion 7 years ago on July 10th. The pain never goes away. My prayers go out to you and your family. I never got to know Damion, as he was stillborn, my daughter knew he would not survive, but she carried him as far as she could, but thanks to a program called “Now I lay me down to sleep”, we have pictures to remember him. Cherish your pictures and memories.
Yes, Ansley’s Mom, they are fearful of upsetting you. I’ve been there too. Although my young son has been gone 35 years, it still hurts.
I did not see this until today, July 15th. Jessica, you and Ansley are in my thoughts and prayers today. Remember all the love and happiness you shared with Ansley. Holding on to the good memories is important. Hugs from Massachusetts.
My name is Lisa, I am from Decatur GA just outside Atlanta and I was in the room that night, Jessica reminded all of us to simply show up. I cringed a little inside when she said it. That scared little girl in me, not knowing how to face down the deepest hurt and suffering of all. I was inspired by the strength in that room.
Ansley you are missed. Jessica you are loved and respected by people who don’t know you, they only know of you.
This week a friend and colleague died. His name was Robert, he was 52 and this was so unexpected. I was just writing an email to his widow about some of his work connections so she can know how he was beloved and revered. So she can know we will not forget his name. So his kids can know that his presence in the world made a difference. Please keep showing up.
I said her name out loud just now, and for a brief moment I felt as if I knew the little girl whom I’ve never met.
Peace to you, Jessica, with love from one Mom to another,
Libby Lu
Jessica, I’m so very sorry for your loss. Ainsley is such a beautiful, sweet soul – you can see it in her pictures. How very lucky she is to have had you for her mama! Thinking of you here in New York City.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Our family lost two precious girls, their Mother drowned them. I find it difficult to discuss this, so I’m happy you have the courage to let us know how important it is to talk about it. I will try harder. Bless you and your precious daughter….
I am sorry I am late. . . But I am remembering Ansley today in Missouri. God bless.
I have a very good friend of mine that lost a sweet baby not to long ago and reading this story has shown me so much of what we really need to be as friends!! I pray you feel your Daughter Ansley’s Love and Gods Healing Love as well!! Thank you for sharing your pain with all of us!!! This is what we should be doing Loving each other thru our pain!! I know this is a day late but just saw this … Keeping you in my Prayers!!
I’ve never left a comment on anything, but your story moved me to tears and to write. Peace and strength to you, my friend. Thinking of your daughter Ansley from Minneapolis.
A day late but never too late to do exactly what Ansley’s mom said. I am remembering Ansley today. That little Angel that was taken way too soon. I cannot even begin to imagine your pain and loss but know that we are all thinkin of you and Ansley. Prayers for you and your family.
-from upstate New York
You now have so many women and men thinking about your little girl. I truly hope that Ansley is at peace and that you are able to find some tiny scrap of that peace.
I am so sorry for your loss, and for the people who abandoned you in your time of need.
Loving prayer bring sent to heaven for Ansley and your family today.
Jessica today I am sending gold healing energy to you and your family and remembering your sweet, beautiful Ansley.
Jessica, I know the pain of feeling like your child has been forgotten after their death. There are so many gut-wrenching, heart-breaking, life-stopping aspects to losing your child, so many more things than people realize. One part almost as painful as the actual loss of your child is seeing how everyone else’s life gets to continue on in oblivion. Ansley will never be forgotten. You said something that I’ve thought many, many times. My own son, Griffin, passed away last year from congenital heart disease and almost no one brings him up voluntarily. I just want them to speak his name, to realize that I am still just as much his mother than I ever was before his death.
I’m so sorry for your loss. I know my words are not the most comforting, but I hope that you find comfort in the empathy I have for you.
Thinking of you on your sweet baby’s angel day!
Ansley is remembered with love. May the peace of God be with you.
With much sympathy,
May God Bless you and hold you close. I too lost a daughter 16 years ago July 18th. The pain today is no different and you do want to talk about her, hear her name, remember her. Hugs to you from the bottom of my heart.
I just read the story today, but know that I am celebrating with you for your beautiful child, Ansley. May you find a moment of peace thinking about her and the joy she brought you.
What a beautiful little girl! And how blessed you are to be her mom! I celebrate Ansley’s life with you today and rest in the assurance that you will once again hold her in your arms. Until then the angels will hold her in theirs.
Love from Memphis, TN,
Sweet Ansley <3 Sorry I didn't see this until today. What a beautiful little girl. So sorry for you loss mama and know that she will never be forgotten. Much love and strength to you each and every day.
