Last month, I was in a room with four hundred women, and we were laughing and crying and just BEING together. Halfway through our time together, a woman stood up and said, “Glennon, what would you say to help people understand the importance of being there for a friend who has lost a child? We lost our daughter, Ansley, seven years ago and most of our friends and family have just fallen away. Now on her birthday and Angel Day- I might receive a card or two. It’s just not enough. Our baby is gone and we need the people who knew her to talk to us about her, but they don’t. Everyone we loved is just silent about it. It makes me feel like Ansley is forgotten. It feels like the world is pretending she never existed.”
I just looked at her for a long moment. The room was completely silent. It was clear to everyone that this woman had single-handedly escorted the four hundred of us into the most important moment of the evening.
I finally said, “What is your name?”
She said, “Jessica.”
I said, “Jessica- you tell us. What would YOU tell people to do?”
And she said, “SHOW UP. Show up right away and then keep showing up. Don’t worry about saying the right thing, there is no right thing. Just say SOMETHING. Just tell us you haven’t forgotten. And say their name. It’s like people are afraid to remind me of her- as if I’m not already thinking about her every moment of every day. Everyone avoids her name- but we still need to hear their names spoken by people who loved them.”
I thanked Ansley’s mama for saying what we all needed to hear. For telling us that when it comes to tragedy- what a friend does is pull together all her brave and run towards the heartbreak and mightily resist the urge to try to fix it and instead just sit in it and soak up a little bit of the love and pain.
And then she says her name. Often. Because your friend is still Ansley’s mama, as certainly and surely and eternally and solidly as you are the mama of your babies. That’s who she STILL IS. Somehow now more than ever. She doesn’t know herself any other way and she doesn’t want to. And so when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her. She needs you to be there with her. With Ansley’s grieving mama.
I said, “Jessica. I don’t know what to say. But listen, I’ll tell you one thing. Ansley’s Angel Day is not going to pass silently this year. I know some people who would love nothing more than to stop and remember Ansley with you. They are the Monkees. You tell me Ansley’s date and then you visit us on her day. “
And Jessica cried and we all cried together – all four hundred of us – for the loss of a baby girl and the pain of a mother and the soothing balm of women who rush toward each other and sit and cry with each other and just give up on saying too many words at all.
Today is Ansley’s Angel Day- July 14. I imagine that Jessica will wake up this morning and look out her window and wonder how in the world it is that the world can keep spinning on the day that her own world died.
I would like for us to stop the world for a moment today to remember Ansley, to honor Jessica, and to hold space for all of our sisters’ great loss and pain and love. Let us do this in two ways:
- Please leave a comment here for Jessica. She will be reading today. Let us show her we cared enough to STOP today and say Ansley’s name. Let us tell her that she is not the only one who is feeling the width and depth today of the loss of Ansley. Also, in your comment- tell Jessica where you’re from. It makes the love feel more real when you can see that it’s covering the globe.
- Then please, in honor of Ansley and Jessica- call to mind a friend who has suffered a great loss and then reach out to her. If you can’t call her, email her. If you can’t email her, text her. Don’t let your lack of time or the perfect thing to say stop you. Just do it. Stop the world for a moment in honor of her. That’s what we do when we pause in the middle of a busy day to reach out to someone who is hurting. We say “to me, you are worth stopping the world for.”
MS-MD has donated $700 to the Sudden Unexplained Death in Childhood Program in honor of Precious Ansley (who would have been a nine year old girl today) and in honor of her Warrior Mama, Jessica, and in honor of all of you who have lost your babies. I am stopping my world today to tell you that I have no perfect words. I am just here, and I am so very, very sorry.
G and TWMF

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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Ansley, what a beautiful name and beautiful girl. thinking of you Jessica, and your Angel, Ansley, here in Tennessee.
I am also a mom to a sweet little soul no longer here on earth. Today I send much love to Ansley’s mom. Always loved, forever missed
I am thinking of your Ansley and I am rushing toward your love and your pain from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
You are an amazing woman, and I’m sure Ansley is proud of you!
