Last week I told my therapist that even though I’m too busy, I continue to say yes to new responsibilities. In my head, I mean nope – but I say okay, because I feel on the spot. I panic. Every time. She and I talked about how in the absence of a plan, even intelligent humans don’t…
UPDATE!! Angels & Warriors Love Flash Mob
UPDATE FOR MAY 13, 2015: CALLING ALL LOVE NINJAS!!! TOMORROW IS LOVE FLASH MOB DAY!!! THURSDAY 5/14 9:00 AM ET #LoveFlashMob!!! MARK YOUR CALENDARS!! I am so nervous. This one has been in the works for weeks and the hopes and dreams of so many BRUTIFUL WARRIORS are all tied up in how tomorrow goes. It feels…
Love Flash Mob: Angels & Warriors
Several years ago, I received an email from a woman who was very afraid. She’d just had her first child- a baby girl – and she’d also just learned that she had breast cancer. She was heading in for her first round of chemo the next day. She asked me to hold space for her. The next day I…