Thinking of you and Ansley in Charleston, SC while on vacation. When I go back to Iowa City, I will honor her there too.
Dear Jessica, I am thinking of you and your sweet Ansley. What a beautiful little girl she was! We lost our precious daughter, Sophie to SUDC as well and it will never make any sense at all! Thank you for allowing your story to be shared!!!! Much love to you, Renee from Maine
I know exactly what you mean. I lost my son 7 1/2 years ago and just like Ansley his name is rarely spoken. I too feel like he has been forgotten. What people don’t realize is that I enjoy hearing about him. I live in PA and will say your daughter’s name with honor.
Thank you for sharing your beautiful Ansley with me, such a cheeky smile and gorgeous eyes. She reminds me of a little boy that goes to school with my daughter, not much younger than Ansley would have been today , he too has that beautiful smile and I will be reminded of Ansley each time I see him. Today I am so sorry for your loss and reminded of how precious life is with our loved ones. May the beautiful memories you have of the time you spent here on Earth with Ansley warm your heart and give you the strength to live on in her memory until you meet again xxx
Prayers in remembrance of Ansley. Know that she, and you, are being thought of
Thinking of you and Ansley abd sending love and hugs from TX.
Jessica, I can only imagine the pain and sorrow that you live through each and every day. You are truly a warrior. Please remember that your beautiful Ansley is and always will be looking down upon you with so much love just as you carry so much love in your heart for her. Your precious angel will never be forgotten.
I live in Lubumbashi, DR Congo. When our second child died during childbirth 24 years ago, I found my greatest comfort in the Word of God. For there I found assurance that even though baby Elizabeth never took that “first” breath, I know we will see and hold her again in Heaven. I was and still am blessed with incredible support in our missionary family.
I’m sorry that the people around you have not known how to support and comfort you. My hunch is that people don’t know how, are afraid to say the “wrong” thing, are themselves uncomfortable around difficult circumstances of life, or are too busy dealing with their own hurts and challenges to notice yours. You have given all of us the reminder of the importance of continuing to reach out to those who are struggling. Blessings.
I am thinking of your sweet girl :hugs:
It’s people like you Jessica who lead the way for others who suffer in quiet loneliness . Brave, loving Mum, who because of and in memory of Ansley has made a big difference to so many lives teaching others to reach out and care. Well done, Ansley would be so proud! Marg, Perth Australia.
Dear Jessica,
I’m from Massachusetts. I am deeply sorry for the loss of your beautiful Ansley. I don’t know you, but I am thinking of you and your little girl.
My daughter turned 5 on July 13 her name is also Ansley. Your story touched my heart. Remembering your sweet Ansley today. Much love from Kannapolis NC.
Think of your sweet Ansley. I lost my infant daughter, Abby, in 2006. I have some friends and family members who remember her and will talk about her and we openly celebrate her birthday and angelversary every year but in those first few months and years, I often asked for someone to just say her name. I needed someone to acknowledge her, and I needed someone to remind me that this really did happen, she WAS born and she DID die, it wasn’t just my own private nightmare. Thank you for speaking up and suggesting to people what to do and say when someone loses a child – it’s exactly what I would have said too.
Dear Ansley’s mother (Jessica) I have not May words to help with ur pain I have not had such a great loss in my life and couldn’t imagine having to lose a child, but I do believe that god is with all our children and he is taking great care of her and all the angles such as Ansley! I know I would feel the same way and I wouldn’t want the ppl around me to forget or avoid her I would keep her alive in my heart just as u have! I pray for u and hope that u r fine and remember u were blesses and chosen to be her mother that was the greatest joy ever!
We are singing Ansley, Ansley, Ansley today from PA!
An so are hundreds of others from all over the world but you might now know it right away becasue wordpress can’t handle all of the responses!
I am Alora, from Alabama… friend of Nicole, from Alabama who commented. I lost my oldest grandson. My oldest daughter’s first born. With going on four years ago, in November… At times, still have to shake my head at this being possible. One of the first conversations with Amie, my daughter, was how much she wanted Chandler to be remembered. She wants people to talk to her about him. She wants to hear people say his name,out loud to her. She does not want people to avoid her or try not to mention him, being afraid to upset her. She never wants him forgotten! She is always his mother. He is always her son. I have seven amazing grandchildren. With Chandler in Heaven…I STILL have seven! He will always be my first born… The one who made me love in such a huge way… It can never be taken away from me. So, I know what this means to a mother who has had to give her child back. Don’t be silent. Do show up. REMEMBER CHANDLER! I remember Holly, I love Holly too. I’m sure Holly and Chandler are holding our place in Heaven… we remember them. When that day comes…. We’ll be with them for ETERNITY!