Jessica, I can’t imagine the pain of losing your sweet Ansley. I hope going forward your friends and family will lose their fear of saying Ansley’s name and talking about her with you. I’m sending you warm hugs from Cincinnati and pray that all the love you feel today will bring you strength when you need it most.
A young man my son grew up with died at the age of 18. I felt so sad I didn’t really know what to say to his parents but God continually put them on my heart. I would send them verses and just ask how they were.
We dropped my son off at college and when we came home seeing his truck made me sad. I thought, I won’t see my son everyday anymore. And, God instantly brought this young man’s, Jason’s, parents to my thoughts. I would see my son again in a few months. They would not see him again on earth. I called his mom, told her this story and promised her I would always be there for her. Whether it was sending a verse or just checking in with her – it does matter.
Jessica, I want you to know that you will be in my prayers now, too. Losing Ansley was undoubtedly the hardest thing you will ever go through and thank God you are not alone. The memory of your beautiful little girl will never be forgotten.
Little Ansley, no matter where she is now, is lucky to have you as her Mama. Thinking of you, Ansley, and the angels who are taking care of her today.
Sending hugs and prayers from the Heart of Ohio! Celebrating Ansley’s life and love with you today.
Holding space for you mama Jessica on Ansley’s Angel day. I can not even imagine the great loss you feel daily. Thinking of you and hope that you feel the love today, and know that Ansley is remembered and honored and treasured by you and all of us monkee’s. xo
Thinking of you and your Ansley in Austin, TX today. Best wishes to you.
Grief is so hard. When I was 25 I lost my first husband in a car accident. It was horrible, I was so lost, he was my world, I didn’t know what to do with myself. I was lonely in a crowd of people, I never thought life would get better and couldn’t fathom what it would be like without him by my side. For months it felt like he was just on a business trip and would be home any minute, or that he would just call. I think that was the worst, I’d find myself dialing his number at work to tell him something or ask him something and then stop and cry. I couldn’t talk to him any more, or hear his voice, his laughter. It was a long time before I got my act together but life did move on and become a new normal and I did meet someone else and remarry, however we are unable to have children so my grief for this loss is compounded with the grief of loosing my best friend and husband, my grief is still there for that love and friendship, and the part of me that died with him, our dreams and life together. I couldn’t have done it without family, friends, and God. For a while i spiraled downward but I guess I knew he would want me to be happy and live my life for him, he was never sad and always happy so that turned me around, even though giving up was easier. My prayers are with you even though I don’t know you, I can sympathize with you and your loss, even though everyone’s grief is different. I’m so sorry, and my heart breaks. I pray that you all can find comfort and peace in the happy memories and life you had with Ansley, for thru those memories and sharing she will live on forever. We are writing on here for you, and I would gladly listen and talk to you. I know times the loneliness was that I felt no one understood me, that I am going crazy and they have all moved on with daily life but I am stuck. I went to group grief counseling at my sisters church put on thru Hospice, and also an individual council, but the group was better. It was nice to know what I was feeling, anger, depression, sadness, grief, denial, guilt, were all normal and I wasn’t loosing my mind. But yes time, it always takes time, and it will be like that forever, up and down an ocean of feelings, and something will make you think of them or remember them and sadness or happiness will flood your mind, it’s been 15 years and I still miss him and cry, but I know he is in a better place and I will see him again in heaven, and now the little reminders I believe are God’s little way of letting me not forget him and keeping his memory alive. But it’s still hard and hard now that I’ve remarried, like I feel guilty that I shouldn’t be this happy again and I am, or why am I so sad when it’s been so long. But all life should be celebrated, I hope you can take the time each day to celebrate a memory of your little Ansley. Sorry I rambled, I guess I’m just thinking of you and want you to know I understand the shock and the grief. Many many blessings and prayers are being sent to you for comfort and peace. We are so sorry for you loss.
