School is beginning. Many of you have written to ask me what our family “Back to School” traditions are. If I haven’t responded, it’s because I stared at those questions and thought: CRAP. I’m supposed to have Back to School traditions???
If any, I suppose our traditions are getting crazy excited (Craig and I, not the kids), cursing through Target on the hunt for specific brands of scissors, and MAKING LUNCHES again. Why is making lunches SO hard?
Also, this: The Talk. We have The Talk with each child at the start of every school year. Our approach changes, but the story doesn’t. The story is always about Adam. Chase knows Adam’s story by heart now, and that is the point.
Please don’t forget to have The Talk. Below is how I do it, but like Rumi said, there are a thousand ways to kneel and kiss the ground.
One way is to copy and paste this letter, change Chase to your kid’s name, and read it together. That’s what my girlfriends do. Totes fine with us.
Love You So. Happy School. And to those Monkee Mamas who left their littles at college this week. Well done. Well done, mamas. You can love them just as ferociously from a distance, right? With more time for manicures and books.
Carry On, Warriors.
Love, G
originally published on august 28, 2011
Dear Chase,
Hey, baby.
Tomorrow is a big day. Third Grade – wow.
Chase – When I was in third grade, there was a little boy in my class named Adam.
Adam looked a little different and he wore funny clothes and sometimes he even smelled a little bit. Adam didn’t smile. He hung his head low and he never looked at anyone at all. Adam never did his homework. I don’t think his parents reminded him like yours do. The other kids teased Adam a lot. Whenever they did, his head hung lower and lower and lower. I never teased him, but I never told the other kids to stop, either.
And I never talked to Adam, not once. I never invited him to sit next to me at lunch, or to play with me at recess. Instead, he sat and played by himself. He must have been very lonely.
I still think about Adam every day. I wonder if Adam remembers me? Probably not. I bet if I’d asked him to play, just once, he’d still remember me.
I think that God puts people in our lives as gifts to us. The children in your class this year, they are some of God’s gifts to you.
So please treat each one like a gift from God. Every single one.
Baby, if you see a child being left out, or hurt, or teased, a part of your heart will hurt a little. Your daddy and I want you to trust that heart- ache. Your whole life, we want you to notice and trust your heart-ache. That heart ache is called compassion, and it is God’s signal to you to do something. It is God saying, Chase! Wake up! One of my babies is hurting! Do something to help! Whenever you feel compassion – be thrilled! It means God is speaking to you, and that is magic. It means He trusts you and needs you.
Sometimes the magic of compassion will make you step into the middle of a bad situation right away.
Compassion might lead you to tell a teaser to stop it and then ask the teased kid to play. You might invite a left-out kid to sit next to you at lunch. You might choose a kid for your team first who usually gets chosen last. These things will be hard to do, but you can do hard things.
Sometimes you will feel compassion but you won’t step in right away. That’s okay, too. You might choose instead to tell your teacher and then tell us. We are on your team – we are on your whole class’s team. Asking for help for someone who is hurting is not tattling, it is doing the right thing. If someone in your class needs help, please tell me, baby. We will make a plan to help together.
When God speaks to you by making your heart hurt for another, by giving you compassion, just do something. Please do not ignore God whispering to you. I so wish I had not ignored God when He spoke to me about Adam. I remember Him trying, I remember feeling compassion, but I chose fear over compassion. I wish I hadn’t. Adam could have used a friend and I could have, too.
Chase – We do not care if you are the smartest or fastest or coolest or funniest. There will be lots of contests at school, and we don’t care if you win a single one of them. We don’t care if you get straight As. We don’t care if the girls think you’re cute or whether you’re picked first or last for kickball at recess. We don’t care if you are your teacher’s favorite or not. We don’t care if you have the best clothes or most Pokemon cards or coolest gadgets. We just don’t care.
We don’t send you to school to become the best at anything at all. We already love you as much as we possibly could. You do not have to earn our love or pride and you can’t lose it. That’s done.
We send you to school to practice being brave and kind.
Kind people are brave people. Brave is not a feeling that you should wait for. It is a decision. It is a decision that compassion is more important than fear, than fitting in, than following the crowd.
Trust me, baby, it is. It is more important.
Don’t try to be the best this year, honey.
Just be grateful and kind and brave. That’s all you ever need to be.
Take care of those classmates of yours, and your teacher, too. You Belong to Each Other. You are one lucky boy . . . with all of these new gifts to unwrap this year.
I love you so much that my heart might explode.
Enjoy and cherish your gifts.
And thank you for being my favorite gift of all time.

Author of the #1 New York Times Bestseller LOVE WARRIOR — ORDER HERE
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Your heartfelt and candid submit definitely resonates with me. Your braveness to share such deeply private experiences is inspiring and reminds us all of the energy of vulnerability and authenticity. Thank you for your bravery in opening up this essential dialog and for your unwavering dedication to reality and love.
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[…] Aug 23, 2012 … Chase – When I was in third grade, there was a little boy in my class … We have The Talk with each child at the start of every school year … Read More […]
I am getting old remembering the old days.
This post refreshed my school days which remember almost every day. I believe almost everyone wants to go back to school days once in life after graduating from school. Because I believe this is the place where we live life fully everything else is just a memory. Thanks for posting! If it is possible bring college days back.
Nice story, thank you.
Really good story
Absolutely love the article. I am a regular reader.
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i agree too
[…] so glad I did. The Talk is a letter that Glennon reads her children every year before they start another year of school. […]
[…] back-to-school is a wonderful time to talk to kids about these things. I’ve long considered this post by Glennon Dolye Melton as the holy text of back-to-school talks. It’s amazing.BUT, if I may be so bold to say, […]
[…] is a wonderful time to talk to kids about these things. I’ve long considered this post by Glennon Dolye Melton as the holy text of back-to-school talks. It’s […]
[…] great to talk to our kids about being kind and inclusive at school. I’ve long considered this post by Glennon Dolye Melton as the holy text of back-to-school talks. It’s […]
[…] and thoughts as you. She has a way with words though that move the soul. She wrote this post called The Talk that includes a letter to read to your kids at the beginning of the school […]
[…] The Talk by Glennon Doyle […]
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[…] The Talk […]
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I must appreciate the way you have expressed your feelings through your blog!
I am sooooo over the moon with this heartstrings explanation that IF I had the chance to share this with my beautiful grand babies? I wouldn’t change a word❤❤❤❤❤
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[…] started making our Custom Kid’s Blessing Bands after reading this beautiful letter from Glennon Melton of Momastery to her son. The letter tells her son that all she really hopes […]
When I was in school, I listened to my compassion, and I was nice to those outcasts. You seem like you know it, but let me emphasize that you are asking your child to do something really, really hard. Sometimes kids don’t have friends because they’re not fun. Sometimes they see an act of kindness and they cling to you and it doesn’t feel good… I guess I just want to caution you that if you feel guilty for not showing compassion, you need to be careful to not project that too hard on your babies. Leave room for God to give them a genuine, true love for others as their motivation.
I agree..! I will write this letter to my son, but will change it around a little bit.
I agree with Megan Hopkins*
Absolutely LOVE this!! Thank you for so gracefully putting into words what my heart yearns to teach my own children! Thank you for sharing!
[…] the talk with your kids before school starts next […]