From the metro Detroit area….I have just stumbled upon this blog post…so a day late of the celebration know that you and your family are still being thought of today. Happy day after Angel Day!
Jessica, your sweet Ansley has made a mark on this world that will never be forgotten. I pray that her name will never be silenced. My prayers are with you as you remember her on her angel day and all other days as well. I, too, am mom to an angel. My baby, Kale, never took his first breath on this earth, but he is missed desperately everyday. I held him in my arms for a few hours, but he’s forever in my heart. I know the hurt of people avoiding his name. May all of our angels be remembered.
Such a precious baby she was,such a pretty smile I can tell she is loved and missed every moment but try and believe that she is ok and going to see you again some day. Stay strong and use all that energy she gave you to help others,it works!
I lost my brother when I was 12 and he was 19. You never get over a death. You just keep showing up each day. We have a Facebook page set up for him too where people write memories and add pictures of him from 20 years ago. That has helped me too knowing other people still think of him. Just a thought to maybe start one if it feels right for you. I’m sorry for your loss and I’m thinking of you.
Lisa from Chicago
I will say your dear Ansley’s name everyday day not just on Angel Day. I am from Crown Point IN, and I am the grandmother of an angel. Her name is Reilly Corinne and every time I speak her name I will speak of Ansley. We lost our Reilly 7 years ago suddenly to the flu and I KNOW your pain. Some of my friends were wonderful in the beginning and let me speak of her constantly, others could not handle it. The ones who couldn’t really surprised me, never saw it coming. But we are learning to live again and it takes awhile. Your baby did live and still does in everything around you. Look for the signs, they are everywhere!! I hope knowing others care so deeply helps you in some way. Love to you dear Jessica!
I kept trying to post yesterday and it just wouldn’t — I guess the site was overwhelmed with responses. Sending love to Ansley and Jessica, yesterday as well as today.
You and your sweet baby girl, Ansley are in my thoughts and prayers.
Jessica this came up in my fb feed today and I just had to let you know that I am thinking of you and I feel just a bit of your pain. My baby brother was still born when I was 3. And though it didn’t affect me like it did the adults it still had an impact on my life. Your daughter Ansley was so sweet and beautiful! And such a lovely name. May God wrap His arms around you and keep carrying you !
Your story touched me this morning and brought me to tears. I am from London Ky and your beautiful brown eyed Ansley was lucky to have such a brave and bold mother. You just enabled thousands of people to reach out to grieving friends, and help during times that they have felt helpless…There is no doubt Ansley is jumping up and down in heaven yelling, “That’s MY MOMMA”!!!!!!
I just read your story on Ansley and her momma Jessica on Facebook. I have never lost a child but I do have enormous respect and empathy for those I know who have lost theirs. Jessica, I want you to know that I am saying a prayer for you today. May the Lord surround you with peace. May you feel comfort beyond your comprehension today and every day. May the memories you have of Ansley sustain you until you meet again.
So very, very, very sorry for your loss. Remembering Ansley and Jessica in Minnesota. (even if it is the next day)
Jessica, you are so brave to share your story about Ansley. Thank you for explaining so well that just being there truly matters.
Happy Ansley Day and bless her family – sending prayers. I took lost my son at the age of 25; hoping he is celebrating with Ansley today!
Love and light to you Jessica today and every day until you are with Ansley again. Xx 18yrs on I still remember everyday.
Kathy G. Melbourne Australia
I am a day late. But I will remember Ansley and you Jessica! God bless you and may peace be in your heart!
Dear Ansley’s Mom- Jessica:I lost my baby girl too last Sept 20th. She was 37 years old, but will always be my baby. I grieve with you, feel your pain and am reminded of my own and the big hole in my heart and the big hole you must have in yours. I am Erin’s Mom and I miss her so as you miss your Ansley. Erin was my only child and there will not be another. Our children are a big part of our identity. When part of your identity goes, it seems so does part of your soul. Accept this hug from me. I feel your pain. Everyday is Angel day.