Hello Jessica,
I am also a loss mama; I am sending you and Ansley so, so much love today. I hope you are gentle on yourself today and I hope you are able to see a sign, a message from heaven, something that shows you Ansley is with you still, she loves you still and is with you forever. You will always be Ansley’s mama and she will forever be your beautiful girl. I will be doing a Random Act of Kindness in Ansley’s name. Her name will be said with love, just as she is loved. Hugs from Ontario, Canada <3
Jessica, So sorry for the loss of your lovely Ansley
Kim from Brooklyn, NY
A big warm hug to you and your beautiful angel, Ansley. Blowing kisses up to heaven, too.
malibu, ca
Jessica – Thank you for your bravery in sharing about Ansley. Sometimes I think the hardest part of tragedy is the loneliness. No one knows what to say, since there is no easy thing to say, so they stay comfortable and say nothing. And yes – “when you don’t acknowledge that part of her, it’s like you’re not even there with her.” Just yes. You feel alone. At the worst possible time of your life. I haven’t lost a child, but I am deeply acquainted with pain, suffering, loss, grief. Watching my child suffer in pain for years. Suffering in pain myself for years and years. Cancer, surgeries, chemotherapy, radiation. The loneliness is the worst part. You may feel alone, but you are not alone. Those of us who have traveled that path of sorrow are there with you in spirit.
From Richmond, VA.
Hi Jessica – New Orleans checking in to say we’re thinking about you today as you celebrate Ansley’s beautiful life. Don’t know ya but I love ya already! This article and your advice could not have come at a better time for me! I was visiting my best friend in the whole wide world last week in South Carolina and she cried to me saying it’s the hardest thing when people walk on eggshells around her and don’t mention Corinne’s name and walk away from conversations about her daughter that passed. I just sent this article to Kim and told her how much I still love and miss CORINNE! Thank you for opening my eyes to what my best friend needed. She needed to be a Mommy still!
Thank you for teaching me how to reach out better to my hurting friends and family, Jessica. Happy birthday, Ansley. I’m sending love and prayers from St. Paul, Minnesota.
Oh, Jessica … my heart goes out to you today. I’m thankful for the opportunity to help honor Ansley and acknowledge your great, great loss. She’s a beautiful little girl. I’m so very sorry you didn’t get to have her with you longer in this life. I won’t try to wax poetic here … I know there are no words, no fixes. But just know that many people are standing with you today. Thanks for helping those of us who haven’t been there to know what to do, and what not to do. You are strong in a way I wish you didn’t have to be. May God fill you up today with love, peace, comfort, strength, and sweet memories of beautiful Ansley.
~Beth from Bremerton, Washington
Today I took a few minutes to reflect on the sweet pictures of your Ansley and think of you and your family and all the monkees celebrating the life of this dear little girl. God Bless. Love from Ohio!
Jessica, I know there are no words that we can say to take away your pain and heartache at the loss of your little girl Ansley. But perhaps knowing that there are people all around the world (I am in Australia) who are thinking of you and praying for you today can ease it a little.
Sending you love and strength today and always, for the loss of your beautiful Ansley. Thank you for helping others understand how we can help.
So sorry for your heartbreak in losing your sweet Ansley. My heart cannot evem begin to comprehend your sorrow. Praying that today wonderful memories wash over your pain and love from those who are holding you in prayer washes it again and a little bit of the sting is eased. Thank you for sharing ansleys life and loss with us, thank you for reminding us to show up.
Saying Ansley’s name out loud today. Sending love and prayers your way from Atlanta.
Sending love and hugs for your beautiful girl. I will help my friend by remembering her daughter Beatrice.
Hi Jessica. Remembering your sweet angel Ansley today. ((Hugs)) and prayers from Pennsylvania.
Jessica, I too have an angel, and I often tell people exactly the same things: “You can’t remind me of something that is tattooed on my heart. You will never make me sad by saying Conal’s name…it will make my heart soar to hear his name and for you to speak some life into his existence again, even if only for a moment.” You are a warrior. I will find as many ways to say Ansley’s name today as I can. Hugs, from one warrior mama to another.
Ansley, Ansley, Ansley, sweet baby thing, we know you are watching over your Mama each day. Ansley, wrap your arms around your mama and let her know you are there for her.
Jessica, Jessica, Jessica, sweet mama thing, know we are all wrapping our arms around you…all the way from Woodbine, Maryland.
It seems such a simple thing and I know first hand how hard people seem to find it. My daughter passed away on August 9th and in our current world, there is nothing that makes me happier than a random thought about Quinn – a mention from someone that they’ve thought of her, an anecdote from her life, any knowledge that she is remembered.
So on today, July 14th, I remember Ansley. I hope she and Quinn and all of our other beautiful babies who have gone way too soon are together are jumping waves, swinging from monkey bars and most of all laughing laughing laughing.
I hope you find a bit of peace Jessica – not just today, but every day.
Ansley is an adorable name! What a beautiful little girl you have! I can’t wait to meet her in heaven. She is precious and thank you for sharing her.
Thinking of your sweet Anstey today – and thanking you for a timely reminder of how to support our grieving friends and family xx
Thinking of Ansley today- God Bless
Pewaukee, Wisconsin
Jessica, I am sending you love and hugs today in honor of your precious Ansley. I cannot pretend to imagine your loss and pain. You will forever be Ansley’s mama.
Kristen in Charlotte, NC.
Hi Jessica, I’m typing this from Devon, South West of England to you!
I hope you are doing ok today, as you remember your beautiful little girl Ansley on her birthday. No doubt you have such wonderful memories of Ansley to think on. I feel very happy to be writing to you, to say I am here! xxx
Jessica, I am in tears hearing about your loss of your beautiful baby Ansley. I am here for you. You are not alone. I am in San Antonio, Texas. Sending you and your baby my prayers and hugs.
Remembering your dear Ansley today xox
My first born, my son Alexander, was stillborn (at 41 weeks gestation) 2 1/2 years ago, and it means the world when people remember him – on his birthday and always.
Jessica, I hope today is gentle on you. Sending love in enormous amount to Ansley. She is not forgotten <3
Jessica and all of Ansley’s family and friends-
Thinking of you. Sending some light and love from Idaho.
God bless you Jessica. Ansley is not forgotten. Thank you for sharing your story through Glennon to guide the rest of us.
Jessica, I found your story via facebook, one of my family members shared it.. your story has touched my heart as well as the heart of so many others..I wish to say Happy Angel Day to you and to Ansely..and to send you hugs as well.
My prayers and thoughts are with You, Ansely and your family.
I can only imagine your pain, and I am sure that its much harder than I can. I am so sorry for your loss and I want you to know that I will never forget Ansley. I applaud your strength as I am not sure I would be able to make it through life after losing my child. Ansley was a beautiful little girl, we will be praying for you in Denver, NC
Love and hugs to you today! And to my friend Leslie who lost her precious twin boys, Lance and Luke, thinking of you and them as well! <3
I’m so very sorry for your loss. How brave of you to stand up in front of everyone and ask for what you needed.
Your sweet baby girl lives on in your heart and mind and now 400+++ people are meeting her today.
What an important message you are helping to send out to so many people. To be there. To show up. Always. Not just when something happens. But always.
Thank you for the courage to share your heart with us. There was a funeral today for a sweet little one here. I am thinking of both families today and will send prayers for comfort and peace. Thank you for your insight on how to come alongside a friend and remember their child. I never know what to say or do, so thank you.
Dearest Jessica, your story brought tears to my eyes. Thinking of you and your precious Ansley today. I hope you feel held and loved and supported and remembered. I am so very sorry for your loss.
My thoughts and prayers are with you and Ansley. What a beautiful girl!! We carry our babies under our hearts for 9 months and in our hearts forever! May you find strength and peace.
Hugs from Johns Creek, GA.