Thinking of you Jessica and your sweet Ansley. Praying for comfort and peace. Sending love and hugs from Iowa
Dear Jessica, I am wishing you peace and comfort from Little Rock following Ansley’s Angel Day. We celebrated our first born, Madeline Grace’s, Angel day on July 13th. It’s been ten years since we said goodbye, and it seems like both a lifetime ago and just a moment ago.
If Heaven has Internet the outpouring of love and remembrance of Ansley has crashed the system. Wrapping you, and all those who have lost little ones, up in cyber hugs and prayers.
God Bless Ansley and her family – sending prayers.
Keeping you in my thoughts and prayers! Ansley is an angel that will never be forgotten! Sending love from NY!
I am so sorry for your loss. Only those who have been through this know how you feel. God bless you and keep you in his hands and let little Ansley know you will always love her, until you meet again. God bless you!!
Prayers & thoughts are with you on this Angel day for Ansley, and knowing that there is a time when you will see her again. Lord, Please keep all mums nestled in your arms with their little one and give them the peace that is needed for the healing for the lose they have suffered. Amen.
I so understand your wanting people to “Show Up.” I wrote a blog a few months ago with those EXACT WORDS!!! I went through a difficult time in college and no one knew how to help me. My roommate, Sarah, told her mom, Linda what was going on.
Linda literally SHOWED UP on my doorstep one night. She looked at me and said, “I asked myself, ‘If this were Sarah, what would I do. I would show up.'” She drove 4 hours just to SHOW UP for me. Not to throw her under the bus, but my own mom didn’t even see that I was drowning, and here this woman stood at my door in the pouring rain, literally SHOWING UP for me. I felt so loved. She had no answers, no way to fix my problems. But she was there for me. That was all I needed. Just one person to validate what I was going through. One person to understand the pain I was experiencing.
I think that is what you are wanting. Someone to validate what you are going through. No one can bring Ansley back. No one can fix this for you. But people can acknowledge the pain. People can remember Ansley.
Linda passed away 9 years ago. I felt like I was losing my own mom. I still miss her terribly. But here are a couple things Sarah does every year on Linda’s birthday that help us all remember her and celebrate her (1) She posts on FB and asks everyone to respond with their favorite memory of Linda. It is so fun to read everyone’s comments. I learn so much about Linda that I never knew. And I get to read funny stories that I did know. (2) She bakes cupcakes with her kids and releases balloons. They have their own little birthday party for her.
Maybe you could invite your close family and friends over for dinner or cake every year on Ansley’s birthday. You could talk, laugh, and tell stories about Ansley. She should not be forgotten. She is a soul and a child of God. Her memory deserves honor and your pain deserves acknowledgement. Sometimes people just get busy or feel awkward or don’t know how to address it, so they just ignore it. If you take the first step in acknowledging it, then they will follow.
Praying for you in your loss.
– Elizabeth Oates
A day after Ansley’s Angel-Day, but I know that the heartache didn’t go away. Praying for you and your family! [Corona, California]
My prayer for you is to experience God’s peace on this journey. Ansley will always be remembered. Blessings from Pennsylvania
remembering your baby….
Ansley’s mama: it’s july 15 now, a day after your sweet girl’s Angel Day, and we are still remembering her. because she is not forgotten. Thank you for letting us carry this with you, our hearts are heavy with you. peace. from Kennett Square, PA
I just said a prayer for you and will be thinking of your darling Ansley all day today. Thank you for bringing such an important message to us. Ansley was blessed with a wonderful mother, that’s for sure.
McLean Va
Thinking of Ansley and Jessica today. From Poetry, Texas.
You and Ansley are in my prayers, as tears run down my cheeks for you and all mothers who have lost a child. I often think of Mary, mother of Jesus, who had to suffer the death of her only son. I picture her wrapping her arms around Ansley in heaven. The Blessed Mother will listen to you any time too. I am from Brentwood, TN. I know this is a day late, but just saw this beautiful post. I am so sorry for your loss.
Holding you in my heart on Ansleys Angel day…God Bless you Jessica.
Jessica – the greatest fear grieving parents have is that their child will be forgotten. I know this from experience. I live with one foot in earth and one in heaven. I am a mom of 7 but 4 of my children are gone. We have lost 3 babies and our oldest son was killed in a school bus crash. I want you to know I understand. Today is say Ansley’s name. Thinking of you in Minnesota.
Jessica, thank you for speaking out so that I may know how to help my friends who suffer this kind of loss. Thinking of you, your family, and your sweet Ansley today. God bless! From Alexandria, VA.
Thinking of you and your family today. The pictures of Ansley above are beautiful!