Jessica, I am so sorry for your loss and happen to be in the process of helping another grieving family who buried their 6-year old a month ago after she lost her battle with a deadly brain tumor. I happen to also be comforting another Jessica (she was the little girl’s nanny and is one of my very best friends). Her and her sister Jennifer cared for this little girl until she passed and to them, it was tantamount to losing their own child. Their love for her is that strong. Not was, Is. Her name is Rebecca Allison Meyer, and I say it all the time, alone or with others. I keep it floating in the air because it should always be there. I wear a purple bracelet from her last birthday party because it still matters and it will always matter. Death can kill memories too if we aren’t careful to hold on to them. So yes, say her name. Ansley. Tell her you lover her. Tell her you miss her. These things will not stunt your ability to move through your grief; they will only help. I am from Northeast Ohio. Love, Charity
I’m sorry for your loss. I’m thinking of Ansley today. <3
Sweet blessings on you and your darling Ansley. Thank you so much for reminding all of us that we honor those who are gone by speaking their names, remembering them with love right out loud. You have spoken with understanding and compassion for all of us who have lost loved ones, and to those who don’t know what to say. Your little angel is absolutely precious, and I am sorry your mother’s heart is hurting…an sorry for such a huge loss.
Warm virtual hugs from Texas…Julie
Jessica… I truly believe that grief eases a bit when others share your pain. Hopefully you are feeling all this extra love coming your way today. Thinking of Ansley and your whole family today…in York, PA.
Jessica, Thoughts & prayers are with you & Ansley today. I can’t imagine the heartbreak you have suffered.
Sweet Monkee Jessica,
Today is a day of deep deep sadness, not a moment goes by that you don’t miss your baby girl. Nothing will make this day easier, but I hope in the midst of all the pain, you take a ment to remember the Sheer Joy you felt the first time you heard your Angels cry, the first time you saw her teeny tiny fingers and toes, the first time she locked her beautiful eyes on you and you believed in that moment there was nothing more perfect. The first word and her first step. She will always be your beautiful baby girl, and nothin, not even death can change that. Today we are praying for you, Momma. We love you. We are ahowing up for you! We love you. Carry on, Warrior!!!
Jessica, This momma heart thinks of you today, I pray that the emptiness in your heart will be replaced by love and joy, if only for a few moments or more. Your sweet Ansley is remembered on this day. I hope that you continue to find beautiful ways to honor Ansley the rest of your life. I know the ache of a momma’s broken heart, I lost my 2 year old on April 24, 2014. *HUGS* to you, friend.
Your Ansley looks like sweet, precious girl that would have blessed anyone’s day. May God comfort you always. You are a most special momma to have spoken up as you did.
Vicky from Kentucky
I am thinking of you today, Jessica. And your precious daughter Ansley. I understand some of what you are feeling. My daughter was killed in 2007. We are still their moms. If I could reach out and hug you right now, I would. I will be thinking of your little girl today when I light a candle for my daughter.
My mother passed on 4 years ago in March, she was 54. There isn’t a day that goes by that I don’t think about her. But that’s not the point. Today is in remembrance of who was taken from you way too soon. I am sorry for your loss. Know she is still loved and so are you. Always.
Jessica, thinking of you, your family, and your sweet baby girl Ansley today.
From one angel Mamma to another…. I wish you healing..I wish you happy tears ..I send you ,Jessica, a piece of my heart that many souls have helped me to rebuild since my son Tyler went back “home”.
Huge amounts of love to the beauetiful Miss Ansley! She is a doll.. such a shining soul….a blessing who is with you more than you realize. Hugs to you today..and everyday Miss Jessica ..and Miss Ansley xox
Hugs from CT.
Sending love and prayers to you from Fountain Valley, California. May sweet Ansley continue to bless you and your family.
Ansley was a beautiful little girl and I know she brought and will continue to bring a lot of joy to you even though she is not with you. Thinking of you and your family today!
What an unbearable thing it must be to lose sweet Ansley – she is such a doll! I can’t even begin to fathom the pain you’ve felt each day since her passing. My heart is aching for you, as a young mother myself. Please know that you are loved and that Ansley’s life is being celebrated and mourned, not just today, but every day to the end of time by your friend in Columbus, Ohio, Shelby. Carry on warrior!
thinking of you!!! January 30th & May 29th are the days for Lyndonbug! And I woulld LOVE to have friends that cared!
Thinking of you and your wonderful daughter, Ansley, today. Thank you so much for sharing your story. Today is my birthday and, from this day forward, I will always hold Ansley in my heart and remember her on this day.
-Jessica, Louisville, KY
Holding space for you today Jessica. I’m so sorry for the loss of your lovely Ansley. You are in my prayers here in Florida. <3
Happy Angel’s Day to Ansley!! Thank you Jessica for sharing your world with us.
Dear Jessica,
Thinking of you on this special Ansley day.
I can’t offer anything to make it better.
I can’t change anything.
All I can offer, with tears in my eyes,is my arm-hugging love.
No more words. Just love
from Bea
Jessica I am so sorry for your loss. Ansley was beautiful and I know she brought so much joy to your world. I will light a candle for Ansley tonight and I hope that the love you feel from your daughter and from those of us that can relate to your pain, will bring you a little peace today. Thank you for sharing Ansley with us.
holding you close to our hearts on this special day and every day. Your sweet angel Ansley is blessed to have you as a mama and we all are blessed by your courage and heart to speak up about something so precious yet painful. sending you love and light <3
Jessica, I am so sorry for the loss of sweet Ansley. My parents lost my sister, Tidley , who was 23 months, unexpectedly and never knew what caused her death. My Mother always said it was the headrest thing to go through. You are in my prayers.
Jessica, as a mother of three little girls, I have stopped and thought of your courageous journey. Please know that I have lifted you and your precious Ansley up in prayer. Those that we love are never really gone, they live in our hearts forever. Prayers from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.
It took me a while to get used to hearing my friend talk about her daughter after she died, but I know how important it is for me to hear other’s memories of my mom, so I made a point to tell my friend when Margot pops into my mind, and to not shy away from comparing her younger siblings when I see a similarity.
I hope more people can get past the fear of death and remember that the life lost is only part of the story. The life your child lived is what makes them so important.
Sending you love and prayers, Jessica! Your darling Ansley is just precious — so happy we got to see pictures!! I am holding her (and you) in my heart today — and I can’t thank you enough for letting us know what we need to do for friends who have suffered a loss such as yours. God Bless You and your family! Be strong!!
To Jessica, Ansley’s Mommy-
I am so very sorry for the loss of your sweet little girl. Im sure our sweet angels are together and laughing. Much love to you and your family today and always. My family is thinking of your precious Ansley as many many others are thinking of her today as well.
With much love,
Olivias Mommy
From Athens, Alabama
Thinking of you and of Ansley today. I just said her name aloud. Sending strength to you from Seattle.
Praying you may come to KNOW your daughter Ansley IS with you today through signs that she leaves for you. You are not alone and I’m so sorry that you felt that way. Much love and comfort, Deanna
You and sweet Ansley are in my thoughts – Decatur, GA
Covering you in prayers as you remember your sweet Ansley. My flower girl also shares her name! 🙂 May you feel warmth and joy today remembering her.
Even though I do not know you, I am glad to know and to hear your story. My best friend’s son died in 2005 and I resonate with the desire to remember is name and for people to just show up and be present in the pain, the memories, and all that she and her family went through and still experience today. May you know how loved you are and that Ansley is beloved and remains forever your child and a gift to this world.
Jessica, Ainsley is a beautiful name and after seeing her pictures here, I wish to tell you that the world is missing her spark and beauty.
May you find new ways each day to remember and celebrate her life.
Hugs, Anna V from Toronto, Canada ( currently in Sicily)
Jessica–Sending you prayers of strength on Ansley’s Angel Day. The loss of a child is devastating and profound. I have no words for you other than I’m so very sorry for your loss. Your words struck a chord within me and have forced me to rethink how I behave around my loved ones/friends who have experienced a loss. Thank you for your candor. God bless.
Dear Ansley’s mama. You are both on my mind and in my heart today. Sending you positive energy from Ohio.
Sending you love and light from Portland, Oregon. Ansley, you are so loved.
Dear Jessica,
As someone who lost her mom at 23 and who is now a mom herself, I can only imagine the heartbreak you go through everyday. I have an inkling of what a precious and sweet little girl Ansley was and how much you loved her from the photos. I’m sending my love both her way and yours today, brave mama.