Hi Jessica. Hold tight to your memories of your beautiful little Ansley. No-one without the heartbreaking experience you have endured/continue to deal with can understand your grief. However, the support in whatever form it is given, needs to continue so that others can share in remembering your girl & your loss. xxx
remembering Ansley and sending up a prayer for you and all those who love her and you both…I am south of Atlanta but got this on fb from a friend in Texas….I know it is past the 14th but I am still sharing and we are all still praying for you!!!!hugs and love…may Jesus wrap His arms around you and you feel His presence in a powerful way!
Thinking of Ansley and Jessica today, and keeping you in my prayers (from Oslo, Norway).
Ansley is a beautiful name. Thank you for sharing your life with the world.
Jessica, Saw this on FB today (a day late). Praying for you today. May the peace of God fill you as you remember Ansley. We lost our son in a car accident 8/3/2013. For sure the hardest day of my life. Thank you Glennon for sharing. Charleston, SC
Tears for you Jessica and tears for Ansley for not having enought time with her mum. Love and thoughts to you all from Australia.
Dear Jessica,
You’re an amazing mumma, thank you for sharing your story. Ansley is absolutely gorgeous. I’m so sorry you didn’t get to spend more time together. And thank you for having the courage to show up and speak up. Holding space for you today in Melbourne, Australia.
Ansley will never be forgotten. Love and hugs from Lubbock, TX
What a beautiful angel baby, and what a beautiful name. “In dreams…I walk with you, In dreams…I talk to you, In dreams…You’re mine all of the time, We’re together in dreams…in dreams.” – Roy Orbison
Ansley will never be forgotten. from Lubbock, TX
Dear Jessica, you are in my prayers & I know you must miss Ansley everyday of your life….know that God has her in the palm of his hand. Love to you
Ansley will not be forgotten. ❤️
Sending you lots of love from Melbourne, Australia.
As I sit here with tears in my eyes after reading your story and reliving my own loss I totally agree that the name of our angels said out loud brings such a bittersweet joy to our hearts. On this your precious Ansley’s Angel Day. My she forever play with the angels on rainbows. Bless X (sydney)
God bless you Jessica and wishing you peace as you miss Ansley today and every day.
Jessica, Thinking of you and Ansley today from Cincinnati, Ohio. Sending prayers to you for joy and peace.
Love in Christ,
Jessica, Thinking of you and Ansley today from Cincinnati, Ohio. Sending prayers to you for joy and peace.
Love in Chirst,
Happy Angel Day Ansley. You are loved and missed. We are thinking of your mom Jessica today and know you are watching over her.
Your beautiful daughter will always be remembered!!!
I lost a beautiful Angel Harley Skye Stevens Birth Date
10-28-2008 Went to Heven 01-22-2010.
Skye was our granddaughter the first girl in our family.
I made her a memory bench in our home.
She has a beautiful Memory Garden in our yard.
I have done dedication ceremony at church in her
Memory. Did a Happy Birthday article for her on her 2nd
Birthday. The local paper just did an article on her
And SUDC. Her pic is my FB profile pic she is with
Me everyday!!! The world may forget but you
Can. Always Have Her Memory Alive In You
Prayers from Atlanta, GA for you and the blessing of your sweet Ansley! May His peace that passes all understanding engulf you especially when understanding is the last thing we can comprehend. My nephew passed away 2 years ago and my sister feels the same way you describe. You are so not alone, but surely it feels like it sometimes. I have seen people shy away from my sister firsthand as they “don’t know what to say”. Thank you for the courage it took for you to say it so eloquently and concise as your words touched all that heard them, and now read them, so that Ansley and more will be rembered and celebrated! Thanks for showing others how to show up!!! Continued prayers for u:)!
So sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby girl.
Thinking of you and your family. Ellicott
City, MD
I am 40 and from Scotland. I have never had children of my own. But I am very sorry for your great loss. Please find joy in your tears today, knowing that so many women are feeling for you in their heart. I am choked up and can’t get words out of my mouth, but later, when I am tucking up my hens safely at night, I will tell them about your little girl Ansley.
You will both be in my thoughts and prayers…and not just for Ansley’s Angel Day! And I’m praying real hard that my angel, Christian, who went to heaven last year at 19 yrs. old is looking for Ansley to sing her a song and play with her like he used to play with his little sister! Keep the faith Jessica … you are not alone!
Ansley. So sorry i missed responding yesterday, Jessica, much love.