Dear Jessica, I know the pain of losing a child I too lost my daughter almost 8 years ago. I know how hard it is to have friends not want to speak Ansley’s name for fear of hurting you or bringing up sad memories. I will take the time today to be sure and remember your beautiful little Ansley and I am sending you lots of love from Hawaii!!! I hope that you find peace today and have a little sign that Ansley is watching over you today!
Sending much Aloha,
Prayers for Ansley’s family from Linda in Chapel Hill, NC
Thinking about you and your sweet girl today.
Thinking of your Angel Ansley today, Jessica. With all the love in our hearts we say her name! You are not alone today.
The world is not the same without Ansley! Thoughts and prayers remembering your angel on this day from Dallas, Texas.
My thoughts and prayers are with you today.
Tonight I will hug my boys a little tighter in Ansley’s honor knowing how truly precious this life is. Sending love, light and prayers to you and your family, Jessica. xo
(Denver, CO)
Sending you so much love, Jessica, on the anniversary of the loss of your sweet Ansley. I cannot imagine the depths of your pain. I wish there were words.
Dear Jessica, thinking of you and beautiful Ansley. Sending love from Rotorua, New Zealand xox
Ansley is a beautiful name and should be said aloud as often as possible. I hope you are remembering her and all her special qualities today, and saying her name in your sweet Mama voice. Love from South Carolina.
Jessica, I am praying for you, your friends and family, and your precious daughter today. As your world revolved around your daughter, and still does, so does mine around my daughters, and so many other parents around their children. Some may never, ever begin to understand the depths of your loss, and therefore feel they have no place to comfort you. However, for no matter how short of a time you were blessed with Ansley here on earth, you will always be a mother – Ansley’s mother, her parent; and if they are a parent than they can offer empathy at whatever level they are able. My friends have said it doesn’t seem fair that life should go on for everyone else as it always did when they had experienced such an enormous loss. May God’s love find you in undeniable ways so you may find peace in knowing that He loves you, He loves your daughter, and you and Ansley will be reunited one day. Love from Michigan.
Jessica, I was in the audience that night, and I cried along with you. You were so brave to stand and tell us about your sweet Ansley. Thank you for sharing her with 400 strangers. I am thinking of you today and your angel Ansley on her birthday. I hope that you find comfort in friends, family, strangers, and the memory of your precious daughter.
My best,
Martin Yoder, Atlanta
Blessings to you, Jessica, from Colorado. Know that you are not alone and the gift of love your baby was.
I know the pain of the loss of a child will never go away and you never forget every moment you had with them. We’re all thinking of Ansley and you today. Love and positive thoughts from Newfoundland, Canada.
What a beautiful girl Ansley was and I can only imagine still is in your heart! I am so sorry for your loss! I can only wish for you that her beauty lives on with you and those around you in spirit. If we knew each other, I would love to hear all about the kind of girl Ansley was. For now, I will simply send you much love. And I wish for you the knowledge that Ansley is not forgotten. Nor are you as her mother.
I also thank you for reminding me to let those I know who have lost their children that I do remember them and think of them. I will do that today. Thank you for reminding how important that is.
Thank you for sharing Ansley with us as well as this day. May you enjoy the memories of your beautiful daughter today and always!
We lost our sweet boy 1 month ago. He was run over. We love our Giacomo and think of him all the time. Jessica today we think of you. We understand somewhat of your pain and want you to know that we will pray for you today!. Ansley is so lucky to have a great family that still loves her and she is waiting for you. There will be one day when we will see our children again. I know that as a fact.
I understand your pain. I’m going throught it as well. My little girl passed away on June 26, 2013. Yes!! To have our child(ren) remembered is so important. A mother is what we are. My thoughts are with you and I am thinking of you and Ansley. My love to you and strength.
Jessica – I’m so sorry for your loss. I imagine you’ll always hold a sad spot in your heart for little Ansley. I’m thinking of you, and hope that your friends and loved ones give you extra in-person hugs today.